UTA's indoor organics, and waterfarmin' closet: Blue Widow, Querkle, Qleaner, OGK


Well-Known Member

OGK, I'm thinking of veggin' this girl till she's in a five gal bucket, I like the pheno so much.

Cataract Kush, she'll be placed in the last spot under the scrog pretty soon.

the last of my nug.. sucks but I got tons of keef from this oz so I'll press it and make some hash

Orale, hasta luego.


Well-Known Member
Ah, I see. I'm assuming that it has the heavy sativa genetics as well though. I've been kinda eying the Blackberry but were prolly 6 months away from another seed order.
Yeah, I'd agree this has heavy sativa genes. I did some research on her after she was already popped, and it did not recomened this strain indoors, and that she has a long stretch. Hopefully she doesn't give me problems.

more info on the BlackBS:

Black Berry’s mother is a clone sent to Holland from the Seattle area called Black Domino and the father is Nirvana’s Raspberry cough. The tight structure of the Domino comes through in the mix. The smoke from Blackberry is thick and heavy with hints of Asian sativa in the flavor. Yields are very good for a strain displaying so many desirable traits.

Flowering Time Indoor: 73 - 87 days (~80 days)
Stretch after the initiation of flowering: ~1100 Percent
Initiation of flowering onto around 10 cm. - Final Height onto around 120 cm.
Yield / Quantity Indoor: The crop of this strain is slightly below average.
General Impression Indoor: is all together not recommendable.
Votings of our users: Blackberry gets 2.50 of 10 possible Points in the average!

Not such a great review...


Well-Known Member

FF application of BioBoost, Humbolt's Bloom, Biovega, and seaweed.

-stretch seems to be slowing down and the flowers are forming.


Both the Cataract Kush, and the Headband (sour kush) were placed under 12/12. The suplementary HPS was added, temps were great until I closed the area up... need to work on some better ventilation, maybe purchase a new fan.

Fed all the clones, and the bagseed sativas that I decided to keep around. The clones were fed with 8ml vega, 4ml flores, 5ml Humb's bloom, 10ml maxicrop SW, and 2ml of BioBoost. And the badseed sativas were fed with the above ratio, yet diluted with half a gallon of water.

e.c was 1.9, and 1.25 for the clones and the bagseed sativas, respectfully.


Hopefully it stops stretching during flower. The Blueberry sativa was at least a month into flower before it even started to slow


Well-Known Member
Good to see you're still alive smelly! haha..

So I'm nearly at fully capacity in the flowering area. I have room for maybe a few smaller clones, but that's it. The catk and the HB are the newest editions, the cat didn't fit under the screen well, so it's above the screen and fits perfectly. I'll update with a couple pics because everthing looks completely different from the last update, even if it was a few days ago, with the added light and plants. I had raised the SBC because she stopped stretching and wasn't too close to the light.

1/19-fed BBS with transition recipe, fed BW with straight vega recipe.


Well-Known Member

A few batches of clones, finally got some HB clones going, plus BW, CK, SBC, BBS, and some sativa bagseed. Some are already rooting after three days, you can see the lower leafs using their energy to root. Should probably take some OGK clones today, we'll see.


Well-Known Member

Hope everyone is having a chillen Friday.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think so... they looked perky earlier and it's been about two days for the onnes in the plugs... The ones in the cups have been in there for like five days or some shit so they should be good.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mang, there's nothing better than organics :) rep back at ya.

So I'll be taking the OG clones tonight, and maybe nick one from the second SBC that has a more indica pheno...