What's wrong now...


Active Member
Ugh, my luck seems to be the worst.

First batch of clones? Over heated and turned crispy.

Second batch? 45/45 rooted, however my nutrients need seven months to get here (not really, but I still don't know where the fuck they are!), a couple got... gross, in a matter of hours from looking 100% - decided to start over as they had been previously overheated as well.


Third batch? Still waiting on those god damn nutes, and now a number of them seem to have drying, curling leaves, though like last time, the leaf tips get SOGGY before the curling starts, and it seems to be more toward the top of the plants than toward the bottom.

Any ideas? I noticed the first one two days ago, and thought it might just be drying out, noticed a couple more last night, and more this morning. The rockwool was soaked in PH 6.0 water with very mild nutrients added. Today, the 25th, is day seven since cut, and... oh, I used Rootech rooting hormone. The dome is about eight inches below two 24W T5 tubes...


It feels like they are drying out, but then getting soggy because it's so humid, but that should prevent any initial drying I assume, so I have no idea what's going on... but hopefully someone responds before they are all dead in 3 hours... -_-

EDIT: H 88/T 77


Active Member
Checked in a little more depth, found a larger leaf that had been curling lower down... It looks like it had mould or mildew on it, starting at the tip working it's way in, fluffy grayish mass, I squished it trying to get a better look so no pics... Removed dome, busing some research right now. I found it described on a page about molds and mildew, however there were no pictures and the term "downy mildew" didn't bring up anything anywhere else!!! >:(


Well-Known Member
Three things:

1.) Treat your rockwool better, and treat it at 5.6 ph. When I say "better", dont squish or squeeze the things. Your cubes look all deformed which only happens if the cubes integrity is messed with. Treat them like they are the most fragile piece of thin glass possible. Make sure you soak your rockwool for 24 HOURS first -- no less!!!! If the rockwool isnt 100% wet, then it will take the water from your plants roots instead and dry them out causing them to die. Then, you water your rockwool cubes as they get dry, which is usually every 2-3 days at best. Make sure theres no standing water at the bottom of the tray too, that'll cause problems.

2.) Nutrients - You DONT USE ANY while they are rooting. Zero nutrients. Just fresh water and a little H2O2. If you wanted to, you could use some root stimulant like Humboldt Roots as an example. But, no other nutrients. Instead, while they root, multiple times per day, mist them with the same ph balanced water and get the leaves misted nice and wet. Thats how the plant drinks until it has roots to drink. Thats also causing the leaves to yellow and die and the tips to curl upward. Only begin nutrients (at half strength) when you transplant them into their vegitative area and buckets/pots/whatever. Then, when you know they arent dying, bump em up to full strength nutrients a few days in.

3.) The light should be no more than 2 inches above the top of the dome. Further than that and the inverse square law of physics means your plant gets almost no light (around 6 watts) at that height instead of dual 24 watters! You dont need a heating mat even though they sell them, they can make things overcook. Just keep the dome under the light and keep spraying the inside of the plastic dome with water when you mist your plants as well.

As for the mold, thats just your sloppy messy dirty germ infested room that does that. Spray everything with a nice bleach cleaner and wipe it again with a towel with clean water. Mold spores are everywhere, keep those fuckers at bay! Change your homes a/c filters too, that often helps a LOT. :)

Post more pics, ask as many questions as you have to make sure you get it right.

Good luck!


Active Member
Three things:

1.) Treat your rockwool better, and treat it at 5.6 ph. When I say "better", dont squish or squeeze the things. Your cubes look all deformed which only happens if the cubes integrity is messed with. Treat them like they are the most fragile piece of thin glass possible. Make sure you soak your rockwool for 24 HOURS first -- no less!!!! If the rockwool isnt 100% wet, then it will take the water from your plants roots instead and dry them out causing them to die. Then, you water your rockwool cubes as they get dry, which is usually every 2-3 days at best. Make sure theres no standing water at the bottom of the tray too, that'll cause problems.

2.) Nutrients - You DONT USE ANY while they are rooting. Zero nutrients. Just fresh water and a little H2O2. If you wanted to, you could use some root stimulant like Humboldt Roots as an example. But, no other nutrients. Instead, while they root, multiple times per day, mist them with the same ph balanced water and get the leaves misted nice and wet. Thats how the plant drinks until it has roots to drink. Thats also causing the leaves to yellow and die and the tips to curl upward. Only begin nutrients (at half strength) when you transplant them into their vegitative area and buckets/pots/whatever. Then, when you know they arent dying, bump em up to full strength nutrients a few days in.

3.) The light should be no more than 2 inches above the top of the dome. Further than that and the inverse square law of physics means your plant gets almost no light (around 6 watts) at that height instead of dual 24 watters! You dont need a heating mat even though they sell them, they can make things overcook. Just keep the dome under the light and keep spraying the inside of the plastic dome with water when you mist your plants as well.

As for the mold, thats just your sloppy messy dirty germ infested room that does that. Spray everything with a nice bleach cleaner and wipe it again with a towel with clean water. Mold spores are everywhere, keep those fuckers at bay! Change your homes a/c filters too, that often helps a LOT. :)

Post more pics, ask as many questions as you have to make sure you get it right.

Good luck!
1. It's rockwool that comes connected to each other at the tops, they almost never break cleanly, but I have not been squishing them, of that I'm sure. Did 24 hours of soaking, making sure the PH stayed at 6 (which is kind of like going lower and expecting it to even out, I guess). I water by dipping the rockwool in water a couple times, then holding it till it stops dripping.

2. Veg nutes are 3tsp/2tsp/1tsp - General Hydroponics nutes say to add 1/4tsp of each per gallon for "Cuttings and Seedlings" and last time I tested with and without, with was much better - and at that level... it's not going to burn anything, half strength later, sure, this was 1/8th strength... and I'm pretty sure cuttings can't metabolize nutrients until they develop roots, and as such only draw water before then.

3. I'm not even sure what to think of this anymore, EVERYONE has a different answer from 15-250W, and 2"-18" - last time I used a 15W 4200K bulb they fucking loved, but that blew out just before starting these... :/


Well-Known Member
Could be over watering dude I know its sounds stupid but its very possible . if your only give them 1/8 of nutrient solution what is the point ? Just wait . I wait 2-3 weeks before i give any nutrients. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
1. It's rockwool that comes connected to each other at the tops, they almost never break cleanly, but I have not been squishing them, of that I'm sure. Did 24 hours of soaking, making sure the PH stayed at 6 (which is kind of like going lower and expecting it to even out, I guess). I water by dipping the rockwool in water a couple times, then holding it till it stops dripping.

2. Veg nutes are 3tsp/2tsp/1tsp - General Hydroponics nutes say to add 1/4tsp of each per gallon for "Cuttings and Seedlings" and last time I tested with and without, with was much better - and at that level... it's not going to burn anything, half strength later, sure, this was 1/8th strength... and I'm pretty sure cuttings can't metabolize nutrients until they develop roots, and as such only draw water before then.

3. I'm not even sure what to think of this anymore, EVERYONE has a different answer from 15-250W, and 2"-18" - last time I used a 15W 4200K bulb they fucking loved, but that blew out just before starting these... :/
The only difference with their answers and mine is that I'm a commercial grower with hundreds of plants at any given time and I grow in seeds and in clones by the masses. Try my advice out, and we can talk about it later =) =) =)


Active Member
The only difference with their answers and mine is that I'm a commercial grower with hundreds of plants at any given time and I grow in seeds and in clones by the masses. Try my advice out, and we can talk about it later =) =) =)
LOL, touche.

As I said, I found some mold/mildew, decided it was downy mildew after reading up on it and a few others, bought some anti-fungal foliar spray from the hydro shop after making sure it would be fine for clones, sprayed them down individually and placed them back under the dome. It's supposed to be sulfur based in hopes of preventing recontamination.


Well-Known Member
SOrry to keep clogging up your thread, but it just came to mind that if your clones already have mildew/mold, just throw em away and buy new ones. The clones could have already been moldy/mildewy/infested by the guys room who cut them for you too. I've heard a LOT of people gripe about getting spider mited clones or problematic ones right off the bad from a bad grow op........ Anyhow hope this helps and good luck....


Active Member
Sadly, I am the one who cut them... :X

The last clones developed it super late (day 20+), they should at already been in my Aeroflo, but the place I got the GH Hard Water Micro from... shit's still not here, I ordered it on the 7th.

I'm sure that somehow the mold/mildew spread from the previous clones to these, though I'm not quite sure how. Mothers are kept separately, and the only equipment that was used in both was the bottom of the tray which I... I cleaned with rubbing alcohol instead of bleach because I ran out and forgot to buy more... so perhaps that was the contaminant? Either way, I can't cut any new clones now as I just trimmed back the mothers (which are doing amazing, so at least that's something).

I'll update tomorrow/later when I check on them... at the moment nothing seems to have changed really.


Active Member
Alright, as of today I could count what looked like five effected, though at least one was barely so. The fungicide seems to be working well, no damage and soggy sections seem to have stopped spreading, as well as drying out and... Kind of defining the difference between infected leaf and the still healthy part. I'll try to post pics later... Good thing I took 10 more clones than I needed!


Active Member
Alright, went through pretty thoroughly, only found six effected, and as you can see they are not all effected the same... I should probably have removed them as soon as I noticed anything, or sprayed them, but I think I've stopped the progression.

Fungicide: Safer Brand Garden Fungicide II


I think at this point, those six are probably just going to get trashed, as I'll still have four extras, but I'm going to give it another day or so, just to see what things do for future reference. Every mistake is a learning experience, be sure to make the most of it! :D

EDIT: Color representation in the pictures isn't the best, things seem to look a lot more yellow in the pictures.


Active Member
Keep in mind that clones don't need much light to root. I've always had great success with the humidity dome (misting once a day) and 1 CFL about 12 inches away. Remember you want root growth not leaf growth at this stage. I would also say no nutes for at least two weeks. I grow in soil and HATE rockwool...never had good luck with the stuff. For me, pete pellets work like magic and give just enough nourishement (if any) to the little guys for about two weeks. Then when the root pops out, just drop the whole thing in soil.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I have a question for researchkitty, or anyone else who might know... If my clones are lookin like shit above the biscuit (diy aerocloner), but roots are forming with good progress, am I ok to let them go? I can't seem to keep the leaves happy. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I have a question for researchkitty, or anyone else who might know... If my clones are lookin like shit above the biscuit (diy aerocloner), but roots are forming with good progress, am I ok to let them go? I can't seem to keep the leaves happy. Thanks!
Clones will have some leaves die off and look yellow. Its normal, dont sweat it. Just keep the batch green by clipping away any dead leaves. Continue to spray the clones with water multiple times per day. Once they are rooted and you start giving them nutrients in a regular bucket they will look perfect....... Good luck man!


Active Member
Alrighty, so I was checking them out again, most seem to still be doing much better, however the first one to show symptoms was showing some fuzz this morning, so I removed it...


You can make out the growth in this picture I think... and yes, as every day goes by, it feels more and more like I'm just going to toss these and start over.


Well-Known Member
Can you show us a picture of the entire grow room/setup? More pictures the better... We see that plant is having problems, but without knowing LOTS more its tough to tell. Looks like either super dry (unlikely if in a dome) or way too hot. What's temps/rh at inside the dome? using a heating mat?


Active Member
Temp stays around 75-80°, RH generally is 85-95%.

My current set up is a bit ghetto, at least for clones, as my previous set up was... well... a lot of failure (overheated like wut). Current set up is still 2x 6700K T5 fish lights on the top of some stools with the clones half way down. The one I pulled had roots starting to grow, so... that's good I guess.

The rest of the setup for anyone interested, or with advice, is two mother plants in a DWC in a small cabinet a built inside of my closet over the reservoir of my Aeroflo2 30, which rests under two 400W HPS lamps in cooltubes. There is a circulation fan on the floor facing upward through the... "fenceposts."


I think I did a pretty good job with the space I had, but only time will tell, nothing has gone to flower in this setup before (because it's new, and part of my nutes seem to have never been shipped... not because everything keeps dying).

EDIT: Mold/mildew wants high RH and low circulation, the clone I pulled that had fuzz and was very sickly, yet it had some small roots... Roots mean it can uptake water in it's own more efficiently (and presumably that one was NOT the head of the pack), so I'm just going to spend the day with them without the dome, and if the low RH has a negative effect I'll throw the dome right back on with a nice misting.