What's wrong now...


Well-Known Member
Picture #1: Mommy looks great!

Picture #2: Lower the lights till they are an inch from the top of the dome.

Problem fixed! The clones will look and feel great within a few days.


Active Member

Also... as a grower with so much experience, how do you choose to clone? I assume rockwool given the thread, but you may simply be speaking from previous experience. After my initial idea turned out to be both inconvenient and bad, I've been thinking about a better alternative than a couple stools, haha. I need to look at the aero/dwc cloners in a little more detail...


Well-Known Member
If you can monitor your clones twice a day never fail, RapidRooters. If you can only see them once every other day, rockwool! If you dont ever want to look at them for a week, AeroCloner.


Active Member
My suggestion is> fuck rock wool and humidity domes. That shit sucks! With Humidity domes you may get 80% of your clones to live on a good day.

Spend $50 and build your self a diy areo cloner. You will never look back. YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A FAILED CLONE! 100% success. and you can use smaller clippings. Set it forget it and your shit will be growing. No more headaches with Grow domes and fucking wasting time playing with moldy rock wool..


Active Member
normally the bottom leaves will die off or yellow. if roots are forming then you're good. If the cutting starts to show sex really suddenly and intensely with all the leaves and stem brown (stress shock)you need to make sure the temp in your rez isn't too cold. very rare problem in the winter time. If your plants droop and the roots get brown you may have your rez too hot. Do you have any pictures?


Active Member
WTF IS THIS?! Black spots fucking everywhere... not really everywhere actually, but... God, I started over because I thought I could do better than last time, wtf has all this shit been?! :(

Like I said, probably starting over again... ugh!



Well-Known Member
That's normal, actually. Dont worry about it. Keep misting them as you have been and pluck off those yellow leaves as they are fully yellow, rather than halfway yellow in the picture.


Active Member
In the past I waited till they were totally yellow and maybe starting to curl/dry a bit before removing them... After looking back again at the clones it looks as though I'll probably still have ~30 good clones, so starting over probably won't be needed. If I do though I'm thinking the RapidRooters, I don't want to drop $200+ on a real system, though I suppose I might DIY a DWC cloner... I like that the tray doesn't take up much space though, and I have the time to check on them frequently, so...


Well-Known Member
Just as long as with the rapidrooters you remember TWO VERY IMPORTANT things for success with them:

1.) Keep 1/8" to 1/4" of water at the bottom of the tray. Just plain ph water, maybe some humboldt roots in there if you really want to, but it wont matter. :)

2.) Mist the dome at least once a day, or as it becomes dry inside. (Same rule as for rockwool)

You should see roots from seeds within 2-3 days and roots from clones in 5-7 days.

By the way, the reason people say to trim half of the fan leaves from a clone is so they dont yellow or dont yellow quite as fast. I forgot to mention that. Trim about 2/3 or 1/2 of the fan leaves with regular scissors when you toss a new clone in. You can trim them now too, it wont hurt them at all. Just the lower big ones, leave all the nice green top growth. :)

Pictures below are from this morning, notice the roots. 5 days in RapidRooters, from seeds. If they were clones they would be a gigantic bush of roots because of many cuts on the stem, but from seed they only come out so much. Because of the gentle water at the base of the tray, the roots search it out and get super long. They pull out of the tray without any damage, the holes are plenty big enough.



Active Member

Finally got a chance to actually take them out and give them a thorough once over, two have rooted through, though one is little more than a stem after trimming off the totally yellowed leaves - it was one which got hit with the mildew. The rest are looking better than I had been worrying about, so that's good to know.