Hate Drinking Alcohol

I like my shiva a lot more than alcohol ! Go back to my new years celebration..shiit, i was so drunk and high, clubbing , regular parting , and the next morning...shiit, alcohol is not worth it! But yeah, a cold one is always nice to have next to yo spliff...:peace:
"Its easy to get", as Doug Stanhope puts it

I'm sure a lot of ppl would rather have weed (including myself) but we all don't have the patience or know how to deal with shady scum fuck dealers, and at best get barely an 1/8 of some mediocre dank if your lucky and don't just get ripped off completely. Just because I don't dress like a freaking clown and listen to whatever popular rap/ect. group at the time, (like a walking advertisement) I'm all of a sudden considered a narc or whatever.

I drink every night because thats all I can do! I cough up all kinds of wicked shit, blood, brown shit, nasty. until I can take cuttings from 2 females (very old bag seed) and flower them. and thats months away.

I've realy had it with booze, I love to take a nice permanent brake from it.

Yeah man that sucks if you don't have good dank around you.

But that's why you grow. So you don't deal with other shady people, and its way cheaper, and FUN as hell! If you don't look like a pot head or gain any attention like that you should have no problem keeping a grow a secret&safe.

But yeah, a cold one is always nice to have next to yo spliff...:peace:

You know what would be better than a cold one next to your spliff? Another spliff. :)
I know how I sound, all whiney and complainy and all.

just saying thers alot of alcoholics out there like myself, that would love to replace the booze with some weed. but yea a lot of people drink cuz its all that available to calm their thoughts, and help them sleep at night.

I don't consider a good beer, or some quality wine drinking, drinking is drinking the shittest shit you can find cuz thats all you can afford.
dude if you grew real good quality sensi buds you would be able to sleep real good at night, and it would calm your thoughts..

Like I find the only buds with like GOOD medical qualities are the high quality buds covered in trichomes.. The high quality helps with insomnia, pain, muscle tension etc.

Anything like mids doesn't do anything for me. It just makes my mind race and makes me confused. I really only smoke the sensi. If mids is the only thing around I wont get anything.

If you grow your own you could harvest late, so the THC degrades to CBD/CBN.. It wouldn't even get you a super head high, just SUPER sedated body high that would put your mind to rest. But commercial growers harvest for that head high. So you can only get that if you grow it yourself.

So yeah man I think your smokin the wrong shit! :) But I know what it's like in some areas and thats all ya can get :( sogrow
I can't drink for medical reasons. I get to chief at parties :D so I guess it balances out. I can get wasted as woozles and not puke/ crash my car/ do somebody I shouldn't/ etc. No hangover.
Viva Weed!
It's easy to get and socially acceptable. I can go to a bar with coworkers and friends and we can order tons of beer or liquor and all get smashed. Or we can go to a bowling alley or wherever. It's everywhere, and it's accepted by virtually everyone. Friends, coworkers, business owners, random people you don't know, they are all cool with it because it's legal. It's easy to get also. I can walk into a store and walk out with enough alcohol to kill 50 people no questions asked except maybe "damn! celebrating tonight?".

I also think the acquired taste thing is bullshit. I've been drinking almost 10 years and I still despise the taste of beer. It is revolting. I drink it in social situations to fit in, but I detest it. I can only handle 2-3 regular beers. I can drink a lot more of light beers because they are watered down. I like water though, so I can stand a lot more light beer. If I had my choice I would drink liquor mixed with something as this can actually taste good in addition to getting you drunk.

Alcohol is a good social drug though. I enjoy mingling with people and talking while drunk. When I get stoned I just want to be alone and do solitary activities. Being in a club or at a party while baked out of my mind is a nightmare. Panic attack.

Getting stoned AFTER getting drunk is one of the best feeling though. Make sure you got a little food in your belly to stabilize the alcohol, then have 5-6 shots/drinks and get decently drunk. THEN fire up a fat doob and get baked. The result is the weed intensifies the alcohol, and the alcohol intensifies the weed. You feel much drunker and much more stoned than either would do on their own.
It's easy to get and socially acceptable. I can go to a bar with coworkers and friends and we can order tons of beer or liquor and all get smashed. Or we can go to a bowling alley or wherever. It's everywhere, and it's accepted by virtually everyone. Friends, coworkers, business owners, random people you don't know, they are all cool with it because it's legal. It's easy to get also. I can walk into a store and walk out with enough alcohol to kill 50 people no questions asked except maybe "damn! celebrating tonight?".

I also think the acquired taste thing is bullshit. I've been drinking almost 10 years and I still despise the taste of beer. It is revolting. I drink it in social situations to fit in, but I detest it. I can only handle 2-3 regular beers. I can drink a lot more of light beers because they are watered down. I like water though, so I can stand a lot more light beer. If I had my choice I would drink liquor mixed with something as this can actually taste good in addition to getting you drunk.

Alcohol is a good social drug though. I enjoy mingling with people and talking while drunk. When I get stoned I just want to be alone and do solitary activities. Being in a club or at a party while baked out of my mind is a nightmare. Panic attack.

Getting stoned AFTER getting drunk is one of the best feeling though. Make sure you got a little food in your belly to stabilize the alcohol, then have 5-6 shots/drinks and get decently drunk. THEN fire up a fat doob and get baked. The result is the weed intensifies the alcohol, and the alcohol intensifies the weed. You feel much drunker and much more stoned than either would do on their own.

idk bro I think you gotta find the right kinda weed for social situations... I have like 6 strains in my stash from what I grew and only 2 of them are good for social situations.. .possibly only one...

alcohol makes me deal with idiots better, but I'd rather not have that abililty so I'd rather just smoke a social weed...
I drather have weed but if out at a party Ill drink beer takes about 15 or so to get a buzz on this 3.2 shit they sell here........but it comes in handy at pissing contest.......
Unless you're like a closet alcoholic that sits at home every night and gets drunk (no offense if you are, I wish I could live that life) drinking is more about the social aspect than anything. Be it a house party, frat party, bar or club, the point is to have a good time in the company of other intoxicated individuals. I haven't blazed after drinking, or with the intent of drinking, anything over 10 brewski's in a night since back in like 8th grade because it literally would have me falling asleep standing up.

The main difference between being hammered and blazed as far as I'm concerned is noise. When you're drunk it's OK to be loud as shit and guido fistpump the air every time one of your jams come on. It's OK to be falling over people, knocking pong cups down, laughing loud and just having a good time with people that feel the same as you do. I smoke daily (half the time alone because I hate working sober), and drink prolly twice a week, and definitely prefer being smashed and loud to blazed and introspective.
I drather have weed but if out at a party Ill drink beer takes about 15 or so to get a buzz on this 3.2 shit they sell here........but it comes in handy at pissing contest.......
Key Ice. 5.9% and goes down quicker than your average blonde.
Unless you're like a closet alcoholic that sits at home every night and gets drunk (no offense if you are, I wish I could live that life) drinking is more about the social aspect than anything. Be it a house party, frat party, bar or club, the point is to have a good time in the company of other intoxicated individuals. I haven't blazed after drinking, or with the intent of drinking, anything over 10 brewski's in a night since back in like 8th grade because it literally would have me falling asleep standing up.

The main difference between being hammered and blazed as far as I'm concerned is noise. When you're drunk it's OK to be loud as shit and guido fistpump the air every time one of your jams come on. It's OK to be falling over people, knocking pong cups down, laughing loud and just having a good time with people that feel the same as you do. I smoke daily (half the time alone because I hate working sober), and drink prolly twice a week, and definitely prefer being smashed and loud to blazed and introspective.

I really think you're not getting the social weeds man... there are weeds that make me talkitive and straight up just enjoying the vibe... but it doesn't have tolerance for dumbasses..which is what alcohol gives you.
idk bro I think you gotta find the right kinda weed for social situations... I have like 6 strains in my stash from what I grew and only 2 of them are good for social situations.. .possibly only one...

alcohol makes me deal with idiots better, but I'd rather not have that abililty so I'd rather just smoke a social weed...

Maybe, but i've never encountered a social weed. Some are ok for hanging with friends and people I know, but nothing for mingling in public. I don't like being social or going in public to begin with.

Drinking isn't ALL about the social aspect either. I rarely go out drinking anymore, but I probably drink 3-5 times a week. Usually just 2-3 mixed drinks. Get a small buzz going on, but not getting drunk, chilling at home either alone or with a roommate.
Maybe, but i've never encountered a social weed. Some are ok for hanging with friends and people I know, but nothing for mingling in public. I don't like being social or going in public to begin with.

Drinking isn't ALL about the social aspect either. I rarely go out drinking anymore, but I probably drink 3-5 times a week. Usually just 2-3 mixed drinks. Get a small buzz going on, but not getting drunk, chilling at home either alone or with a roommate.

I just can't see any other reason for drinking it... it makes me social, makes me want to be social... pretty much unenjoyable by myself. and makes me RIDICULOUSLY tolerant of dumbasses (which I don't know if its a pro or a con, I kinda lean towards con on that one...)

I really don't understand how it could be used for anything other than socializing unless you're an alcoholic...
I really think you're not getting the social weeds man... there are weeds that make me talkitive and straight up just enjoying the vibe... but it doesn't have tolerance for dumbasses..which is what alcohol gives you.
Bud usually makes me talkative as well, but talking about random shit and going off in different tangents. A lot of blazed sentences start with "you know what would be cool..." or "did you ever think about..." but it doesn't get me pumped up or loud. I've had a few occasions where I've been sober while everyone else is drunk (lol 4 months in jail for DWI, every once in a while it's OK to bite the bullet and get others home safe), and in a way you almost look down on everyone's debauchery. However, when you're just as hammered as they are, and acting the same way, you don't think anything of it.
Bud usually makes me talkative as well, but talking about random shit and going off in different tangents. A lot of blazed sentences start with "you know what would be cool..." or "did you ever think about..." but it doesn't get me pumped up or loud. I've had a few occasions where I've been sober while everyone else is drunk (lol 4 months in jail for DWI, every once in a while it's OK to bite the bullet and get others home safe), and in a way you almost look down on everyone's debauchery. However, when you're just as hammered as they are, and acting the same way, you don't think anything of it.

yeah that infamous tolerance to dumbasses is what I pretty much don't like about alcohol... it helps perpetuate the dumbasses...
I just can't see any other reason for drinking it... it makes me social, makes me want to be social... pretty much unenjoyable by myself. and makes me RIDICULOUSLY tolerant of dumbasses (which I don't know if its a pro or a con, I kinda lean towards con on that one...)

I really don't understand how it could be used for anything other than socializing unless you're an alcoholic...

Reduces stress, relaxes me physically and mentally, induces mild euphoria, and makes most activities more fun (video games, television, movies, music, playing guitar, etc). If it wasn't for the fact that it's a poison, gives you hang overs if you have too much, and contains energy when metabolized I would be buzzed all the time. It lends itself to social situations very well too, but I don't see that as an absolute requirement.
Reduces stress, relaxes me physically and mentally, induces mild euphoria, and makes most activities more fun (video games, television, movies, music, playing guitar, etc). If it wasn't for the fact that it's a poison, gives you hang overs if you have too much, and contains energy when metabolized I would be buzzed all the time. It lends itself to social situations very well too, but I don't see that as an absolute requirement.

well in my experience every time I drank by myself I had an OVERWEALMING urge to call someone..get someone over to hang out at my house... and I"m naturally an introverted person so this is not something I like....

and as far as those first ones go...cannabis does all that, very very very effectively.. makes playing guitar amazingly productive and fun..reaching new levels of creativity every time I pick it up stoned...

idk but I didn't find alcohol to be as relaxing as cannabis in most cases.. maybe if I"m in some place I don't want to be... a few beers helps... but as far as in general cannabis is much more effective as a sedative-hypnotic...
And as such you don't like alcohol. Case closed.

not so, many naturally introverted people use alcohol to overcome such introversion, I don't need it to overcome it...simple.

you kinda remind me of the way all alcoholics talk... they're very dismissive... defending their 'friend'

even if I"m wrong, there's significant amounts of defensiveness in your statements...