To Shantibaba and the babies at Mr. Nice Seeds

i am actually the person that JF quoted wrongly , he also got my name wrong , its b0b_b1tch1n , and i did not say god hates fags , i said god says in the bible that man shall not lie with another man , i do believe i might have mentioned that i hate fags though

anyway , i actually like JF and dont blame him for wanting to vent about being banned , i even stuck up for him over at mns the other day in a thread i dont think he is able to see yet

i just wish JF would chill out a bit because he can be a helpfull member in any site , ive seen it from him (just not at mns lol)

my id here is not b0b_b1tch1n because it wasnt alowed or some sh*t

JF , do me a favor , next time you quote me please get my name right and please do not put words in my mouth that i did not use

Wow, I'm so glad to see that someone else lives by ALL the rules of Leviticus. Just the other day I had to stone my neighbor to death, and not in a good way, for eating some Jimmy Dean Pork Sausage. Everyone knows that Jimmy Dean Pork Sausage is an abomination unto the Lord, praise His holy name. That and I'd just got off probation for smiting a co-worker for WORKING ON A SUNDAY. I know, what was he thinking?
And Lord grant me strength if that condo association complains one more time about the smell of the burnt offerings I might just go postal....and considering what happened last time they served shrimp salad and clam chowder at the Church social, well, I don't think anyone wants to see that again.

If you need to reach me, feel free to post here. One of my slaves will get it and let me know.

I'm on way out to burn all of the cotton/wool blend suits at JCPenny in the Lord's name. I know you'll understand. Peace be with you for following all the rules, and not just picking out one you think fits your agenda. I hate those people who do that even more than God hates gays.

Remember Jesus loves you, (but not the gays)
haha JapanFreak I've seen you post here and elsewhere. You're bad attitude and lack of communication skills is what gets you banned. You don't seem to realize these forums are not public property. You are not protected by freedom of speech on these forums. The mods/owners do in fact own these websites and they can do whatever they want with them. If they don't like what you have to say....guess what, that's their business and there is nothing you can do about it.

Rude advice from somebody who doesn't care about your feelings

Tell me if that seems at all familiar? Someone bitching about people not being vewwy nice, well lol, looks a bit like double standards to me
Someday you'll get a clue and realize that in fact the net is public property. You're still a baby sheep, someday you'll be a grown-up sheep and after that you might be human.

You do realize a person owns and pays for this website out of pocket don't you? And said person could do whatever he wants to you on this forum. Kick you, ban you, change your posts etc etc. It's all up to him because he owns it. This is not a democray. I'll agree that the content is public property, but that is all.

As for me being a baby sheep. I'm not gonna get into a pissing match with you. That's not what I came here for. Unlike you I don't thrive on trolling forums and internet drama. But you paint a pretty clear picture of who you truly are with all your internet insults and e-peenery.
Well now, that's not very capital C christian of you, is it? You failed the test. I think I see exactly what Japanfreak was speaking about.

...and now back to smoking dope.

see this is why you look stupid , i never claimed to be a christian , all i did was state a fact in a thread , anyway im not here to fight , even though you look like an easy target

tell your boyfriend banditt he doesnt know the meaning of well played
hahaha you're a joke dude. No one is taking you seriously. lol

You claim to be a follower of god. Than you spread hatred in the next sentence. lmao

You're not playing with a full deck. Or you're just dangerously stupid.

I can't relate with hard core religous fanatics who's first post on a pot forum is quoting from the bible. So the fact that we don't like each other suits me just fine pumpkin. ;)
Most followers of god seem to be down with killing from what I've seen. The odd thing is most atheists I meet are pacifists.