"Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.


Well-Known Member
I started six within a couple of days of each other and picked the first one to pop up. It has out paced the other five by far.


Active Member
Dude! Am I glad this isnt, about having the biggest plant. I'm only a few days behind you with my BHD, and it is way behind that plant. I would seriously consider breeding that one.


Well-Known Member
Dude! Am I glad this isnt, about having the biggest plant. I'm only a few days behind you with my BHD, and it is way behind that plant. I would seriously consider breeding that one.
It just so happens that I am running this a breeding operation. I will be happy if it's male or female as long as it keeps hulking out like it is


Well-Known Member
Everyone looks to be doing good!
I suspect in about 4-5 weeks this is going to get really interesting. :clap:
We seem to have a nice mix of grow styles going here that should be interesting to see how things develope.

H2 - I'm really going to be watching your grow.:cool: I've pondered about going soiless like some form of hydro / Aero. My biggest problem is power outages. Sometimes I can be without elect. for a day or more. I hope I can learn something about hydro with your contestant. :clap:

I've started my refurbishing of the grow areas. I'll be ready next time! :-o:wink: I did get 5 beans to pop and plant so I best get a move-on. LOL.

Carry-on gents,,, doing great! :clap::clap::clap::clap::leaf:


Well-Known Member

Increadable! :clap::clap::clap::weed:

From the pics it looks as though it started right out the gate with 7 fingered fans? And she's looking soooo happy too.


Active Member
My weekly update.

Day 9 Lowrider Auto AK, Hydro, 400hps

Well I did my first ever reservoir change yesterday, went rather well, now I have a spare bucket to prepare solution before hand meaning the root system isn’t out of the water for more than a couple of seconds

27 litre bucket

18 litres of 24hr bubbled tap water
8ml Canna Vega A+B
2ml Canna flora A+B
5ml Ionic Nitrosyme
8ml Ionic liquid silicon
5ml Ionic liquid oxygen

E.C 0.8

Ph was corrected to 5.8 using ph down of about 1ml, I've started using Liquid oxygen 5ml per day and checking (ph, E.C) every other day, thought to check old solution ph was 6.2 and EC was 0.3, which I was really happy with when it was made up on the 12/24/10. Hydro is easy so far…..

I still do have a slight issues to contend with, reservoir temps, I managed to drop from 29c to 24c with using heat barriers and lifting the light up, Hopefully when the plant grows the temp should drop as I raise the bulb, fingers crossed

Massive issue again with cameras!, Hz messing with refresh rates, so had to switch off and use a bed side lamp, waving it round like someone on a film set, just can’t seam to get any decent in focused shots yet..



Well-Known Member
Marcus, on the camera,,
I found that one (or two) of the 5500K CFLs around 23 watts (I think) worked really well for lighting in a clamp-on & alluminum reflector. Had issues with on-camera flash when in Maco so I tried the above. Worked great for me. Possibly the low light from incandecant isn't giving you enough light for decent shutter speed (type thing)?

YOU WENT HYDRO? (another to watch):-P :clap:

(and just for you - http://www.using-hydrogen-peroxide.com/peroxide-garden.html):wink::bigjoint:
I don't generally mention the above too much. People tell me about how bad / dangerouse it is for a plant. I've used it a awful lot (100% indoors @ 1/3 cup per gallon of 3%). I started when the rains would flood my outdoor garden, essentially drowning my veggies and such. The above saved my butt more times than I can remember. That and growing a couple garlic bulbs (bugs) are pretty much the standard for me. The combo seems to work better than neem here.


Well-Known Member
Looking good there Stoner! :clap:
People say that AFs don't take well to training. Worked well for me last time though. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling I am going to be thankful for the anything goes part of this competition. My lovely #7 may end up being a stud bull for the other girls. It certainly looks healthy enough to breed! I am usually pretty good at predicting before they show sex.
It will be interesting to see how your topped girl comes out barbie. They say you are not supposed to do that but who the hell are they,and why should we listen to them.


Well-Known Member
Well it already is a very healthy strong plant and she has already grown 1/2 inch since I did the topping earlier, I have a feeling that this thing is going to get crazy. What I did is just pitch off where the the 4th set of leaves were startingto grow. I have also decided to do some LST too. Hey we may just come up with some new ways to getting more out of autos.


Well-Known Member
Well it already is a very healthy strong plant and she has already grown 1/2 inch since I did the topping earlier, I have a feeling that this thing is going to get crazy. What I did is just pitch off where the the 4th set of leaves were startingto grow. I have also decided to do some LST too. Hey we may just come up with some new ways to getting more out of autos.

Ever tried what I guess they're calling "defoliation"? (something old that's become sorta new again)


Well-Known Member
Stoner.Barbie, I topped one of my Blue Mystics babies and you should check it out in my thread pg 19 or 20.
Hey Canon, I tried defoliation during my 1st grow on Sassy. I won't do that again because buds utilize the fan leaves during flowering. She put in a lot a work to grow those fan leaves back. That energy could have been put into producing buds:)

Here is week 2 update....

Lights: 4-26w (2700K) CFLs and 1-26w (6500K) CFL
Nutrients: none at the moment
Soil: Ocean Forest Fox Farm (plenty of nutrients)
GROW STYLE: Scrog (screen of green) HOPEFULLY:)

Pics taken 1-15-11:




Well-Known Member
Thanks Teflondummy, I just checked out your grow journal and I'm glad I'm getting a chance to see how you get your girls to grow so beautiful from the beginning. Your grow is awesome!!!