To Shantibaba and the babies at Mr. Nice Seeds

It is all becoming clear now...yep, that's what Japanfreak was talking about. You're a bigot.

All I pointed out was some of the other ridiculous rules in Leviticus. Like this one "Billy Bob, I think I gots me some rabies, a bat bit me." "But Joe Bob, rabies is for mammals, and we all know that bats is birds. It says so in the good book."

Since you're now saying you don't make that claim, I'm guessing you don't believe, in which case my pointing out the fallacy of picking one item from a list of obviously outdated priestly rules shouldn't bother you at all.

Peace man, smoke some dope.
Just so everybody knows, I believe in Jesus. I make no bones about it. I aint here to preach to you though. I am a sinner and I know it. Thats not what these forums are for. We should get back to the discussion of grass and dont let folks who's only intention is to whine, gripe and cry get us sidetracked.

when did i make that claim ?

looks like your as stupid as your boyfriend Jefferstone

Ok so you read the bible and quote from it to people for unknown reasons but you don't believe in it and your not a follower? Am I getting this right? lol
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This message is hidden because Jefferstone is on your ignore list.

ok now that those two are on ignore for making up stories in thier own minds about other ppl and what was "claimed" when it was NOT "claimed" we can get on with things :blsmoke:
mns forum is shite ful of ass licking shanti and nev ass bandits who if you dont adhere to their way moreso nevs way of thinking/buying their bestest in whole wide world seeds then take the highway or get bullied from nevs muppets.
fucking waste on net space that shite site
rotflmao jp
Because I laugh at the thought of you being so addicted to me that you have to come back. Don't worry baby, daddy's got enough sugar for all.
Wow, Japanfreak, you're just as much of a psychotic, negative, time-wasting asshole here as you were on Mr Nice... you pretty much define 'troll'.
That has nothing watso ever to do with RIU dont bring you battles here..........Its not wanted..........I have nothing against you Jap but its not right to bring your personal battles to this forum...........