Mushrooms - Pf Tek Supply list, Questions, Other Teks

I couldn't get a good pic of my colored fruiting chamber, I need to get a better camera for color pictures. Here are some wbs cakes I picked this morning.

Wow! :clap: Pretty Trippy Colors!!:o Ohhh!:eyesmoke: Ahhh!:eyesmoke:

Looking REALLY good! I'm still colonizing my jars.:| Man, I can't wait to be at this step in the process!!!:hump:
thats sorta wrong... they do need light thats been proven.. they even preform better with better light also been proven, now they still only require a small amount of light compared to plants, as they are not plants and use light completly different. daylight spectrum, 5000k-6500k is best,

I think I use for my fc is 13 wat floresent bulb for one 15 gallon fc, about I dont really know exactly, but its not alot, but the right spectrum and right amount can make a difference

Im not trying to argue but if you go to amsterdam they grow them in big trays on shelves like ten high and this was in a barn looking shed with no lights at all except for the door going outside they kept it humid bny putting a huge heating element in a tub of water that lightly steamed. I wouldnt waste my time with spectrum. its all about fruition and light has nothing to do with pinning its all about the strain and medium. IM sure you might get bigger or taller specimens , but i would rather have many and save the big lights for the green. I have had many sucessfull grows using clear totes and ice cream pails using nothing more than electric blankets and 10 watt lights. Dont make it harder on your self. Get some liquit culture and MYG kits DIY and make some casing you will have so many shrooms you wont even care about light.
WooT WooT !!! :clap: Nice Thread...!!! :clap:

Been reading for a while... still don't know shit... never messed with anything like it...

So here is a question:

If you can use BRF without sterilizing it in the jar, could you use it to make your casing?

I apologize if I used any of the terms incorrectly... I still don;t know shit about shrooms... other than eating LOTS of :eyesmoke:

Thanks for all the good info!!! :clap:
Im not trying to argue but if you go to amsterdam they grow them in big trays on shelves like ten high and this was in a barn looking shed with no lights at all except for the door going outside they kept it humid bny putting a huge heating element in a tub of water that lightly steamed. I wouldnt waste my time with spectrum. its all about fruition and light has nothing to do with pinning its all about the strain and medium. IM sure you might get bigger or taller specimens , but i would rather have many and save the big lights for the green. I have had many sucessfull grows using clear totes and ice cream pails using nothing more than electric blankets and 10 watt lights. Dont make it harder on your self. Get some liquit culture and MYG kits DIY and make some casing you will have so many shrooms you wont even care about light.

I have no idea what amount of light is needed as i stated i use a 13 watt, just 3 watts more than you so clearly im not suggesting using some giant plant lights or anything, and the fact that day light spectrum is preferred as far as i can tell it could be all speculation, but i've never seen any speculation of any other spectrum ever so i just statd the spectrum as daylight...

they only way to know is to do hundreds of tests and compare results, using same cloned mycelium of strongest isolated strain. I'd like to find the scientific article/publishing if I can and post it here... unfortunatly it could take awhile to find on internet and then confirm it as fact. but i'll try till then heres somethign i found on the subject

Phototropism, look it up, that how mushrooms use light right. ok so acording to this the brighter the light the better the duration how ever is unimportant, so 5 min in the direct sun light will initiate better pins than dim light for 12 hours..... found stuff supporting this all over shroomery, all in newer posts of course as its a relativly new found discovery. at least amoung us amature mycologists, even that guy everybody quotes RR said in his experimenting sun light showed inproved pinning and of course over all yeild.
WooT WooT !!! :clap: Nice Thread...!!! :clap:

Been reading for a while... still don't know shit... never messed with anything like it...

So here is a question:

If you can use BRF without sterilizing it in the jar, could you use it to make your casing?

I apologize if I used any of the terms incorrectly... I still don;t know shit about shrooms... other than eating LOTS of :eyesmoke:

Thanks for all the good info!!! :clap:

for a casing you want to use non nutritional so that the cake/grains dont try to colonize it instead of pinning. you may have ment as a substrate to spawn your cakes to to make a large cake, i dont know if its possible, i did once try but met with failure... im sure it could be done. just dont know what kind of results you would get.
for a casing you want to use non nutritional so that the cake/grains dont try to colonize it instead of pinning.

OK... this is obviously something I haven't figured out yet... I thought casing was the act of creating a large cake from a little one...

So would the casing be the "outer layer" of your cake?

Pardon the ignorance...

you may have ment as a substrate to spawn your cakes to to make a large cake,

THAT is exactly what I meant... lol... thanks!

i dont know if its possible, i did once try but met with failure... im sure it could be done. just dont know what kind of results you would get.

I understand... do you know why yours failed?
it just contamed, got the green tric mold, probably some sterilization step i missed, or something on my part, it originally was colonizing much faster than anything i had seen, but then the contams did the same...
I was watching the lets grow videos by RR and he suggests pasteurizing the jars of casing material for an hour before use then using a glove box to cut down on air borne contams.

Which tek did you follow for your casing layer?

I use a pc for everything that I can, and if its alot of something like straw or poo I pasturize in a tub like the ozz poo tek, for casing layers i've used coir and verm that I pc'd.

in the instance I was talking about I had some brf jars prepared and tried to spawn a crumbled colonized brf cake into a small tub with some uncolonized brf substrate in hopes it would colonize into one large cake, it colonized super fast, and got contam which also colonized it very fast... I think its possible, i dont know what would happen though. but problem is brf substrate contams pretty easy (why you leave it in a steril jar) the tub i use just wasn't a steril enough enviroment for this to work. i'll probably try it again sometime.. but my last few experiments met with contams, I also tried useing coffe as a poo replacement, but It also contamed... I have two Wbs trays slowly slowly colonizing i mean slooooowwwwlly colonizing some coir and all of my cakes met a bleachy death lol, i tried to reclaim perlite with bleach water..... didn't rinse well enough and my fruiting chamber bacame bleach chamber for cakes lol
I really need to get past the fear of using a PC. my mom doesnt trust them and that made me wary of them. I know its silly but just something i grew up with.

Im terrified of mine lol, but i've used it like 30-40 times and it still hasn't blown up, but mine leaks in places its not suposed to and stuff haha, the best ones have strong clamps or screws to keep it shut, mines cheap one from walmart though and has none of that lol
glad im not the only one!

If you can stand it, i guess i will wait till i can afford a really nice one then go for it. your an inspiration!

I grew up in a house that used them daily... and they are as safe as the person using them...
If the pressure relief valve gets clogged, it will blow up... but you should never really leave one unattended for long anyways...
As long as you can hear the pressure chugging out the top, you're good... when they go quiet is when you have a problem... plus, most modern PCs have gages...

With that said, I have seen them blow up more than once, one plugged and the other had an old crappy rubber seal and it let go... both very bad...
it will make things alot easier for you in the long run.. its even better for brf, though its not a necessity..
I grew up in a house that used them daily... and they are as safe as the person using them...
If the pressure relief valve gets clogged, it will blow up... but you should never really leave one unattended for long anyways...
As long as you can hear the pressure chugging out the top, you're good... when they go quiet is when you have a problem... plus, most modern PCs have gages...

With that said, I have seen them blow up more than once, one plugged and the other had an old crappy rubber seal and it let go... both very bad...

yeah my seal sucks, shitty rubber doesn't stay in place