Hottest Pepper In The World "Naga Jolokia" (Grown in Hydro)


Well-Known Member
thats guts to here bro! Im quite stoked I just germed 6 of these in soil, last time they didnt work for me, hurray!


Well-Known Member
Well Ryan, im taking your thread over. just started germinating 12 Bhut Jolokia seeds. they are sitting in rockwool cubes, in one of those clear plastic packages that lettuce/spinach comes in at the grocery store. i set them on top of my hot air duct, so they germ at about 80 degrees or so. gonna try to put together some sort of heating mat on the cheap. i guess they have to germ and start their initial growth at high temps.

i got a question for you guys that have been growing these, what do you recomend for nutrients? i figured i'd start out with GH flora- series cause i got some on hand.
i was gonna shoot for a PH of like 5.5 or 6ish assuming its like mary jane. please let me know if im wrong.

gonna put together a NFT system for these, do i need of spacing per plant, or can these be grown in a pretty compact system?

im gonna start them under 6000k 30w CFL's and pick up a MH fixture once they got a few leaves on them. ill keep you guys posted.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Ghost Chilis are way too hot to be playing a prank with. Anyone that would use one of these in a prank is very cruel. Ghost Chilis can leave blisters on your tongue in your mouth and throat. It is extremely painful.


Active Member
i guess they have to germ and start their initial growth at high temps.

i got a question for you guys that have been growing these, what do you recomend for nutrients? i figured i'd start out with GH flora- series cause i got some on hand.
i was gonna shoot for a PH of like 5.5 or 6ish assuming its like mary jane. please let me know if im wrong.

gonna put together a NFT system for these, do i need of spacing per plant, or can these be grown in a pretty compact system?

im gonna start them under 6000k 30w CFL's and pick up a MH fixture once they got a few leaves on them. ill keep you guys posted.
I have not grown anything in hydro so my experience is from dirt and soiless mix growing. All peppers for me seem to germinate better with temps between 85 and 90 deg. once they germ i keep them between 75 and 80ish. As far as spacing if you only have a few plants it doesn't really make that big of a difference as long as you can get around the plants to harvest them. I would suggest no closer than two feet and at least three feet between rows if you are growing that many. As far as nutes i do not give them any nutes until they get there 2nd or 3rd set of true leaves and then it is only half strength, when they get about 4 inches tall they get full strength ferts.

This is what i germ all of my seeds in. I use two waterbed heaters connected to a remote bulb thermostat.

What is NFT? (sorry new to all this hydro stuff)


Active Member
podripper that is a sweet germ box! NFT means nutrient film technique, and basically involves a steady, low volume flow of nutes over the root zone.


Active Member
Thanks, I germinate about 2500 pepper seeds a year and 2 -3k tomato seeds. it def gets the job done for me. Once they sprout they go directly under the 4' fluorescents.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I germinate about 2500 pepper seeds a year and 2 -3k tomato seeds. it def gets the job done for me. Once they sprout they go directly under the 4' fluorescents.

That's a lot of peppers! How long do you keep them under 4 ft fluorescents?

That's a nice set up.


Active Member
Different species of peppers get started at different times because of the length of time it takes them to get ripe fruit. I started all of my chinense specied varieties on Jan. 1st, these are the slowest growers of all the species. The Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) is a chinense. Currently I have around 200 Bhut Jolokia seedlings, some are red some are yellow and some are chocolate. They stay under the fluorescents until April when they go out in the greenhouse. They are under the floros as soon as they poke up from the Pro-mix and get 12-12 lighting. I now germinate everything in damp coffee filters, it is way less of a headache. I will start all of the other species some time around the middle of March.



Well-Known Member
huh,do peppers not benefit from a longer light cycle? i was planning on starting them off on a 24-0 light cycle.

thats quite the operation you got going on there. were those jalapeno's wrapped with bacon on the bbq?
that looks awesome.

well so far i got nothing poking up, but i can't seem to reach temps higher than 80 degrees with them sitting on the hot air duct. tonight i will build some sort of a ghetto germ-incubator out of some hi-R rigid insulation and a 40 watt light bulb. ill post a pic once im done.


Active Member
huh,do peppers not benefit from a longer light cycle? i was planning on starting them off on a 24-0 light cycle.

thats quite the operation you got going on there. were those jalapeno's wrapped with bacon on the bbq?
that looks awesome.

well so far i got nothing poking up, but i can't seem to reach temps higher than 80 degrees with them sitting on the hot air duct. tonight i will build some sort of a ghetto germ-incubator out of some hi-R rigid insulation and a 40 watt light bulb. ill post a pic once im done.
there has been quite a bit of lighting experiments in the chilihead community and in my own basement, if I was going to leave my lights on any longer than 12/12 it would only be for the first 2or3 weeks after they pop thier heads out of the soil. It also depends on what you are going to do with your plants, if you are going to grow them in the house all year than you would want something other than floro lights and your on off cycle would have to be tweaked. I just grow mine for selling so i do not want them to flower or fruit just get big enough to sell.

I did wrap the peppers with bacon. I believe there are some Brown Habs, Manzanos, Balloon and Big Jim peppers on there.

As far as alternative heat sources you could also try hot water heater, top of your flat screen TV. A light bulb in a cardboard box will work also. They don't have to be 85 to 90deg. continuous but it def. speeds thing up.

How long have they been germinating?



Well-Known Member
so this is the heated shelf unit i put together.

its just a steel vented box with a 40 watt light bulb inside. it reaches 88ish degrees at the steel. the seeds are in rockwool inside of the clear plastic container to retain humidity. i put this together thursday. and as of today saturday i finally have my first sign of life.

so im gonna wait a few more days and throw them under CFL's and start building their permanent home. a 3" PVC NFT system. i beleive they will sit in an intermediate home until they are properly rooted. not sure what i will do yet.


Well-Known Member
SUBED..a buddy gave me Ghost Chilis..and man they are HOTT..cut a rice grain size off and put it on my tounge...after 30 sec i had to take it out.

does any one know if the seeds that are in the dryed chilis are viable? my guess is yes but not sure.


Well-Known Member
comeing along nicely, first flowers showing, also got some peppadew seedlings now and just stuck them in the ground, it gets realy hot so I need to water alot. Its likea fulltime job :O
THe sweetbells are starting to go red, very small though, I think that soil is done for, I thought it was dead, when they go dormant, there is no sign of life.