I have hated animals my entire life. Until last night.


Well-Known Member
your right ANC. Most of the animals ive ever had have come from pounds and vet clinics and they have always been great animals. i dont have one right now but am always looking for an American Bulldog or Rottweiler. i grew up with rotts and have always wanted a dog like chance from Homeward Bound.


Well-Known Member
i do remember it bein sad in some parts when i was a little kid but i though they were good movies. they had to make u feel good too, right?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
get it as young as you can... dont get a cat that is too old

be that kittens entire life man.. they will love you so much when you get them young...


Well-Known Member
I needed a pet to keep me company and curl up on the bed on chilly nights......well I gave it lots of thought and I went

To the HOMELESS SHELTER and got this..........now gotta teach her to use the toilet and not shit on the steps outside

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Nah, that will just make her used to comeing inside all the time instead of doing yardwork and stuff.

P.S. rotweillers are nasty stuff, my dad's cousin who stayed like 2 houses from us used to breed them, as they get older they tend tro get mean and eventualy started biteing.
He sold the lot after haveing to get stitches to his arse.


Well-Known Member
Nah, that will just make her used to comeing inside all the time instead of doing yardwork and stuff.

P.S. rotweillers are nasty stuff, my dad's cousin who stayed like 2 houses from us used to breed them, as they get older they tend tro get mean and eventualy started biteing.
He sold the lot after haveing to get stitches to his arse.
my aunt has had 3 of them in my lifetime and not one of them have been tempermental like u say, they get alot of health propblems tho

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cats cats cats cats :) Love playing around with cats, wouldn't mind one that can fight back a bit more :) I've always found with angry cats, just go at em, hug em into submission every time :D


I would kill for one of those!


Well-Known Member
Cats cats cats cats :) Love playing around with cats, wouldn't mind one that can fight back a bit more :) I've always found with angry cats, just go at em, hug em into submission every time :D


I would kill for one of those!
Dude that thing is gonna be huge!! lol, wtf is that a mountain lion? whats with all these people having dangerous ass animals for pets.... I wouldn't want a pet that had claws that big... look how big that things paws are its only gonna get bigger and bigger.... huge eyes too

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Dude that thing is gonna be huge!! lol, wtf is that a mountain lion? whats with all these people having dangerous ass animals for pets.... I wouldn't want a pet that had claws that big... look how big that things paws are its only gonna get bigger and bigger.... huge eyes too
what can i say, me and cats :D That fellow should grow lovely and big, big enough to swat things pretty damned dead with his hands :D I've wanted to live with big cats since before i recall, and i mean come on people, man up, you and your silly pitbull guard dogs. Think of the robber to death ratio this thing could rack up :p meow!

reminds me of bill cosbys sketch about having an 800lb unwashed flea bitten hungry gorilla as a pet to scare off burglars.


Well-Known Member
lol, don't get me wrong I LOVE cats. I have 3.... and my one kitty is my whole world... I love her sooo much.... she sleeps with me every single day... always lays on my chest... and shes full grown and weighs less than 4 pounds... she's just a little tiny thing.... with crystal blue eyes.... man I love my kitty!!! and I have two others, they are awesome too... but not nearly as awesome.... and I have a 23 pound cat named Trogdor..... he's a big pain in the ass but he has really cool markings and he purrs so loud the second you touch him, so people love him cuz he's so fat and loving... and my other cat is a long haired black cat... he's a big guy too but not fat... just an actual big cat... his name is Beast... because well.... he's a douche... He'll warm up to you sometimes but if you walk to close to him or do something he doesn't like, he's not afraid to hiss you out.... but he won't scratch you... I rescued all 3 of them and if I had more space I would rescue 3 more, I love kittys.

just not big kittys that could kill me if it got mad for no reason hahaha


Well-Known Member
Ya seriously you have an amazing cat, i want one so bad!!! does he wool suck?
No not at all. The only querk he has if you can call it that is that he always wants to use the arm of the couch to stretch himself on whenever he enters the family room. And his claws are starting to wear out the fabric. He knows he isn't supposed to scratch the furniture and he stops as soon as I say no, but it's like a compulsion he can't stop doing it everytime he enters the room. It's funny because as soon as he does it I'll yell out "NO!" and he'll stop immediately and reply back with a meow like "I know I know I forgot."


Well-Known Member
Last night, I spent night at my brothers apartment. He his a pitbull/boxer mix, and a kitten. I've always told him that the dog was going to kill someone, and that it was irresponsible to even own it. I mean, I've seen stories where the dogs just flip out for no reason and maul people. Well, yea. Back to the story:

For whatever reason, I found myself sleeping in the same room as both of them (dog and cat). I was just laying on the bed, browsing the boards when the cat jumps up onto the bed, and kinda cuddled on my hand. I let him go, because he wasn't harming anything. Then the pitbull jumped up onto the bed too. I figured "what the hell" I'll just leave them be. Anyways, they basically curled up on me. It was so damn warm, I had the best nights sleep I've had in a long while.

Now, I want a cat. What breed should I get? :blsmoke:

Get a black cat. Male. At the shelter. If it looks like a Bombay even better - they are the best. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombay_(cat)


Well-Known Member
That's a good idea. I think I will be heading to the shelter within the week. Should I declaw or not?
Not if they are an adult.

I declawed my first 2 cats because I was afraid they would scratch things. My 3rd cat was a kitten but seemed to know when not to use his claws and I left him with his. He is great and only claws a cardboard thing from the store that is $20.00 and I replace occasionally.