[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]While it would be premature to extrapolate the study's findings to humans, at a minimum, the data reinforce the notion that cannabinoids are unusually non-toxic to the brain and that even long-term use of marijuana likely represents little risk to brain function. The findings also offer further evidence that cannabinoids can play a role in the alleviation of depression and anxiety, and that cannabis-based medicines may one day offer a safer alternative to conventional anti-depressant pharmaceuticals such as Paxil and Prozac.[/FONT]
---Ive been smoking to help me with Bipolar disorder (which is proven effective by science but has also proven true by personal experience.)
I am a Psyc major Mastering in Applied Psychology (which is basically reading APA research papers and conducting research.) I would love to study herbal biology to see if this "regeneration effect actually occurs. As much as I love marijuana and as much as I would love this to be true, We gotta do the proper research in a controlled environment on humans! This doesn't prove anything; but damn that sounds like something I would love to focus my research on!!!!!!