2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

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Im around half way into flowering and was wondering if I topped off the 7 gal containers with some Super Soil would that have any negative effects. Someone please answer this. Its watering time and if i can i want to top off the containers before i water (as long as it wont harm my girls)
Thanks everyone.

i topped mine this time and had no problems at all bro
what do you think of the Bio-Tone Starter Plus made by Espoma?? i got a bag of it and mixed it in with my scotts topsoil in a five gallon bucket, and all i did was add water and molasses throughout the grow and my buds did the best theyve ever done.....i love all the beneficial bacterias and all the Mycorrhizae it adds to the soil.....really seems to make the soil come to life....anyone else usin it??
http://www.sunshineadvanced.com/ are you guy aware of this new products ? i use a sunshine #4, coco, worm casting, perlite mix now. i water every watering with roots organics line of ferts at a ph of around 5.5 - 5.8 and 6.0 - 6.2 in the last two weeks. i have great results. if you were using sunshine for the super soil would you want to drop the ph to hydro levels. thanks to anyone who can help.
I have been reading throuh this thread for some good time now and I have one question and that's when letting my soil cook I know sub says 30 days at least does older ss that's been composting for longer like say 6 months a richer soil with more nutritional value than soil only cooking for 30 days just interested I. It would be worth it to wait longer

And thank u subcool for being kind enough to give out this recipe mad respect to u
in general, a good dirt is like a good wine. aged properly is always best and if done properly it will only get better. even if at some point the increase is neglegable..

and that, I blieve, is the core to all the challenges in growing. Find that happy point..

good luck bro
We'll be trying this recipe on the grow after next. My mother in law is a Master Gardener (and a closet toker) and was VERY interested in the Super Soil recipe. I can't wait to see what she thinks!
Thanks Sub!
So theres no need to feed established plants that are put into Super Soil for the rest of their life cycle?
My fault if this has been answered already...but I live in a cold area this time of year and if i put the ss out now, there wont be much "cooking" done by the sun. Does the 30 days need heat to properly prepare it? or would it be fine if i put it out say in feb when the temp starts to climb a little more?
My fault if this has been answered already...but I live in a cold area this time of year and if i put the ss out now, there wont be much "cooking" done by the sun. Does the 30 days need heat to properly prepare it? or would it be fine if i put it out say in feb when the temp starts to climb a little more?

it needs heat... you can leave it in your basement or in your house for 30-45 days and this should give it a proper "cook"
why does it need to cook, that actually has me a bit confused and why for soooo long?

this is my understanding: cooking basically is "growing" the live organisms in the soil. the microbeasties will be able to "hatch" or reproduce in a warm environment with h20. this gives you a way healthier soil. as well as the micros make the nuttrients more available to plants roots.

anybody care to clarify?
dam well i guess i need to get working on that tomorrow, got my roots organic coming. thanks alot man. still cant wait to see your AO harvest :D
this is my understanding: cooking basically is "growing" the live organisms in the soil. the microbeasties will be able to "hatch" or reproduce in a warm environment with h20. this gives you a way healthier soil. as well as the micros make the nuttrients more available to plants roots.

anybody care to clarify?

yep, as far as i understand it, thats it.

The 'cooking' time is to allow a colony of mycorrhizae to develop in the soil. these critters are symbiotes for the plant, growing in and around the roots systems. the plants feed off of their waste and as an added 'symbiotic' relationship the mycor. colony adds as an additional reach into the soil to gather more nutirients than either the two could on their own.

cooking long is good, heat to grow is needed. (not burning cooking though.., go find the right temps on your own, as im not educated enough to throw that number out there)

Super soil in action.....love the stuff


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This is the bomb. Enough said. Thanks a lot for all of your hard work and dedication, it will help out many people one day or another! I wish America would get off the chemical horse and go back to the way things are meant to be done. Monsanto has destroyed our food and the way in which we farm, let's not let the chemical companies destroy our medicine any more than they already have. Way to go subcool, keepin it real.

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