New 4,400w Room With Co2


Well-Known Member
lookin good man keep up the great work
Thanks pit.
Hey man, sorry for not answering on my thread sooner than now but things are a bit crazy atm. I'm so stressed out that I can't sleep at all and I'm out of edibles and butter with no time to make more. Haven't done shite with the grows in a couple days either except water the girls. I'll have a nice update in a couple of days though.

Yours is coming along so nice, I'm a bit green right now bro.
Man sorry to hear about the turbulent times, keep on keepin on dezz. Glad to hear ur grow is coming along nicely and thanks for the complement bro.
Nice looking set up man. Looks like you should have some good cola action in the weeks to come.
Thanks Headsac, I like colas :-)


Well-Known Member
Your scrog has really come together. I haven't seen mine in a couple of days but am going there later today as I'm sure their ready for water by now. Half that many colas would make me a happy man.


Well-Known Member
yeaaaaaahhh buddy!!
haha, no wwwwhhhhhoooddddaaaaatttt? thanks anyway hahaaa
We have something in common then bud. Nice little flowers beginning to form. Keep it up.
haha who doesn't like colas? thanks headsack.
Your scrog has really come together. I haven't seen mine in a couple of days but am going there later today as I'm sure their ready for water by now. Half that many colas would make me a happy man.
Hey dez hope you came home to some happy ladies. Thanks for the complement too. But Im guessing Ill have like 5-8 larger buds and the rest are just gonna be dens little nugglets. I dont see them growing much more in hight from hear on.
Wishing I had filled up the screen alittle more...


Well-Known Member
Hey folks hows it growin? Got me some guano kelp tea goin ape-shit! Might I add that the water level is about three inches from top of the tea res.
also got my ladybugs in today!


Well-Known Member
holy shit! those are looking amazing and still have so much time! i see a major cola forming in the front of that pic. hows the new bubble cloner working for you?


Well-Known Member
holy shit! those are looking amazing and still have so much time! i see a major cola forming in the front of that pic. hows the new bubble cloner working for you?

Hey stinky ol' red eye haha! Thanks for the complement bro :-). The bubble cloner is doing its thing and I can see what looks like tiny pre-roots forming.


Well-Known Member
What is there to say man? You do great work every, time...

I think some things that did fly under the radar a bit with some of these peers. LOOK at that vertical SCROG, that filled really NICE!!! That's one plant just about filling that whole screen.
You'll be happy with the horizontal SCROG, especially if those "BBK" are clones of what you popped off before.

How big is the vertical screen?


Well-Known Member
Yo whodat could you post what your tea recipe consists of?? Im doing an organic grow and I want to make up my own tea using guano and I was just curious as to what else you use in your recipe?


Well-Known Member
How many ladybugs do you think I'd need for my scrog? I want to try them out since last night when I fed the girls I saw gnats just like over here. I was going to pick up some gognats but think I'd like to try soem ladybugs instead. I have a no pest strip up and still have gnats, just gnats though. I would like to take the pest strip down and get some ladybugs. Also, do you know what all bugs they'll eat so I have an idea of how they'll do?
I had to shitcan two small plants yesterday when I pulled 4 to chop because they were full of dead gnats so I think I'd like to try something else. I checked all of the other plants closely and there's one other with dead gnats in some of it so I'll be chopping just those buds tonight and chucking them if I don't find a way to get them out today.


Well-Known Member
Plants are suffering much from the spider mites, whodat's upset but gonna come back even stronger...
The large specs are from the application of sm predators. Hope this works



Well-Known Member
What is there to say man? You do great work every, time...

I think some things that did fly under the radar a bit with some of these peers. LOOK at that vertical SCROG, that filled really NICE!!! That's one plant just about filling that whole screen.
You'll be happy with the horizontal SCROG, especially if those "BBK" are clones of what you popped off before.

How big is the vertical screen?
Thanks for the kind words cola. I'll take some measurements tomorrow.

Yo whodat could you post what your tea recipe consists of?? Im doing an organic grow and I want to make up my own tea using guano and I was just curious as to what else you use in your recipe?
Almost didnt recognize you with the new av. I'll try and post it for ya soon.

nice spread :D:D:D
Hey westy, thanks for stopping by.

How many ladybugs do you think I'd need for my scrog? I want to try them out since last night when I fed the girls I saw gnats just like over here. I was going to pick up some gognats but think I'd like to try soem ladybugs instead. I have a no pest strip up and still have gnats, just gnats though. I would like to take the pest strip down and get some ladybugs. Also, do you know what all bugs they'll eat so I have an idea of how they'll do?
I had to shitcan two small plants yesterday when I pulled 4 to chop because they were full of dead gnats so I think I'd like to try something else. I checked all of the other plants closely and there's one other with dead gnats in some of it so I'll be chopping just those buds tonight and chucking them if I don't find a way to get them out today.
Hey dez, sorry for such a late response, I'v had my hands full lately. They have all kinds of info on bugs and what they eat @
Sorry to hear about your gnat situation bro, just be happy you don't have mites.

I feel this situation could have been very preventable... next grow will be better.



Well-Known Member
Hey whodat, nice setup you have here. Right now my location is temporary for only a few more months so the tent works well but I'm always pondering more permanent setups like this. Definitely subbed in.
