I do not like John McCain

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Well-Known Member
John Mccain is a hero no doubt. He's the man. He's definitely a different person now than who he was 30 years ago. He has zero character and no knowledge of anything other than foreign policy and how to be a good politician who's told what to do. I'm sure that if he finds himself living in the white house one day, he will push the big shiny red button and let some nukes fly. The guy's a hero but he's A NUT.


Well-Known Member
John Mccain is a hero no doubt. He's the man. He's definitely a different person now than who he was 30 years ago. He has zero character and no knowledge of anything other than foreign policy and how to be a good politician who's told what to do. I'm sure that if he finds himself living in the white house one day, he will push the big shiny red button and let some nukes fly. The guy's a hero but he's A NUT.
Thats how you debate..I hate McCain but in order for me to read people's entire opinion I need more to the point remarks then slander and cursing..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I disagree. The "for" quotient is overwhelmingly for the Dems, either Hillary or Obama. The only way McCain wins is another false flag attack or fixed voting machines. Anyone want to bet? Romney is dead from the neck up as a mormon, his odds are very slim. Even the repuke base is leaving the fold. The dems (Which ever one wins the primary) will stomp the repukes 60-40, Word!
You have almost got it right. The bush admin has created a huge "against" group causing harm to all republicans. So now the "against" and the "for" lines have blured. But, this election cycle people who vote against will be a huge factor. I think they decide the next Prez.

Also, pollsters believe we are at a near statistical-dead-heat in several match-ups. Perhaps the VP nomination swings a win this time?


New Member
Thats how you debate..I hate McCain but in order for me to read people's entire opinion I need more to the point remarks then slander and cursing..:mrgreen:
Sorry, I think you'll find as long as you are civil to me I will reciprocate. There are a few Enemies on here that deserve no quarter, and none they will recieve. Politics is all about emotions, otherwise you are a robot. There are a few holes, Ccodiane and VI that dis me at every turn, I will not sit idly by and let them call me names. So the 2 year old tantrums break out, I realize this is not mature read, but I can't abide the attacks without some censure. Again I apologise if it offends you.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't offend me at all..it's just my opinion. I like to debate politics and views, it's just not my thing to get involved when it's obviously personal.


New Member
it doesn't offend me at all..it's just my opinion. I like to debate politics and views, it's just not my thing to get involved when it's obviously personal.
i agree. i started this thread hoping to hear some reasons why anyone liked this guy, mccain. the only thing people mention is a 30 yr old military record.

well, i see: a war hero, he used to be. today, he has no vision, other then what he has been told to visualize. he is another republican puppet for big buisness and the military industrial complex. fuck him.

he and romney are the same man. they only differ on torture; and that's because romney has never been tortured and mccain has.

if mccain is given the republican ticket, a democrat will win for sure. and if you ask me, this is the plan of the powers that be. mark my words, george bush's role was to drain the middle class of its wealth, begin a perputual war AND (most importantly) again develop a hate in this country for republicans.

politics is a fucking game to the men who own this country. everyone's is up in arms to rid the white house of a republican and so no one is looking at the asshole democrat who might get the job.

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO PARTIES!!! Hillary and bush and mccain and romney are all different faces of the same puppetier! I dont know about Obama. But i can't expect much these days from anyone. If ron paul doesn't run and win I wouldn't bet on this war ending soon, with any democrat in office. They took over the house and senate for how long now, specifically by the voters to END THIS FUCKING WAR and they've done shit about it. and Nanci Palosi can suck my balls.


New Member
i agree. i started this thread hoping to hear some reasons why anyone liked this guy, mccain. the only thing people mention is a 30 yr old military record.

well, i see: a war hero, he used to be. today, he has no vision, other then what he has been told to visualize. he is another republican puppet for big buisness and the military industrial complex. fuck him.

he and romney are the same man. they only differ on torture; and that's because romney has never been tortured and mccain has.

if mccain is given the republican ticket, a democrat will win for sure. and if you ask me, this is the plan of the powers that be. mark my words, george bush's role was to drain the middle class of its wealth, begin a perputual war AND (most importantly) [again develop a hate in this country for republicans.]

politics is a fucking game to the men who own this country. everyone's is up in arms to rid the white house of a republican and so no one is looking at the asshole democrat who might get the job.

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO PARTIES!!! Hillary and bush and mccain and romney are all different faces of the same puppetier! I dont know about Obama. But i can't expect much these days from anyone. If ron paul doesn't run and win I wouldn't bet on this war ending soon, with any democrat in office. They took over the house and senate for how long now, specifically by the voters to END THIS FUCKING WAR and they've done shit about it. and Nanci Palosi can suck my balls.
I agree with everything you've said except the hate for the repukes thing, I think that was an un-intended consequence.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Marijuana is more likely to be legalized if hillary were president. but shes a bitch.Don't get me wrong most lesbians are hot, but shes not, and its different when you're voting for president.....


New Member
Sorry, I think you'll find as long as you are civil to me I will reciprocate. There are a few Enemies on here that deserve no quarter, and none they will recieve. Politics is all about emotions, otherwise you are a robot. There are a few holes, Ccodiane and VI that dis me at every turn, I will not sit idly by and let them call me names. So the 2 year old tantrums break out, I realize this is not mature read, but I can't abide the attacks without some censure. Again I apologise if it offends you.
If "dissing" you means disagreeing with your politics, then I plead guilty. The problem is, Med ... that when I disagree with you, you go ballistic and start calling me names. I've said many times that liberals, and you are a great example of this, cannot debate politics without hurling insults. Most liberal arguments cannot hold water when exposed to the light of day. Why else will Obama and Hillary not state what they mean by "change?"

Again, Med ... if you go back over ALL of my posts and ALL of your posts, I think you will see who the attacker is, and who posts with respect. The fact that I don't agree with you politically, doesn't entitle you to your silly, paranoid, personal attacks. As I've said many times before here in the forum ... instead of making personal attacks, just strengthen your arguments.



Well-Known Member
jon mcain shall die
Making a threat, even as a joke, against the President or a presidential candidate, is a serious felony. The Secret Service will serve warrants on service providers and track a source back to IP address. Please consider deleting your post.


New Member
Making a threat, even as a joke, against the President or a presidential candidate, is a serious felony. The Secret Service will serve warrants on service providers and track a source back to IP address. Please consider deleting your post.
i concure. i didn't like seeing that post.


New Member
I agree with everything you've said except the hate for the repukes thing, I think that was an un-intended consequence.
yeah. but i have this cinical view that the politics we see is just the puppet masters pulling the strings the direction they choose. they make the plans and 'arrange' the elections to get the results they want.

so here's the plan: to start a war, they needed to use a republican. an evil, big buisness republican that after 8 years will swing the majority of the country back in the direction of the democrats.

under a democrat, the war ends in another 8 years, and democrats eventually get the credit. but in the meantime, part of the 'coming together' that the democrats push is the North American Union. And the way is paved for One World Government, which couldn't be acheived by the republicans. Its not even something republicans want. (Neo-cons are not republicans, they are liberal.)

It is Liberals who want one world government. they think it will bring people together and solve the problem of warfare.

In truth, in will only consolidate greater, global power into even fewer hands of uber-wealthy people. Now how in the fuck will that be good for the general populous? It will not. We will end up being a slave population. Poor factory workers, with 1,000 cable channels for non-stop entertainment, and worthless, genetically engineered foods that sterilize our semen and eggs and reduce our life expectancy to 50, because thats the limit of a factory worker's prime, before our bodies begin to break down.

This is the future the bankers and big buisness wish for america. And democrats like Clinton our already on the boat. :evil:
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