Reality, Conciousness, Singularity...The Source.


Well-Known Member
Reality is like a computer generated hologram in which the characters it creates are programmed to believe it is real.

Reality is a game of illusion, delusion, perception and deception.

Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.

Reality is about learning.

Reality is consciousness or programmed illusion. It is virtual, perceived through conscious awareness. We exist in a biogenetic experiment to experience emotion through the construct of linear time. All and everything is created by geometric design following the patterns of sacred geometry. Reality appears to move in synchronized linear fashion creating the illusion of time, also known as the loops/cycles of time, wheel of karma, or the alchemy wheel.

Reality began with a tone (horns, cones, harmonics, soul notes) and spiraling light (consciousness) which create ongoing and endless grids in which souls virtually experience. Grids have frequencies to which souls attach for that experience. Souls enter one or more grids in which they experience simultaneously

Reality is never the same. Like the flow of the collective unconsciousness it is forever in motion creating new patterns of experience. Consciousness spirals like a slinky, mirroring the movement, or evolution, of DNA. The higher your consciousness moves up the slinky, the faster the vibrational frequency - the faster you think, create, understand higher holographic archetypes of reality, and increase your manifestation in physical reality.

Your thoughts/consciousness begin at the top and spiral down to the physical realms which are so slow moving - you forget the nature of reality - that which is above. Now as we approach the end of the reality experiment, everything moves into higher frequency until it ceases to exist from the physical, returning to light and total consciousness.

Indigenous people have always understood that reality is an illusion or dream from which we will awaken.

Prophecies throughout time bring the same message about this being the end of the cycles of time evolving into something more - something non-physical - the return to light.

You see it all around you as the grids that maintain our physical connection are collapsing. Along with this we are witnessing the collapse of economic, political, social, and religious systems. Natural disasters are accelerating exponentially allowing souls to understand everything is changing. We are running out of Time, that which holds the illusion in place.

We are light beings (consciousness from a creational source) having a physical experience, evolving back to our natural state.

This reality program is about to end/evolve. Some people link this with 2012 - a metaphor for the return to consciousness. You can't put an exact date on it, if time is an illusion.

Reality in everyday usage means "everything that exists". The term "Reality", in its widest sense, includes everything that is, whether it is observable, accessible or understandable by science, philosophy, theology or any other system of analysis. Reality in this sense may include both being and nothingness, whereas existence is often restricted to being.
....Wow. Finaly, someone who wrote something interesting to read. I think about this all the time. Allthough you have fixed some of the loop holes in my head. I try to explain this to people as well and there minds just cant seem to grasp it. Question...have you looked into Rik Clay and the london olympics?


Active Member
Interesting....but...whats the point of going down the spiral, being human, then dying and moving back up? Whats the experience for? Why not just stay where everything is all good? lol
can you explain to me this statement below and then what you think takeing drugs do to the mind/soul of time/reality/consiousness and the affect it has on us orbiting around the cycle of time.

"everything moves into higher frequency until it ceases to exist from the physical, returning to light and total consciousness"

Soul you would beleive we do have souls then?


Well-Known Member
Reality is like a computer generated hologram in which the characters it creates are programmed to believe it is real.

Reality is a game of illusion, delusion, perception and deception.

Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.

Reality is about learning.

Reality is consciousness or programmed illusion. It is virtual, perceived through conscious awareness. We exist in a biogenetic experiment to experience emotion through the construct of linear time. All and everything is created by geometric design following the patterns of sacred geometry. Reality appears to move in synchronized linear fashion creating the illusion of time, also known as the loops/cycles of time, wheel of karma, or the alchemy wheel.

Reality began with a tone (horns, cones, harmonics, soul notes) and spiraling light (consciousness) which create ongoing and endless grids in which souls virtually experience. Grids have frequencies to which souls attach for that experience. Souls enter one or more grids in which they experience simultaneously

Reality is never the same. Like the flow of the collective unconsciousness it is forever in motion creating new patterns of experience. Consciousness spirals like a slinky, mirroring the movement, or evolution, of DNA. The higher your consciousness moves up the slinky, the faster the vibrational frequency - the faster you think, create, understand higher holographic archetypes of reality, and increase your manifestation in physical reality.

Your thoughts/consciousness begin at the top and spiral down to the physical realms which are so slow moving - you forget the nature of reality - that which is above. Now as we approach the end of the reality experiment, everything moves into higher frequency until it ceases to exist from the physical, returning to light and total consciousness.

Indigenous people have always understood that reality is an illusion or dream from which we will awaken.

Prophecies throughout time bring the same message about this being the end of the cycles of time evolving into something more - something non-physical - the return to light.

You see it all around you as the grids that maintain our physical connection are collapsing. Along with this we are witnessing the collapse of economic, political, social, and religious systems. Natural disasters are accelerating exponentially allowing souls to understand everything is changing. We are running out of Time, that which holds the illusion in place.

We are light beings (consciousness from a creational source) having a physical experience, evolving back to our natural state.

This reality program is about to end/evolve. Some people link this with 2012 - a metaphor for the return to consciousness. You can't put an exact date on it, if time is an illusion.

Reality in everyday usage means "everything that exists". The term "Reality", in its widest sense, includes everything that is, whether it is observable, accessible or understandable by science, philosophy, theology or any other system of analysis. Reality in this sense may include both being and nothingness, whereas existence is often restricted to being.
OR, all life is the mold on the crust of the earth.


Well-Known Member
can you explain to me this statement below and then what you think takeing drugs do to the mind/soul of time/reality/consiousness and the affect it has on us orbiting around the cycle of time.

"everything moves into higher frequency until it ceases to exist from the physical, returning to light and total consciousness"

Soul you would beleive we do have souls then?
sorry for delayed answers ive been rlly busy with my grow.

for your first question. different realities/ dimensions in the phsyical grids have different vibrational frequencies attached to them. Souls eminate certain frequencies, the frequencies of which they attached to for physical experience. when one takes a mind altering drug, they are changing the state of their brain (which is just an electromagnetic machine that recieves and manifests univeral language of energy). when they change their state of mind, it is more open to frequencies which you are not attached to, different experience grids. that is when you hallucinate, and see things youve never seen before. only the physical is effected by the contruct of linear time. your "soul" is not bound by such things as time, gravity, etc, which is all physical. so when taking mind altering substances, your mind is free of such things, impossible is nothing.

as for the souls, i believe we all have a "physical body" a vessel of experience, and our "eternal body" which is just a strand of conciousness from the source, your soul.

our physical bodies are just vessels which our eternal body uses to raise conciousness and awareness. until you reach a point the Eastern religions call "Nirvana" complete connection to your mother source. "God"


Well-Known Member
Interesting....but...whats the point of going down the spiral, being human, then dying and moving back up? Whats the experience for? Why not just stay where everything is all good? lol

Its all about the evolution of concioussness through the alchemy of time. how something can evolve from the physical to the eternal, and vice versa. in my opinion we constantly re-connect, and leave after periods of time to go through the experience again.

Imagine all that exists is Raw Conciousness. It creates everything that is, and your are a single part of this singularity. the conciousness created grids of experience so that indivudal strands of this conciousness (souls) can leave and experience. return to the lower plains of existence, evolve through the alchemy of time, and return back to their mother "God" after they have gathered the knowledge, experience, etc that they left to experience. before you can connect back to the source, you have to realize why you left. why did you return to the lower vibrations of existence? what was your purpose? when you have aquired all that you have sought, you will return "home"


Well-Known Member
:wall:Hey, I may be way off with my analgy of what your saying,,and what your saying is good,,its really good,
I like the idea and can understand what you say, as we are made of stars after all. as you say 'reality' is only a perception of this physical 'world'(to use that term i mean the universe we observe around us) that we exist in now.. but (please bear with me if I have this wrong,)
why are there more and more souls or conciousness coming down to experiance this painful exsitance,,(as in when a conciousness comes back down it starts as a new 'life' weather insect or human,plant,? or just human? I take it the 'soul' has to attach itself to somthing that can live.. )
so in the recent population issues dos that mean more and more new consiousnesses comedown,,,, or dosnt every one of these new lives have a backing consiousness.? and this creator is constantly craeating? even though this realty will end more conciousness come to experiance the end??
and this coci
or do you mean that we literally die decompose(in some cases) and then when this earth and world end we all go back to being minute particles that were around when this place started rapid expanding.?as many scientist beleive?
or am I way off and to high to realise.


Well-Known Member
:wall:Hey, I may be way off with my analgy of what your saying,,and what your saying is good,,its really good,
I like the idea and can understand what you say, as we are made of stars after all. as you say 'reality' is only a perception of this physical 'world'(to use that term i mean the universe we observe around us) that we exist in now.. but (please bear with me if I have this wrong,)
why are there more and more souls or conciousness coming down to experiance this painful exsitance,,(as in when a conciousness comes back down it starts as a new 'life' weather insect or human,plant,? or just human? I take it the 'soul' has to attach itself to somthing that can live.. )
so in the recent population issues dos that mean more and more new consiousnesses comedown,,,, or dosnt every one of these new lives have a backing consiousness.? and this creator is constantly craeating? even though this realty will end more conciousness come to experiance the end??
and this coci
or do you mean that we literally die decompose(in some cases) and then when this earth and world end we all go back to being minute particles that were around when this place started rapid expanding.?as many scientist beleive?
or am I way off and to high to realise.
kk well let me start with how you should look at "yourself" and all living things. You arent a "Human" having a spiritual experience. You are a Spiritual Being, having a Human experience. By "Spiritual Being" I mean your soul, the conciousness which allows you to perceive, manifest, and experience.

"why are there more and more souls or conciousness coming down to experiance this painful exsitance,,(as in when a conciousness comes back down it starts as a new 'life' weather insect or human,plant,? or just human? I take it the 'soul' has to attach itself to somthing that can live.. )

You are correct, the soul does have to attach to a being that is "living" whether that be a insect, plant, or highly intellectual being. The souls that attach to things such as plants, or insects, are souls that arent at the same stage of their experience then us. we are intellectual beings, we attached to a "human" form so we can perceive, understand, and experience more, meaning we are making greater steps, then a soul that has attached to a plant or such creature that isnt so significant so to say (everything is significant dont get me wrong).

The reason why more and more souls, strands of conciousness come down, is because every living things needs this "life energy" or "your soul" to actually be a living thing. if we didnt have souls, we'd be zombies, braindead being walking around with no purpose. at the point of conception your eternal being attaches to a living host (as i look at it) They aren't coming down to experience the end. let me make this clear. There is no end.
There is only an end to your Physical Body, which is just a "host" for your real body, your "spirit/soul". Also when you die, chances are your not coming back to earth. there is 1000's if not millions, if not billions, of experience grids. this is just one grid in your experience. once youve experienced what you need to here, you wont return, you'll move onto your next step of the journey (so you can end up in a completely different universe). The people that come into this experience now were destined to experience what is going to happen here. that is the path you have decided is best for yourself.

In my belief everytime your physical vessel dies, you reconnect with the source. Your eternal body "sits down", and looks at what youve done through previous lifes, and what experiences you need to experience next. you then re-merge with the grids. for the first bit of your life (first 3 years for a human) you are still aware of the source, and what happened, where you came from. then the physical mind takes over and you start to lose sight of who you really are.)

you continue this process, until you accomplish what your purpose is in the experience grids. the overall purpose is to gather enough knowledge about both side of existence. the Duality. the Physical and intangible. you also have to raise your concioussness, and vibrational frequency to the highest point. the peak. this takes lifetimes to accomplish.

So lets say you havent accomplished your purpose yet, and the world ends. yes your physical body will rot in the earth returning to the basic elements you were made of. but your eternal body moves onto its next vessel. so you might end up being some crazy alien, but you are unaware that you were a human your previous life, only your eternal body knows. you are simply focused on your current experience cause thats the path.

when you start to raise your vibration frequency high enough, your eternal body is experiencing more, therefore making you more aware of the Eternal, "God" "The mysteries of the universe"

when you start to experience things more intagibely then physicaly your start to evolve your conciousness. you then start remembering who you really are a Body of Light, rather then a physical being. you also can remember past lifes, and re-visit them, via vibrational frequencies. every point in time, space, realities, etc. all have certain frequencies, when you eminate that frequency you experience what that frequency is holding. This is also called "Astral projection"

Since the Source is just conciousness. and your soul is a strand of conciousness, you are a single part of "the creator" which means you can create just as "God" can, when you unlock your full potential, via raising your vibrational frequencie. the higher it is, the more your thoughts manifest into the physical.

k im really high and seem to be jumping from subject to subject. im sorry. i hope something i wrote helped you understand. its better if you ask me 1 question at a time so i can fully devote 1 reply to 1 question. then you can continue asking.

so basically, you never cease to exist. you continue your journey until your fully connected back to the source. at which point you become merged with the creator from which we originated from.


Well-Known Member
Where is the evidence that a soul exists, or that the mind can exist beyond the body itself?



Well-Known Member
wow rhino.,you completely answered what I was trying to ask, and more..
okay I think I get it now.
I just have a question again, so can this current form that the souls connected to,,to use that as a quick ref. ,, can or could we perceive (ever) in this form this higher plain of exsitance? Like could you medate and think upon this to become 'enlightened'? to use that term loosly... or do we have to wait to see it again?
I really Like the idea of this though.
thanks rhino111... take it easy.


Well-Known Member
wow rhino.,you completely answered what I was trying to ask, and more..
okay I think I get it now.
I just have a question again, so can this current form that the souls connected to,,to use that as a quick ref. ,, can or could we perceive (ever) in this form this higher plain of exsitance? Like could you medate and think upon this to become 'enlightened'? to use that term loosly... or do we have to wait to see it again?
I really Like the idea of this though.
thanks rhino111... take it easy.
you can experience the higher plains of existence in any physical form. as your soul orgininated from the highest plain of existence. you need to raise your vibrational frequency and conciousness before you can really experience this though. I have done years and years of meditation, and I can say frome experience it is possible to experience the higher plains. One way is through Astral Projection. You probably heard about that term. The thing is, if you reach such a high state of conciousness, and vibrational energy and you return to the highest plain, you will not return to your physical body. You will become connected once you make it back to the Source. the highest plain of existence, or "God". You cannot experience the higher plains with your physical body, as its just a vessel for the lower plains. you can experience through your "Eternal Body"


Active Member
Where is the evidence that a soul exists, or that the mind can exist beyond the body itself?

I have been into this a long aswell. the mind cant exist beyond the body. the mind is the elctromagnetic machine with interprets universal language and turns it into something tangible, that being experience.

and evidence for souls, there is alot. but my main point would be, how can you conciously experience without a soul? you might say the brain blah blah. but if that were the case, wouldnt we all be having the EXACT same experience?


Active Member
I got a question aswell.

If everything perceived is the result of conciousness, without conciousness everything would cease to exist?


Well-Known Member
I have been into this a long aswell. the mind cant exist beyond the body. the mind is the elctromagnetic machine with interprets universal language and turns it into something tangible, that being experience.

and evidence for souls, there is alot. but my main point would be, how can you conciously experience without a soul? you might say the brain blah blah. but if that were the case, wouldnt we all be having the EXACT same experience?
I don't understand. Brains are exposed to very different stimuli, that would make the experiences of the resultant consciousness to be likewise dissimilar and diverse.


Active Member
I don't understand. Brains are exposed to very different stimuli, that would make the experiences of the resultant consciousness to be likewise dissimilar and diverse.
would you like to elaborate on this...? "Brains are exposed to very different stimuli" ?


Well-Known Member
Ah, okay
thats cool, not to sound to idotic.
Astral projection, right Iv herd of that but will defo start looking into that,.
So unfortunatly,,and sorry for another question,, when you do vibrate and leave this lower exsitance,thats it, as in after reaching this 'higherplain' we cant return back to were we left(orgin or lower vessel). Well could we come back down as a new life again?(with no recollection)or is there a limit to how many cycles you can use?or is it eternal,never ending.?
sorry, I really like what you are saying. May I ask if there a name for this theroy?(sorry to call it a theroy, just using that term as somthing else may come under a religon or following)
take it easy.