fem blue mystic


Active Member
ok so today is week 5 of flowering and everything is looking beautiful. first ill show the comparison of the two main buds with that of last week then ill post all the pictures ive taken the first is going to be the one that got burnt you cant even tell anymore... the first one is this week and second is last week



Active Member
and here are the rest.... i just wish i had a better cameria to get close ups there looking nice and frosty one month to go till :bigjoint:



Active Member
thanks, i told my self that i would not pick t my plant but yesterday i could not hold my self. i picked a bud from the very bottom and was surprised on how smooth the high was, i cant wait till she's ready 29 days and counting lol.


Active Member
did you dry it? i took a bud off one of my bm plants last summer, 4-5 weeks from chop and i barely got high, but the finished bud got me stoned. it was still smooth though, thats one of my favorite traits of bm.


Active Member
Very strange your Blue Mystic leaves look nothing like mine. Nothing! Probably cause of the burn though.
i see what your saying mine are very different than yours, but from what im seeing my plant has the characteristics of a blue mystic. probabley has something to do with genetics, all there seeds dont come off the same plant.......;i like how big your fan leaves are looking good.


Active Member
did you dry it? i took a bud off one of my bm plants last summer, 4-5 weeks from chop and i barely got high, but the finished bud got me stoned. it was still smooth though, thats one of my favorite traits of bm.
no i just stuck it in the bowl and burned it. its not like i got high i just got a very mellow buzz. it was not a smooth taste but i could taste a hint of fruitiness....


Active Member
yeah thats about what i got out of it before. its just as smooth when its finished, just alot more potent.


dude i love blue mystic, the flowers r nice and fat once you get towards the finish, and it doesn't stink like a skunk at all!


Active Member
ya thats what im noticing it only stinks a little if i squeeze the buds lightly even then most of the smell is off my fingers this is a great stealth plant im sure next week when i take more pics there will be a noticeable difference at least i hope so im almost to the end a little less then a month but i will only harvest the top half the bottom will go right back under the light since i only have one i want to get the most out of it


Well-Known Member
if i do that will new sprouts grow and how long should i veg it for 3 weeks?? sounds like a good idea
Find some technical info on revegging. It basically just involves leaving a small amount of growth after harvesting all the buds, switching back to 24/0 or 20/4 or 18/6...whatever floats your boat. Let the plant recover and grow again, it'll look funny at first, but will fill back out and you just flower again.

Search around the stickies for info. Or download some free handbooks from pencilmethod.com.

You probably will want to repot.


Active Member
alright so in three days ill be week 6 im very excited.. everything is looking good, i just watered her yesterday and will feed her on tuesday then once more on next sunday then the flush will begin next tuesday. my only question is how much water should i use to flush and how many times is best?? ill have new pics on tuesday. i tied her down some more because she started to cover up the lower buds again, besides that i have no other news.


Well-Known Member
yeaa ive heard alotta people say re-vegging works great for them.. cuz the plant already has a great root system... adn a nice thick stem.. wen u harvest.. jsut try to leave as many leaves.. etc. on there as u can... u can always try to take a clone too.. lol. take one from the very bottom... one without much buds or w.e. on it.. it will take a lil longer to conver over to veg... but wen it roots... adn starts to grow... this thing will have a REDICULOUS amount of budsites.. its called monster cropping.. i actually tried it for the 1st time a few weeks ago. u can check out my sig if u want.. and look back 1 or 2 pages.. youll see the chronic clone i took about 5 weeks into flowering.. theres sooooooo many budsites...

either way im sure youll be happy with w.e. u do. tehres plenty of threads on here about monster cropping and reveggin a plant. =)


Active Member
thats a great idea i bought a cloning jell on my first grow but never used it also i wanted another plant but dont have any good seeds at hand tomorrow i will try to clone a branch i hope it will work..