First Grow! Sealed/Closed Room, 2400 watts, CO2, Mini-Split AC, SmartPots, Dehum!


New Member
Hi Everyone!

UPDATE! Day 16 of Flowering! Day 76 Total...

Two weeks down into flowering, 6-7 to go...LSD is 60-65 day. Not sure about the Jock Horror, will have to look into that soon..

so they are now starting to bud. I haven't seen any hermi sprouts or ballsacks yet which is great news! Had heard bad things about LSD and hermis...fingers crossed! :)

I found that I was underfeeding them until about 6 days ago. I didn't want to burn them with fucking Tiger Bloom from Fox Farms so I was using too little. I have upped the dose to about 1.5 tsp/gallon and things are starting to develop much faster now. I've seen huge improvements in the budlettes in the last 3-4 days. I was wondering if a couple of them were gonna turn out male with how little flower production they had up until I increased their feed ppm. Now they are happier and the budlettes seem to be developing well.

I'm planning on adding another 2 Tbsp Plant Success granular myco spores in next day or two. I use a long screwdriver and put about 1-2 tsp in various holes around each pot, totalling 2 Tbsp per plant total...seems to be making the plants very very happy! (Been adding them every 2 weeks and will continue through week 4 of flowering.)

I still want to LOLLIPOP THEM! They are too damn big. The bottoms aren't gonna produce shit with the plants being 4-5' tall now and me only having 400w lights. Not enough penetration for the lower plant. Thus, I wanna lollipop the shit outta the bottom 2-3 feet depending on how tall the plant is. I'm scared this might hermi them tho from the stress. Does anyone have any comments on lollipopping and hermis?

Thanks!!! COMMENTS WELCOME! :weed:


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Some Group Shots...hard to even get them all in the shot at this point...

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Two shots of the Jock Horror autoflowering...she seems about a week ahead of my LSDs and is still the best looking plant in my op IMHO....take a look and see what you think! :)

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X :joint:

Also do not forget that you can harvest in stages...when it gets close to time to chop the tops you will see that the trichs of the lower smaller buds are not as advance and can and should go 2-3 weeks you should harvest the tops closest to the lights drop the lights down closer to the remainder of the plants and now those buds will swell and age as well and you end up with more bud that is dank FOR 2 MORE WEEKS OF LITTLE TO NO WORK!! Yet another reason to keep 'em green and feed to the end and not need to...proper dry and cure is what matters there and you have quite a bit more good bud rather than alot wasted bud...follow?



Active Member
first suggestion, pull plants out of room, excavate through the foundation 2', then put plants back in room :) LOL

Seriously though, I would trim the hell out of the lowers ASAP. Your right, all that shit down low isn't going to produce anything. How are you on space and light in general? It would be nice to spread them out a little or something to maximize light penetration or even out the canopy some how.
LF, Great!~ I'm glad someone confirmed my impulse to lollipop. Just was worried about stress and herming from the super lollipop chop! :) I'm getting tight on space bro. I mean the plants have space, but I DO NOT HAVE SPACE. I am on my hands and knees to water because I can barely slide between the wall and plants to water currently.. LMFAO! :P As for light, I think I have enough with 1200 watts on 8 plants..but I dunno, think I should remove 1-2 of them? I was already considering removing one of the less developed ones. Just to give more consumbile lumens to the rest of the plants and get this one out of there...but then I keep thinking that even if it doesn't produce as much, even if its another 1-2 ounces, that'd maybe I should just leave the forest alone and let it come to fruition? :)

I'd love to even out the canopy. maybe I'll work on re-grouping them all with tall ones on edges soon after I lollipop them. Not sure how else I could do it as I don't want to top the tallest 3-4. There are 3-4 that are significantly taller than the an extra 18" taller.

Also do not forget that you can harvest in stages...when it gets close to time to chop the tops you will see that the trichs of the lower smaller buds are not as advance and can and should go 2-3 weeks you should harvest the tops closest to the lights drop the lights down closer to the remainder of the plants and now those buds will swell and age as well and you end up with more bud that is dank FOR 2 MORE WEEKS OF LITTLE TO NO WORK!! Yet another reason to keep 'em green and feed to the end and not need to...proper dry and cure is what matters there and you have quite a bit more good bud rather than alot wasted bud...follow?

Thanks for the response Lumi! :) I'm gonna lollipop the bottoms up from the smart pot up to about the top 2 feet. After that, there won't be as much to worry about, but I will definitely keep this in mind. I agree with what you've said about the dry/cure.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Legit for sure, now we just have to get him to go hydro... :)

Not that I really care as I'm a big fan of to each his own, but I put re-potted 4 mothers that are in smart pots.. What a fUCKING MESS!. Plus I absolutely hate not knowing whats going on in the pot. PH? i dunno. nutrients left in the soil? beats me. Is it dry on the bottom of the pot? I guess it comes down to I am just not used to it.
Idk about soil, but in coco i can test pH of the substrate by taking half a cup of RO water, half a cup of
the coco straight from one of my pots i want to test and mix them together and allow to rest for around a half our.

Then you can test EC and pH of that. Works well, i only test my coco when i see a problem.


Active Member
Idk about soil, but in coco i can test pH of the substrate by taking half a cup of RO water, half a cup of
the coco straight from one of my pots i want to test and mix them together and allow to rest for around a half our.

Then you can test EC and pH of that. Works well, i only test my coco when i see a problem.
Shrubs always has the great tips! :) Good idea, never though about trying that...luckily I haven't had much of a problem yet!

I just lollipopped the first couple of feet of my ladies. Took a sharp Feather razor blade, dipped it into 91% alcohol to start with and between plants as well so as not to cross-contaminate my plants...

I pruned off anything from the soil up that looked like garbage or stretchy crap. Cut all budlettes and mostly just leaves and starts of budlettes (ie long pistils) since it had only been 2 weeks so far and this is the lower regions of the super tall plant. Anyhow, basically just cut half a trash bag full of plant scraps. Left only the top 2 - 3 feet of stuff intact. Everything below that has been removed with the exception of large fan leaves. Other than that, choppity chop chop.

I hope they don't herm...then again, maybe I'm just scaring myself with this herm shit.

Anyhow lets move onwards and upwards and think positive thoughts! My babies are gonna produce some straight rock hard massive colas! :) YAYA! :P

I'll post some pics soon again now that the holidays are over and all that stuff is behind me! :)

Thanks for sticking with me guys..



Well-Known Member
Nah, they won't herm. The plants are not that sensitive. If a plant could not tolerate a little herbivory without changing sex then they would have never been able to survive long enough for us to discover and cultivate them.

This round I am trimming away all the shoots down low before I flip them. All that shit down low is really useless in a SCROG and all that happens is that the plants expend energy growing this "sprinting shoots" that are super long and spindly and race towards the light. Even if they did make it to the screen, they do not have a stem diameter substantial enough to allow for dense bud growth.. so off they go. I wouldn't cull any plants as they will produce something. I would elevate the lower plants by putting them on top of buckets, books, or boxes of old DARE pamphlets so the canopy is even. In another week or so you can start to use string or what not to hold the buds in a manner to maximize light penetration and bud growth.

Be diligent about pulling off any buds that start to form down low. Its simply a balance of energy production and utilization, keep the utilization in the upper canopy where it will make a difference:) I'm excited to see the bud pics as I am sure you are as well.


Active Member
Nah, they won't herm. The plants are not that sensitive. If a plant could not tolerate a little herbivory without changing sex then they would have never been able to survive long enough for us to discover and cultivate them.

This round I am trimming away all the shoots down low before I flip them. All that shit down low is really useless in a SCROG and all that happens is that the plants expend energy growing this "sprinting shoots" that are super long and spindly and race towards the light. Even if they did make it to the screen, they do not have a stem diameter substantial enough to allow for dense bud growth.. so off they go. I wouldn't cull any plants as they will produce something. I would elevate the lower plants by putting them on top of buckets, books, or boxes of old DARE pamphlets so the canopy is even. In another week or so you can start to use string or what not to hold the buds in a manner to maximize light penetration and bud growth.

Be diligent about pulling off any buds that start to form down low. Its simply a balance of energy production and utilization, keep the utilization in the upper canopy where it will make a difference:) I'm excited to see the bud pics as I am sure you are as well.
LF, excellent advice bro! Good point about the evolution of plants and herbivores! :) Makes perfect sense when you explain it that way. I removed ALL the "sprinting shoots" and other garbage buds and stems down low that weren't major stalks. I'll post more pics in a few days. Maybe end of this week or beginning of next. I did a pretty thorough job lollipopping em, even removed a few fan leaves on accident by breaking them because the room is so packed now. :(

The buckets or boxes stand idea is a great one. I'll see what I can come up with.

Didn't know to CONTINUE to pull off any tiny budlettes that form down low..once again good advice. I'll keep my eyes out! Thanks!

I Can't wait to see how it turns out. NICE WORK SUBSCRIBED!
GeneralRedEye, glad to have ya with us! Stay tuned, the best is yet to come! :)


Well-Known Member
Pulling up a seat a little late but looks good. You could tie some string and bend some over if running out of head space. Looks like you have a really nice setup. How do you like your controller?


Active Member
Pulling up a seat a little late but looks good. You could tie some string and bend some over if running out of head space. Looks like you have a really nice setup. How do you like your controller?
Yeah...could use string. I staked em last night and put 3-4 4' bamboo stakes in each pot and clipped some O-ring clamp things around the main stalks and clamped them to each stake so they won't fall over. I think that should work. I hope.

As for the controller, haven't hooked it up yet. I made the mistake of not finishing everything in my room before moving ladies into it. Thus, everything got neglected as they begin filling up the room. Not sure if I'm gonna use the CO2 until next grow or not...if I haven't used it by now isn't it a bit late..

What ya think?



Active Member
Use it...not too late by any means IMHHO

Ok, will hook it up, I've just been swamped from holiday stuffs.. I'll get it going this week. What ppm should I set it to? Aren't ya supposed to ramp it up slowly to 1200-1500ppm? Last time I measured the ambient air of the area in my room it was around 550 ppm naturally. Thinking I should start em at 900 ppm and move up to 1200 after a week or so?

That it?




New Member
Ok, will hook it up, I've just been swamped from holiday stuffs.. I'll get it going this week. What ppm should I set it to? Aren't ya supposed to ramp it up slowly to 1200-1500ppm? Last time I measured the ambient air of the area in my room it was around 550 ppm naturally. Thinking I should start em at 900 ppm and move up to 1200 after a week or so?

That it?


also increase temps along with about 88 F at 1500 ppm....IMHHO start at 800 and increase 100 per day til at 1500..temps same way


arik maso

Active Member
that sounds great :D should be lots of fun for you. your LSD and jock are looking bomb by the way :joint::leaf:

Looking to finish this grow up around February 20-25 depending on how the LSD turns out and how long it takes to finish. Hoping to pickup some clones and start from rooted clones for the next grow. Got something in the works, hopefully it pans out!

ON ANOTHER NOTE!~ Just booked my trip to Amsterdam, The Netherlands for the 24th Annual High Times Cannabis Cup (November 20-23, 2011).

I will be staying a week in the Leidseplein area with a balcony view of the square! :) Can't wait! If you plan on attending, PM me and we can meetup at a coffeeshop and blaze the fire! :) I'm dying to try some Tangerine Dream (won the 2010 cup). We'd love to find someone to go clubbing with...after we visit the "smart shop" (google Consicous Dreams amsterdam)! :)

Send a PM! :)


Active Member
that sounds great :D should be lots of fun for you. your LSD and jock are looking bomb by the way :joint::leaf:
Thanks for the compliments arik maso! :) Much appreciated! Makes this journaling worthwhile..

Ya, I can't wait for the CC..I've heard all the negative shit about it and how it might suck, but I've always wanted to go, so I could care less! :) Its gonna be a blast!!


Active Member
UPDATE! Day 20 of Flowering, Day 80 Total....

HI EVERYONE!! :leaf:

So today is Day 20 of flowering for my LSDs and my sole Jock Horror. The ladies are looking great. Green, no burn or obvious ballsacks from the lollipopping (at least that I've noticed)..little budlettes are forming very quickly now! :)

I finally got motivated and installed my CO2 setup, yaya! :) Mounted my Sentinel CHHC-4 Total Environmental controller on the wall, put my Titan 20 Lb. CO2 tank on the floor beneath it. Set the plastic clear tubing to run from the tank up the wall to the back of my oscillating fan where it outputs the CO2 directly into the fan blades and is circulated around the room.

Set the Sentinel CHHC-4 to 900 ppm for today. I will slowly raise it 100 or so ppm everyday (along with the temp about 1 - 2degrees F) until I reach 1500ppm and 85F.

This is all new shit to me as this is my first grow and first attempt at controllers or CO2, so please give advice if you have any to give!! :) It'll be much appreciated!

I setup the Sentinel Controller and noticed the green light for my dehumidifier never came on and the dehumidifier itself wouldn't power on using the power button on it once I plugged it into the Sentinel Controller. At the time, this humidity was low so the controller might just not be kicking the dehumidifier on, and that could explain the lack of the green light, but I'm not sure. The manual did state for some dehumidifiers the power draw is too much and you have to buy some Power Expansion Module (PXM) from Sentinel to plug the dehumidifier into and then plug the PXM into the Sentinel CHHC-4 Controller's dehumidifer outlet.

Only way to know for sure is to monitor rH% levels over next day or so and see if it keeps it around 40-45% as I specified. Hopefully I won't have to buy anymore shit!!! :(

Below are the pics of my Sentinel CHHC-4 setup and CO2 tank...

Sentinel 20 Lb CO2 Tank.jpgSentinel CHHC-4 Setup.jpgSentinel CHHC-4.jpgSentinel CHHC-4-2.jpg

Here are some misc. group shots from today (day 20 of flowering)...


Here are some misc close-up shots of random plants (all LSDs in this series)...




X :leaf:


Active Member
Looks great to me.
Thanks for stopping by Daniels. I can only hope to come close to what you've grown bud. Your green looks fantastic. Hopefully mine will be close to that! :)

So today I went back to the room to check up on the CO2 setup and see how the min/max measurements went from the previous 24 hr period. This way I can ensure everything is working great with my new Sentinel CHHC-4 controller.

The CO2 was working flawlessly. I had it pumping 850 ppm. I upped it to 950 ppm today and raised the temp on the mini-split AC two degrees F to 77F. I'll continue upping the CO2 ppm and raising the temp on the mini-split until the controller measures 82-85F from the canopy and 1500ppm CO2. Thanks for the tip Lumi! :)

I did notice that the Sentinel CHHC-4 WAS INDEED kicking on my dehumidifier. I saw it come on twice this morning. Very brief periods both times...probably only a few seconds...odd, but whatever. The humidity did reach 53% at night, so I may have to move my dehumidifier off the controller onto its own power outlet because here's whats happening.. the controller kicks on the dehumidifier to dehumidify the room, so far so good...HOWEVER, the dehumidifier (Danby line) is preset to power on at 60% rH setting. Which means unless someone manually goes over to it everytime the controller kicks it on and lowers the rH down to 45% (what I prefer at this point in time), it really isn't going to dehumidify as well as it should. I left it attached to the controller for today and cleared the min/max rH values so I can check it agian tomorrow, but I have a strong feeling I won't be able to use the controller with this dehumidifier and I'll have to just plug the dehumidifier back into its own 20 amp circuit wall outlet and leave it turned on 24/7 (as I had it before) set to 45% rH. This works I've been doing this for months already. The downside of this is the dehumidifier runs 24/7. That equals shorter life for my $300 70 pint per day expensive ass Danby dehumidifier which it equates to more electricity usage as well. :(

Perhaps a different model dehumidifier would work better, one that doesn't default to 60% on power on, or one that allows the user to manually re-program the default value (Danby dehumidifiers do least not mine).

Anyhow though, as a whole everything looks fucking great in my room. The budlettes are really starting to develop. I've finalized my plan for using Bloombastic for the rest of my grow cycle, starting this coming week! Watch out for massive budsets! :) The CO2 is running great. Not sure how long my tank will last, I'm very curious on this...ideas?



PS -- When do I need to taper off the CO2 ? Aren't you supposed to lower the flow rate down to like 900 or so the last 2 weeks or something? Taper it off I mean.. ??? Anyone?


New Member
Thanks for stopping by Daniels. I can only hope to come close to what you've grown bud. Your green looks fantastic. Hopefully mine will be close to that! :)

So today I went back to the room to check up on the CO2 setup and see how the min/max measurements went from the previous 24 hr period. This way I can ensure everything is working great with my new Sentinel CHHC-4 controller.

The CO2 was working flawlessly. I had it pumping 850 ppm. I upped it to 950 ppm today and raised the temp on the mini-split AC two degrees F to 77F. I'll continue upping the CO2 ppm and raising the temp on the mini-split until the controller measures 82-85F from the canopy and 1500ppm CO2. Thanks for the tip Lumi! :)

I did notice that the Sentinel CHHC-4 WAS INDEED kicking on my dehumidifier. I saw it come on twice this morning. Very brief periods both times...probably only a few seconds...odd, but whatever. The humidity did reach 53% at night, so I may have to move my dehumidifier off the controller onto its own power outlet because here's whats happening.. the controller kicks on the dehumidifier to dehumidify the room, so far so good...HOWEVER, the dehumidifier (Danby line) is preset to power on at 60% rH setting. Which means unless someone manually goes over to it everytime the controller kicks it on and lowers the rH down to 45% (what I prefer at this point in time), it really isn't going to dehumidify as well as it should. I left it attached to the controller for today and cleared the min/max rH values so I can check it agian tomorrow, but I have a strong feeling I won't be able to use the controller with this dehumidifier and I'll have to just plug the dehumidifier back into its own 20 amp circuit wall outlet and leave it turned on 24/7 (as I had it before) set to 45% rH. This works I've been doing this for months already. The downside of this is the dehumidifier runs 24/7. That equals shorter life for my $300 70 pint per day expensive ass Danby dehumidifier which it equates to more electricity usage as well. :(

Perhaps a different model dehumidifier would work better, one that doesn't default to 60% on power on, or one that allows the user to manually re-program the default value (Danby dehumidifiers do least not mine).

Anyhow though, as a whole everything looks fucking great in my room. The budlettes are really starting to develop. I've finalized my plan for using Bloombastic for the rest of my grow cycle, starting this coming week! Watch out for massive budsets! :) The CO2 is running great. Not sure how long my tank will last, I'm very curious on this...ideas?



PS -- When do I need to taper off the CO2 ? Aren't you supposed to lower the flow rate down to like 900 or so the last 2 weeks or something? Taper it off I mean.. ??? Anyone?
go up to 88F ambient room when at 1500....when you are at 50% cloudy 50% clear triches drop it to 800 and lights off temps to 55F the last week...also if you are flowering with hps go get a reptile uvb fluorescent keep it 30 inches away from the plants and run it in three 1 hr intervals at first light then mid then last hour lights on for increased triche production...there is a school of thought which indicates that co2 supplementation inhibits trichome production ... I feel it has some merit hence my recommendation


Active Member
go up to 88F ambient room when at 1500....when you are at 50% cloudy 50% clear triches drop it to 800 and lights off temps to 55F the last week...also if you are flowering with hps go get a reptile uvb fluorescent keep it 30 inches away from the plants and run it in three 1 hr intervals at first light then mid then last hour lights on for increased triche production...there is a school of thought which indicates that co2 supplementation inhibits trichome production ... I feel it has some merit hence my recommendation
Awesome tips, thanks! I can definitely go to 88F ambient room as measured from the canopy, and 1500ppm CO2. I have no way to decrease the night temps tho. I'm using a mini-split AC wall mounted unit not controlled by my sentinel chhc-4 I have no way to lower the temps at night. It just blows out at the preset temp I set it to...doesn't have any type of day/night settings. And I'm not onsite to lower it every single night. So...this is an issue I have thought about and I currently have no good solution for. I'd love to find a way to lower the night temp. I'm sure it lowers 5 or so degrees just due to lights out, but the mini-split will keep it around the same temp and I have no current way to set the temp to be substantially cooler at night (say 10-15 degree difference)..

As for the reptil UV-B light I have definitely been doing some research on that. I'd probably have to get 3 and hang one above each HID light above the plants...I dont' think 1 hung in the middle of the room would cover either end very well. I'm still out on whether I want to do the UV-B thing this cycle or not. I've definitely researched it and want to look into it at a future date, just not sure it will be this cycle. I'd like to see what type of results I get without it and then add one later and see if any/how much of an improvement in THC production/resin production it was..

Hadn't heard about the CO2/less trich development school of thought..interesting. I'll have to do more research on the any good reading links?


