Well-Known Member
so, are you the messiah now? you bring truth?
god complex, anyone?
go seek help for your delusions, my friend.
you have brought zero truth to this thread.
you have, however, advocated violence against people that wish you no harm. that makes you very un-messiah like.
i will not be worshiping at the ALTAR OF MASSCOM.
Since when does seekin truth in life constitute that you are comparring yourself to the Messiah? I haven't even once mentioned religion much less " the messiah". Is that what ignorant people do when they don't have anything intelligent to say? Just make up shit that people haven't said and then attack them for it. "Get help for my delusions"? Ur the one accusing me of things I haven't done or said so if ur lookin for the delusional one u will find 'em in the mirror!