Mushrooms - Pf Tek Supply list, Questions, Other Teks

I might be wrong JP, but I think you need a pressure cooker to make the wild bird seed jars of spawn. I thought I remember reading that somewhere? Or maybe it was from one of the videos I watched recently...Let me look that up!

yes for WBS and grains you would use a pc,

im not sure but I think they may be talking about using Brf cakes to spawn bulk. where you would break up brf cakes and use it as you would grains mixing it in with Horsepoo.

which is slower and doesn't mix as well, from what i've heard, I haven't tried that. but if thats what in the bulk thread it looks equal
Yeah, brown rice seems to be more contam resistant for whatever reason, which is why you can boil the jars in a pot of water or crock pot instead of PCing. I'm pretty sure theres some whole rice teks out there you could play around with, add a little gypsum to keep the kernels separated, use pint jars for boiling so the heat can still penetrate to the core, etc. Might be something worth looking into. But Im sure you could log onto ebay and find a small Regal or Mirro pressure cooker for pretty cheap. No need to spring for an All American $400 model if this is just a hobby, but a PC would make life easier. If you do boil your jars, keep it at a boil for 90 minutes or so, or crock pot them overnight...
there is a no pc Wbs grain thread on shroomery, its really hard to pull off contam free but it has been done.
I think the mono tek is the way for me, the boiling water over the hpoo mix seems a doable project. I guess i am just still a little skiddish about a pressure cooker. I know if i want to get any where in this hobby i will have to get a PC but for now i have plenty of experiments to try with brf cakes and mono tek bulk.

ahh well its not the same thing, you pasturize horse poo, your sterilize WBS. you could pc horse poo, but you cant pasturize WBS and grains.
yes i realize that wbs and grains are out for me because i dont have a PC, i will be sticking to just tek's i can boil or steam.

If i used a closet light bulb would that be enough light. i can place my FC on a chest of drawers and let it get light like that for 12 hours a day?

Yes truth fully i wouldnt worry the light doesnt really matter they will grow with little or no light hell a candle or and led would work
right on i have a clip light that i can use. do mushrooms care what color the light is? my FC is light blue plastic.

Yes truth fully i wouldnt worry the light doesnt really matter they will grow with little or no light hell a candle or and led would work

thats sorta wrong... they do need light thats been proven.. they even preform better with better light also been proven, now they still only require a small amount of light compared to plants, as they are not plants and use light completly different. daylight spectrum, 5000k-6500k is best,

I think I use for my fc is 13 wat floresent bulb for one 15 gallon fc, about I dont really know exactly, but its not alot, but the right spectrum and right amount can make a difference
rutt roo i smell a problem then. my fruiting chamber is a light blue so no matter what color light i throw at it, it will be a shade of blue.

Im hoping my mushrooms are color blind hehe

rutt roo i smell a problem then. my fruiting chamber is a light blue so no matter what color light i throw at it, it will be a shade of blue.

Im hoping my mushrooms are color blind hehe


You should be fine. I have a see through green one with the light on the outside fruiting now, I'll post a pic a bit later when I'm not so lazy.
you probably wont have any problems i've seen alot of people use colored tubs, but i think clear is better

Another question i had. what makes a good tray for bulk? Would a trash bag lined baking pan one of those disposable ones OK to use? I dont have any deep containers lying around. So i have to buy something to put my bulk experiments in.

I couldn't get a good pic of my colored fruiting chamber, I need to get a better camera for color pictures. Here are some wbs cakes I picked this morning.
