Trippy Music


Well-Known Member
Nice. Just when I was in the mood for some ear razzle dazzle... Here we are with some fresh picks of the evening :D

Let me lend you guys a most favorable cord. He goes by the Name of Michael Cassette. This fellow assembles some sickly 80's inspired sounds. More synth's than an 80's flashback record, here we go now:



Well-Known Member
They like to label it as Progressive House... which is somewhat of a new genre these days. If you like him you'll dig tunes by Proff and Paul Keeley


Well-Known Member
Pretty Lights. All I can say. Mimosa is pretty awesome to just chill around too.
agreed with this guy!!!!

Pretty Lights




Well-Known Member
One nice cold bottle of Stella Rosa wine and some fine tunes will be caressing me tonight. Maybe some MJ too if I feel naughty... a lot of business to handle tonight so my mind must be lucid enough to enjoy it ;)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I raise my cup of Java in your general direction sir ..... cheers ..... ahhh India is still sleeping ....



Well-Known Member
Please, naked, please reveal the source for this snake arousing music. I didn't have a cup of Java but I'm stimulated beyond belief after this listen :D

Dubstep, take a step back and listen to this ;)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
LOL ... The killer awoke before dawn ... he put his boots on .... he took a face from an ancient gallery ... and he waked down the hall
listening to this track ....


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Well just to give you an idea ...
The maker of this track has released three titles ...

1 India is sleeping
2 the lord of darkness
3 a giant piece of wow



Folks get inspired .... what else can be said.