Grow Room Build


Well-Known Member
oh that's just toooo gorgeous to lay my eyes on, so don't be too surprised if u find me hiding in your grow room, I just wanna be a few inches
I don't believe u've done all that by yourself seems u got 2 kitty assistants help u run that place, one guarding with a shot gun and one building that room with
lol thanks. while you're hiding in there, water them bitches for me :-P
yessir, all by my lonesome. i dont really work well with partners...i also removed, rebuilt and re-installed the trans and rear end in my mustang by myself. the cats make nice assistants for sure.

Hey i'm a new. Want to grow legal, have the space and means, do you need a licence? Or the bodies to do so?
yup, you need to get a recommendation from a doctor for marijuana, then you need to send in an application to the state with application fees. all information can be found here:,1607,7-132-27417_51869---,00.html


Well-Known Member
everythings looking awesome!! i cant wait to see that qrazy i want to get it but attitude is always sold out & i ordered from them just about 2 weeks ago & still havent received package getting a little worried first time they havent got here in less than 10 days!


Well-Known Member
Whatup cmt...that Querkle looks very nice. I'm interested to see how your Qrazy Train turns out too.

thank you sir...was just checking out your grow again and the tahoe #3 looks fucking amazing. i'm pretty excited about the qrazy train too. when plush berry comes out, im going to find the best male out of 10 seeds and pollinate qrazy train and querkle with plush berry pollen :weed:

everythings looking awesome!! i cant wait to see that qrazy i want to get it but attitude is always sold out & i ordered from them just about 2 weeks ago & still havent received package getting a little worried first time they havent got here in less than 10 days!
thanks a lot. i wouldnt worry, attitude has been a little slow lately. my orders used to take 6-10 days to get here, the last three took 12-16 days...but they always got here safely. if you really want some qrazy train you can check out The Single Seed Center (kinda expensive for TGA strains) or Hemp Depot. i've never had a problem with single seed center and Hemp Depot has the best prices for TGA gear.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
thank you sir...was just checking out your grow again and the tahoe #3 looks fucking amazing. i'm pretty excited about the qrazy train too. when plush berry comes out, im going to find the best male out of 10 seeds and pollinate qrazy train and querkle with plush berry pollen :weed:
Yeah I'm digging the Tahoe. The Plush Berry looks nice...the flavor description has me intrigued. TGA is quality stuff.

Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to say your kief tumbler machine is awesome! Do you have specs for it, or did you just make it up as you went along?


Well-Known Member
yeah the more i grow of TGA the more i love their genetics.

thanks a lot man, i really love it, since i built it i've pretty much fallen in love with dry sift hash. the kief tumbler, like pretty much everything else i build, was just make it up as i go, i was just walking around the farm lookin for shit to use...i had to order the screen though, it was only 12 bucks for 32 sq. ft.

i did draw up a pattern for the ends of the tumbler roller though, i wanted those to be precise so it would roll evenly. if you're interested in specs, i can get some for ya real quick. i only have the $12 bucks into the screen mesh, but i think someone who had to buy everything could build it for around 50 bucks....well, then around $20 for a rotisserie motor....i really need to get a motor, cranking by hand isnt too fun. i'm thinking i might build another one, this was just a quick mock up.


Well-Known Member
i just bought a macro flash and a tripod for my camera and a 400x digital microscope off ebay. so i should have much better pictures for everyone to see when they get here. i'm going to make a new thread and post my pictures there though, ill throw the link up here when i do.


Well-Known Member
Just flipped through ur grown after seeing ur pics in one of Subs threads. Great looking Querkle and QT. I've got some cheesequake and QT beans im getting antsy to pop. Did u top ur QT? happy growing. + Rep :joint: farmer


Well-Known Member
thanks, and thanks for stopping by. i say pop those beans, you definitely wont be disappointed with the qrazy train.

yeah i top all my plants.

i have a cheese quake lady in veg right now, she is one hell of a sturdy plant.


Well-Known Member
chopped the querkle today. also finished trimming the rest of the black domina...thats almost 2 oz on the plate....i threw about an oz of bud in with the trim leaves to make hash with since i was definitely gona be over the limit if i didnt.



Well-Known Member
thank you sir. they are very dense nugs, especially the Black Domina.

the querkle smells fuckin amazing, it makes me hungry whenever i smell it lol. i chopped one branch from her about a week ago so i got to smoke a little bit that was dry already last night, by far the best tasting weed ive ever smoked and it got me blown the fuck out so i cant wait to see what the rest of it is like since i let it go for a week more than the branch i tried out.


Well-Known Member
thanks for stoppin in. lol i have 5 little guys to watch. ive learned the hard way too...not my smokable bud though...they destroyed a couple plants....ive got them trained now though, they dont even come near me when im trimming anymore.
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nice lookin harvest im just starting out i got 6x4 veg room with a 1000w mh was thinking of ordering seeds you have any problems getting them to michigan in flint i been thinking about ordering them just wasnt sure how secure it was


Well-Known Member
i order from attitude and single seed center, never had a problem with either of them and their shipping times are pretty much the same. i say order away man.