I have hated animals my entire life. Until last night.


Well-Known Member
For real? This video made me laugh like mad!
Poor thing, you should see them in the wild so graceful.
It's probably declawed and caged in the house but I see it still has it's teeth.
Maybe those people will find out the hard way You dont fuck with Mother Nature lol...


Well-Known Member
Treat your kitties right and they will love you. When you are sad they totally know and try and cheer you up. :leaf:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Treat your kitties right and they will love you. When you are sad they totally know and try and cheer you up. :leaf:
It's true :lol:

I love your cats dude, almost as much as your hash.. the first one looks like it has some personality to it


Well-Known Member
It's true :lol:

I love your cats dude, almost as much as your hash.. the first one looks like it has some personality to it
She's quite the kitty, I was offered $5000 for her cash... but I had to respectively decline. I love that cat more than money.... my girlfriend always says I love that cat more than her!! hahah


Well-Known Member
Wow That is that cat for real! Or is that a joke? Never seen a cat that big? I got too pits, They are sweethearts... I have a werid cat she likes to nurse on them & they let her. I think the dogs think she is a werid looking dog.LOL It how you raise the pits...Like any other dog. Ive own pits all my life none of them have been mean or turned even on a cat. They don't even kill the possum's that come in my yard..They roll them around the yard gently, it freak's me out!


Well-Known Member
She's quite the kitty, I was offered $5000 for her cash... but I had to respectively decline. I love that cat more than money.... my girlfriend always says I love that cat more than her!! hahah
Wow that's a lot. Also, I like the new avatar! :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I think I'm going to just get a kitten though, so I can bond with it better. 6 months isn't still considered kitten, is it? I have no clue.
Hey did you get the cat yet?? You can bond with older cats, if they take to you at the shelter, you're in. I got my big guy when he was a bit over a year and he loves the hell out of me. Follows me like a puppy. My other guys was a baby kitten and he is sweet on me too, but not as loyal as the other guy...


Well-Known Member
Cats are the bomb man! When are you finally gonna go get yours?

Here are my 3, smallest ones name is Winston (she's a girl, probably about 3 pounds... weighs NOTHING... and she's 2 and 1/2 years old), next we have Beast.... found him outside when he was a kitten (well my girlfriend did) and raised him ever since.... and my biggest CAT! (if u can even consider it a cat still) his name is Trogdor! He's a big boy..... lol.. 22 pounds of cat!
DAMN! People make fun of my 16 pound cat, but Trogdor is a fucking GIANT. I love that cat. Good job.