lol thanks. while you're hiding in there, water them bitches for meoh that's just toooo gorgeous to lay my eyes on, so don't be too surprised if u find me hiding in your grow room, I just wanna be a few inches
I don't believe u've done all that by yourself seems u got 2 kitty assistants help u run that place, one guarding with a shot gun and one building that room with

yessir, all by my lonesome. i dont really work well with partners...i also removed, rebuilt and re-installed the trans and rear end in my mustang by myself. the cats make nice assistants for sure.
yup, you need to get a recommendation from a doctor for marijuana, then you need to send in an application to the state with application fees. all information can be found here:,1607,7-132-27417_51869---,00.htmlHey i'm a new. Want to grow legal, have the space and means, do you need a licence? Or the bodies to do so?