OJ Simpson. Murderer or not?

Kyle Griffin

New Member
I was tokin in my garage and started watching youtube videos and come across a documentary on the murder. I remember when this shit happened but was only 11 at the time. You guys think he did it? I think maybe he did it. Post your thoughts.


Active Member
If I was a innocent person, the last thing I would do is write a book called "If I did it" and explain how I "hypothetically" could of murdered 2 people, and my mindset the entire time.

Kyle Griffin

New Member
Johnny cocksucker ruined the whole case with "if the glove dont fit you must acquit" hes getting fucked in the ass by satan right now lol


Active Member
Well, the truth is Johnny Cochran just did a serious good job of bullshitting OJ's case, or...
he was a great lawyer. my step father worked for him for a while, he's good at what he does.
but OJ totally did it.

The Knuck

Active Member
the prosecution screwed it up, among other things THEY insisted he try the gloves on, a racist cop, and the media circus didnt help, Johnny was just doing his job.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
the prosecution screwed it up, among other things THEY insisted he try the gloves on, a racist cop, and the media circus didnt help, Johnny was just doing his job.
Yeah I saw a documentary on it too. I was also too young to really understand it at the time but after watching this it was pretty clear that hewas guilty and why he was able to beat the charges.

Alot of whatwas in the media was not allowed to be entered in the courtroom so the jurors didn't see what we saw. The cops trespassing on the property was the biggest factor in his not guilty verdict IMO. Also, the prosecution didn't want to present the car chase evidence and the racist cop lying on the stand was a nail in the coffin for the prosecution.

Whata dumb fuck OJ is though.


Well-Known Member
I personally believe he did it. I watched much of the trial on tv, but wasn't there for a lot of it too; we didn't see everything.

One of Simpson's lawyers, F. Lee Bailey, has moved to Maine, not far from where I live actually. There was a story in Sunday's paper about him, and his new book. Bailey believes Simpson is innocent of the murders, and offers his reasons why I guess. Among these, a witness who was never called who could have proven his innocence. Here's the newspaper story on Bailey:



Well-Known Member
ronald goldman and nicole brown deserved to be slain by a pissed off hubsband, fuckers were fuckin around, literally.....and it caught up them.... tooo bad we all dont have that kinda money to get outta shit or i woulda been outta dumb shit a long time ago as well...... he is an ignorant rich black man, that's it.......well.... he WAS..... may he burn in fuckin hell for killin some nice snatch like nicole had....mmm... makes me think of a muff sandwich.....nicole brown simpson style....... pre mordem of course..... fuck that necro shit

Kyle Griffin

New Member
Yeah thats true. If he really did it he never should of robbed that collector. Now hes gotta do 30 years. He couldve gotten away with it. Hope he likes the taste of prison food . . and penis


Of course he did it, his next door neighbor actually came over to see what all the screaming and carnage was about(Kato). OJ walked in on his wife screwing her new lover and flipped then after he dumped most of the evidence he took of in his bronco on a police chase down the freeway

The Knuck

Active Member
Of course he did it, his next door neighbor actually came over to see what all the screaming and carnage was about(Kato). OJ walked in on his wife screwing her new lover and flipped then after he dumped most of the evidence he took of in his bronco on a police chase down the freeway
this is all wrong,

The murders were commited at Nicoles house, as OJ came home he hopped a fence and banged into an air conditioner on his guest house where Kato was staying.

OJ wasnt a suspect rite away, he flew to chicago and thriugh the gloves away, later when an arrest warrant was issued he hoped in his bronco and al cowlings drove him on a slow speed chase across LA.


Of course he did it. Nicole's 911 calls about his abuse say it all.

That's said,

we live in a country that values the jury system. Do we really want a bunch of judges deciding our fate all the time? I think there are pros and cons to both..let's face, some people are stupid. Do you really want them deciding your fate? When was the last time a smart, well educated person jumped at the chance of jury duty--usually, we're using our wits to get out of it.

So then whose left to decide?