Pc grow box affect my electric bill??

Panda Bear

I was wondering if my box was going to affcect my elctric bill at all. I have 3cfls a 15watt 18watt and 23watt I also got a 12 volts intake fan and 12volts outtake fan?how much will it go up??
60 watts. hmmm, ever leave a bedroom light on? He was serious.... $2. But, you obviously are headed for failure if you are worried about 60watts worth of lighting. Who knows, with enough persistance you may prove me wrong. Best of luck to ya
at most you're looking at ~5bucks a month considering the variable that you leave the lights on 24hrs a day for 31days(picked the longest month)

other guys that posted have the same answer but ehh, reinforcement.

first time being drunk in a while, don't mind me.
It shouldn't raise the bill enough for anyone to notice. It should use about as much electricity as a couple regular bulbs in the bathroom.
The old computer that was taken out of the PC case used more electricity than your current (no pun intended) lighting situation.
Relax, you're safe. :-)
The old computer that was taken out of the PC case used ore electricity than your current (no pun intended) lighting situation.
Relax, you're safe. :-)
LoL this is very true, most pc's have at least a 350/400 watt power source. Seriously 60 watts is equal to 1 regular bulb. Here is how to figure it out, i do not care to do the math for you. 1 kilowatt hour (1000 watts for 1 hour) in most places costs between 10 and 15 cents. So in one 12 hour period you will have used 720 watts, less than a kilowatt hour. So each 12/12 will cost you less than .10 so less than 3.00 for the whole month, looks like i did do the math for you lol.
I was wondering if my box was going to affcect my elctric bill at all. I have 3cfls a 15watt 18watt and 23watt I also got a 12 volts intake fan and 12volts outtake fan?how much will it go up??
I am pulling around 4K watts and my bill went up and extra $225
he already did the math for you, and even showed you how to do it. Take some initiative man :)

find your local electricity rate. If you cant find it use 15 cents per 1000w per hour(1 kw/h). Thats about as high as most rates get.

now take your grow area and find out the electricity total. 93 watts here

now multiply that by 12 (12 hours on 12 hours off each day) = 1116 watts in a day OR 1.116 KW/H

now take that number and multiply it by the days in the month, like he said we will use 31

31*1.116 = 34.596. this figure is the total number of kw/h used in the month.
take that number 35(round it up for easy math) and multiply it by your local electricity charge.
35*.15(15 cents)= 5.25

so in the end you have 5$ and a quarter added charge.

Now use this form to calculate your future grow room ideas to find out what rooms you can afford.
I am pulling around 4K watts and my bill went up and extra $225

Mine jumped about 250.00 a month but that was......

6 x 600w Quantums
1 x 400w Lumitech
18 x 23w cfl's
5 x 300gph pumps
2 x 800cfm can fans
3 x ocillating fans
1 x dehumidifer
1 x 8000btu a/c (use in summertime)
1 x bathroom type vent (for my DIY "FREE NATURAL GAS CO2 GENERATOR)
4 x air pumps

So in your case, I'm pretty sure you won't raise any RED flags. But if your still concerned just don't make toast twice a month and you will be o.k....lol (all in good fun brother)
Mine jumped about 250.00 a month but that was......

6 x 600w Quantums
1 x 400w Lumitech
18 x 23w cfl's
5 x 300gph pumps
2 x 800cfm can fans
3 x ocillating fans
1 x dehumidifer
1 x 8000btu a/c (use in summertime)
1 x bathroom type vent (for my DIY "FREE NATURAL GAS CO2 GENERATOR)
4 x air pumps

Only a $250 increase with all that? Damn you must have better rates than me! I pay $0.1794 per Kwh here after I get to tier 2 which is almost immediately.

My rates are prolly the highest around.