this look familiar?


Active Member
As you can see by the pictures i'm having what appears to be a bug problem. the leaves look like there being chomped on but i havent been able to locate a single insect. Maybe 2 months ago during veg i saw what looked like a few small fruit flies but only 1 or 2 and they were gone within the week. i think a yeast/water/sugar concoction attracted them because once it was gone so were they.

a bigger problem is the browning of the leave tips... they look like the light burned them but the canopy light is a CFL and is, and has been correctly spaced. another concern is how red / purple some of the stems on fan leaves are turning.
With all that said the plant is growing like a champ and is hilariously the same size as some of my friends.

sorry the pic of the brown leaves is so blurry but u can pretty much see whats going on there. If anybody thinks they have some ideas im all ears... im washing the entire grow tomorrow with soap n water even tho only the citral is showing problems.



Active Member
the one with the brown leaves just looks like the leaf got too close to your CFL there.
Purple stems isn't anything to be concerned about, simply genetics.
As for your bug problem, looks like thrip damage to me. They are small little guys and can usually be seen moving in herds (lol, well small groups)
not easy to get rid of either


Active Member
I usually find thrips near the center "vein" on larger fan leafs. They tend to attack older sicker leafs first so maybe start there. they are tiny. kind of light browny colored. Look for black spots (poop)
also, unfortunately thrips love to live in buds


Active Member
see i dont think its heat but im not gonna rule it out yet. also, after further research im thinking its the beginning of a Phosphorus deficiency. should i just go get some bone meal and sprinkle it on the soil? (recommended amount). i just remembered... i think i have a P test kit... hole up.


Active Member
darn bugs. thanks for the help i didnt see anything but the lights are off so im gonna wait till they come back on. about the thrips whats recommended to kill em?


Well-Known Member
actually purple stems are not genetics. a very healthly plant should have bright green stems including the stems to fan leaves should be bright green. the purple is actually a sign of deficiency of some sort, i was told it can be phosphorus but i dont know for sure.


Active Member
actually purple stems are not genetics. a very healthly plant should have bright green stems including the stems to fan leaves should be bright green. the purple is actually a sign of deficiency of some sort, i was told it can be phosphorus but i dont know for sure.
A lot of strains have purple stems


Active Member
darn bugs. thanks for the help i didnt see anything but the lights are off so im gonna wait till they come back on. about the thrips whats recommended to kill em?
I use doctor doom, its a spray. spray it during your dark period, spray the plant evenly be sure to get the bottoms of the leaves. Spray once every 3 days to break the life cycle


Active Member
also... ALL of the yellowing leaves are untouched. only two upper leaves have the bites taken out of em. they are also among the uppermost leaves on the plant.


Well-Known Member
lol i promise you its a deficiency, ive experimented and got expert advice on the subject


Active Member
Its not always a fucking deficiency. somebody please back me up on this. I am not the only person growing this strain (many people buy from the same mothers) every plant is healthy as can be, with purple fucking stems.


Active Member
thanks ss and nocal. i was more worried about the redness... some strains hve LOTS of purple and i know this sounds noobish but the color purple seems synonymous with dank nugs. what makes me question any deficiencies most is the fact that im using a rather rich soil mix... i tested the soil before i planted in it and actually thought the soil was gonna be on the rich side but the plant never showed over-fert. and throughout veg ive been using foxfarm bigbloom.


Well-Known Member
Ive always associated purpling petioles with P deficiencies, yes some are genetic but they should have some purple all the time not a sudden influx of purple. My plants petioles turn purple as soon as i stop feeding before harvest and I have theorized that as being a reversal of the flow of nutes: nutes go to the leaves and in the absence of adequate food the plant pulls those mobile elements it can out of the leaves, hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
friend of mine has got their master gardener certification from uc davis,, this was my expert advice, but i can prove it before you get all mad and outa control lol


Active Member
if i had a deficiency wouldn't the plant be growing kinda slow? im a noob grower and put it in a full 5 gallon bucket... i wanted about a 3ft plant at harvest... ive another like 4-5 weeks of flower and its already a lil over 5ft


Well-Known Member
I'll back ya up semen, (man I didnt like typing that) :) I just started a Dr. Grinspoon and its had purple stems, and petioles all the way but like I said it shouldnt suddenly be purple without some outside influence


Active Member
I'll back ya up semen, (man I didnt like typing that) :) I just started a Dr. Grinspoon and its had purple stems, and petioles all the way but like I said it shouldnt suddenly be purple without some outside influence
agree with the sudden change to purple.

if i had a deficiency wouldn't the plant be growing kinda slow? im a noob grower and put it in a full 5 gallon bucket... i wanted about a 3ft plant at harvest... ive another like 4-5 weeks of flower and its already a lil over 5ft
Honestly I cannot see any kind of deficiency in your pictures, they look green and healthy. do you have more pics?