I guess then, Nancy fucking Pelosi and the democrats are enemy No. 1, More than the taliban, Well, they probably are more than the taliban since the taliban lives some 6-8 thousand miles away, but you righties are pathetic. Talk about complete idiocy. How could you all live in a disconnected, every man/woman/child for themselves world? I get it that you want to keep all "your" money and fuck everyone else, but let's be real, money is not everything, it is only a tool. A tool is meant to be used, not stored away in some deep dark vault. If I didn't know what assholes you righties are, I could actually feel sorry for your pathetic asses, Mine, mine, mine, all mine, fuck you.
Democrat/Socialist/Communist ideals are by far more dangerous than the Taliban will ever be. Why does it always come back to money with you? It isn't about money. It is about right and wrong. I have an apple, four people don't. So they beat me and take 4/5ths of my apple? That is your basis for a 'fair' government?
Tools are made to be used. People are not. If make 100k dollars, and the Government takes 20k then I just worked 20% of my time as a slave to the government. What the government does with the money has no bearing on whether it is right or wrong to make a slave of someone else.
The ideals you spew continue to centralize the government, and decentralize the family. In the last 50 years, our government has decided to take the place of hard work, saving, and relying on your family. Safety nets can quickly become capture nets.
Social security/Welfare ect ect has made an entire segment of the society not worry about the future, since the government has it covered. What happened to old people before social security? How about poor people?
No one seriously suggests doing away with the government. What we have is varying schools of thought on how much the government should control. It falls more or less like this:
Conservative: Government control of personal freedoms but not property/money/economy
Liberal: Government control of property/money/economy but not personal freedoms.
Libertarian: Government control of as little as possible
Statist: Government control of as much as possible
This is the nolan chart. It shows the 4 thoughts in a square, with a centrist view in the middle. MOST people fall into the gray square.
At the bottom purple tip is statism. No money, no property, you work, you eat, everyone get the same thing. Your life is lived for society. You have no control over you do with your life. Government controls religion or lack there of, ect.
On the top green tip you have libertarian/anarchist, you would have the ability to work, the ability to own property, and the ability to get money. It would all depend on you, and no one else. You have complete freedom in your personal life.
On the far blue, you have the liberal ideal. You work, you have no money or property, as in statism, but you have complete freedom of your personal life.
On the far red, you have the conservative ideal. You work, you have complete control of your money and property and your personal life is controlled by society.
I was not implying that anarchists and libertarians are the same thing. They are of the same family, however. Libertarian ideals, like our current conservative and liberal ideals in the country are short of the extremes. The democratic party is somewhere towards the bottom left of the gray square, The republicans are towards the bottom right. There are different Libertarian ideas but in general it falls somewhere north of the gray square. Anarchists would be at the very top point. There have never been any PURE governments of any types, and I really doubt there could ever be short of robots killing us and doing their own thing after.
What does this leave us with? Well, shades of colors. I fall to the top left of the green. I understand the need for the government, and what it must do to allow for the people to exist at all in the world we live in. My stated goal is to be completely free of outside interference and worry about what I want to do in my life as long as I let others do the same.
If you want to find out what you are on the Nolan Chart, here is a survey, just answer the questions, and it tells you where you are. :
I think our founding fathers had the same goal as me. The entire bill of rights was to protect the people from the government. It doesn't say anything about the government taking care of the people, nor people being forced to take care of other people. In all honesty, if our government just followed the original constitution with a few additions (no one is trying to bring back slavery for instance) we would basically have a libertarian federal government.
The entire constitution and bill of rights was written entirely just for one purpose: To protect the liberty of the individual from the government and society. Anyone who says otherwise simply hasn't read them or is a halftard.
This planet has -- or rather had -- a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy. - Douglas Adams
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. - Douglas Adams
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams