Movies To Watch When on Drugs...

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Shrooms. Very intense and scary lol I mean I haven't watched it in years! But I remember me and a friend one of the first times I smoked watched that and we had to stay up all night with the lights on! We were scared shitless
Shrooms was soooo obvious. And yet, made no sense.

Think about the scene where the two of them are in the big house near the end of the movie. The guy and girl are running from "something" and the get to a door at the end of a great hall. Then a knife comes plunging though the wood.

Who did that? The crazy dude didn't have the knife, the chick did, and I don't want to "spoil" it for anyone... but watch the end of the movie closely. It makes no fucking sense even on a mushroom tea induced psychosis.


Active Member
Pans labrynth is fucking epic!
agreed, epic! El orfanato is epic because being super baked and listening to the spanish just makes it more awesome, then its the freakiest shit with the best ending. Shrooms was hilarious that's the one with the guy and the cow right? I was loling for sure.


Well-Known Member
One fucked up Documenatary sort of Movie.....very underground cult movie............Cannibal Holocaust trust me if you find a more fucked up film to watch while stoned Ill be surprised...............course its an oppionion and your mileage may vary........either hate or like it.....Ive shown it to a few ppl some went FUCK and some said fucking piece of shit movies but GOOGLE IT its a stoner movie from hell.


Active Member
When I'm stoned on some really trippy weed, I like to watch "The Wall". More of a giggly high call for "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" "Rush" is a good one, too.
What can I say, I have diverse tastes. Since, I was trying to be 'refined' I didn't even mention "Up In Smoke"!

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
When I'm stoned on some really trippy weed, I like to watch "The Wall". More of a giggly high call for "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" "Rush" is a good one, too.
What can I say, I have diverse tastes. Since, I was trying to be 'refined' I didn't even mention "Up In Smoke"!
Fast Times is a classic.

Once I was at a party in LA and guess who was hired to play the piano at this fancy smancy party, but that shitty guy, Damone from Fast Times. anyway- i told him he was great in that flick and he seemed embarrassed, like he wasn't proud to play a scum bag and that's the only thing he was known for. hope his music career took off because, at the time, he was washed up in acting.

Yes, variety is the spice of life. Different Movies (Films too!), Different Music and Virtual Rainbow of Herb...


Active Member
Oh yeah, need some variety or everything would get boring real fast. Variety in the luxuries makes it easier to provide stability in the day to day stuff.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I think a good scary movie to watch fucked up is Brain Scanners. Has Edward Furlong in it, kinda about video games too. Got me the first time I saw it.

Surprisingly Dark Crystal is pretty funny to watch as an adult... Onnnnn Weeeeeed.


Active Member
One fucked up Documenatary sort of Movie.....very underground cult movie............Cannibal Holocaust trust me if you find a more fucked up film to watch while stoned Ill be surprised...............course its an oppionion and your mileage may vary........either hate or like it.....Ive shown it to a few ppl some went FUCK and some said fucking piece of shit movies but GOOGLE IT its a stoner movie from hell.
I love horror movies..I love slasher movies..i dont mind blood and gore, but I did NOT enjoy Cannibal Holocaust! It was revolting...I returned it the next day and said it "didnt work" and luckily for me they didnt have another copy. ah..... :(


Well-Known Member
I love horror movies..I love slasher movies..i dont mind blood and gore, but I did NOT enjoy Cannibal Holocaust! It was revolting...I returned it the next day and said it "didnt work" and luckily for me they didnt have another copy. ah..... :(
Yea it was way out there...............I was stoned on my ass first time and thought it was real and fucking freaked then watched it straight and still fucking freaked but still a good stoner movie if you are sick puppy LOL


Well-Known Member
Oh man.. movies to watch stoned.. Avatar, Pulp Fiction.. any tarantino/kubrick really. Not so much while tripping I suppose though.

I have a massive moving experience watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind shrooming one time. Its by FAR one of my top 5 favorite movies ever because of that. Something about running through a book store while the lights around and behind you are turning off, hitting the door and being in a apt with your buddy who wants to smoke a join. I dunno, really that entire movie just made every sense I have go WTF just happened. Stop. Restart. Go.

Other than that.. Animal House? I mean come on.. Epic!

And Im glad im not the first to say The Wall. Also.. drugs + yellow submarine = win. Proven fact.


Well-Known Member
Interview With a Vampire was fuckin trippy on acid. Especially the part walking thru the cemetary and the statues eyes......fuck me, I was hiding in the closet.

Watched Finding Nemo trippin balls on 7 or 8 glasses of mushroom tea combined with 3 MDMA capsules.....holy shit that was weird. So was everything else that night and on into the next day.....LOL.

Stoned........everything is better to watch when smoked up, kinda hard to narrow it down on that end. Boondock Saints is good. Half Baked...of course.
Cheech n Chong movies. So many.


Active Member
I love horror movies..I love slasher movies..i dont mind blood and gore, but I did NOT enjoy Cannibal Holocaust! It was revolting...I returned it the next day and said it "didnt work" and luckily for me they didnt have another copy. ah..... :(
Yeah saw this film for the first time last year, wasn't a big fan of it. Not because of the scenes or anything, just didn't seem to be that great of a movie to me overall. For it's time, it def. pushed the limits & certainly grounded a lot of controversy, still people to this day say much of that movie was real, some say it was all fake. Interesting fun fact about that movie, the director was blacklisted from Hollywood after the film by many producers/agencies. Took him a long time to get his feet back on the ground & I don't think to this day, he ever fully recovered career wise from that movie. Sucks... because he probably thought it would bring so much attention/controversy that it would in turn make him more famous, yet it made him sort of infamous instead.

Ironic really. In todays society, he would fit in perfectly, pushing the limits like that would, by todays audiences/standards get him exactly what he was hoping for, fame. The fame he wanted though. Not the fame he received then.

the green guide

New Member
I've been watching a lot of movies high recently and I've discovered that even though you might adore a movie forever doesn't mean it's any better when you're high. Now in the case of Scott pilgrim vs. The world I didn't think the movie could get better until I smoked a few bowls before hand. I then realized that Scott pilgrim is my most favorite movie to watch blazed. I'm planning on ending a week long tolerance break and when I do I'm going to try a couple dabs and watch this movie. Seriously though, Edgar Wright is probably one of the best directors of all time. Also try watching the cornetto trilogy (shaun of the dead, hot fuzz, world's end) high, it is incredible to watch these blazed.


Well-Known Member
I prefer the old hippy movies , one of the best ever , the claymation will freak your ass out if you drop enough acid .
