Blue Venom - Rocklock - Kandy Kush


Well-Known Member
your blue venom looks very nice i have five going right now feel free to check out my journal


Active Member
put something under your shorter plants to raise them so there the same height as the kandy kush make the most out of you lights


Well-Known Member
your blue venom looks very nice i have five going right now feel free to check out my journal
Hey huey - thanks for stopping by! Yep, the BV plants are very healthy looking at this point and I hope to keep them that way as they really start to kick in with budding now. Cheers!

put something under your shorter plants to raise them so there the same height as the kandy kush make the most out of you lights
Thanks lemons! Yeah I've had to do that for most of my grows and will likely raise these girls up soon too. Thanks for the reminder! I have some nice styrofoam blocks from a computer monitor that have worked well for that very purpose.


Well-Known Member
Took some pictures this evening after watering time. All the girls are looking good and staying nice and green for me. More and more hairs every day now as they're also getting to look frosty already!

Enjoy!! :weed:

Kandy Kush

Blue Venom

Group Shots



Well-Known Member
Very nice Kandy kush is beastly looks just like mine minus the budz its in veg lol but nice ladys!!!
Thanks HungryMan! I'm now enjoying this grow much more since these girls have really started to take off! I think I paid the price from some bad nutrients in veg and have consequently ended up with some smaller sized plants, but they all look healthy and are starting to really push out the buds now. I may even start my next round here in the next few weeks - look for the very first 'Tangerine Dream' journal on RollItUp, coming soon from Dayzt's grow-room!! Barney's Farm is the bomb, and I can't wait to get back to business with one of their awesome new strains....


Well-Known Member
Put the shorter girls up on the styro-foam blocks last night to get them closer to the light. The BV plants are all really thickening up nicely now and are hairier every day! Also some stronger smells went I open the tent - very nice, my first 'white' strain and I can sure notice the odor difference from my straight kush grows...


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic update for all those who are still following! Just gave them another round of nutes tonight which may be thier last feeding as next time will be straight water and then maybe some molasses yet as well before they enter their last few weeks. Enjoy!

Kandy Kush

Blue Venom



Well-Known Member
duuuude your plants are lookin nice man! +rep...mine have bout 5 1/2 weeks left.
Thanks! I haven't updated this journal for such a long time.... I actually harvested yesterday and today (well i'm not quite done yet, but only have the KK to do). I'll post again in a bit here with a load of harvest pics of the Blue Venom.

What strain are you growin? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well here we are at ~11 weeks into flower (not exactly sure since I lost track of the official date they went into flower), and all of the plants have been chopped, the 5 BV plants are all trimmed and hanging to dry. Tomorrow I'll tackle the Kandy Kush which happened to be the tallest of them all.

Lots of really GREAT purple colors in these buds - showing thier blueberry genetics which was easily brought out with my grow tent temps fluctuating just the right amount. These plants were super sticky, and I was even able to get a nice ball of scissor hash off of my trimmers and have already enjoyed that in my handy metal pipe! :joint: The White Widow genetics are very obvious and strong on these plants - the smell is a dead giveaway that there is some nice 'white' genetics in there, cradled by the soft blueberry-fruitiness. This will be really nice once it's dried & cured!

Have a look at the pics - sorry some are a tad blurry - sticky fingers running the camera while trimming at the same time. :wink: Enjoy!!! Smoke report to follow in the next few mths...



Well-Known Member
Okay - I promised a 'smoke report' a few months after this harvest. Well it's hard to believe that it was already almost 2 months ago since these plants came down! Their cure is coming along nicely, and I don't open the jars very often anymore as they are doing quite well in my dark cupboard. Some nice smells emerging from them, and we've really noticed the 'White Widow' dominance in this strain. The Blueberry taste isn't there, but that unmistakable 'warmth & smoothness' of the blueberry is noticable behind the nice medicinal effect of the Widow.

The Blue Venom is very 'easy' to smoke, and will creep up on you if you smoke too much at a time. Those experienced with having tasted White Widow in the past will most likely recognize the 'numbing' effect of the white, right away once it starts to cripple This is some high-quality smoke - not the most tasty stuff, but maybe further into the cure it will have more flavor come to the surface. My wife uses this for pain relief - helps with menstrual cramps and is a great 'night-time' pot. If you smoke this while sitting on the couch and you already have some munchies handy - it's quite difficult to be convinced to leave the sitting sure how else to nicely put it..

This strain was nice - I don't think I'll end up growing it out again, as I'd like to try some other 'white' strains instead, but no regrets here - still high-quality shit no doubt, and who can argue with harvest pics like that - she looks nice in the curing jars, and busts up beautifully although these buds are very dense and have maintained their 'frostiness'.

Cheers everyone who followed this grow - this is my final post in this journal. Come check out my Tangerine Dream grow in progress, almost ready to start flowering! :leaf: