nah, we dont need to drill for oil


Undercover Mod
Seems self defeating to me to rely on fossil fuels when we know they won't last forever.

The sun has about 2 billion years left in it.


Well-Known Member
You dont even make sense man. You are just so against the government doing any good that you force it fail, and complain about its failure. Maybe when the government was willing to spend 700 billion on infrastructure, with MASSIVE investments in the electrical grid, one may have supported it instead of beating that back for bullshit tax breaks.

But no, if you supported that, the government would have done a service to its people, and hired a shit load of people to re-kajigger the whole shit down there. You have to be against it though, thats your parties line. You have stiffled any chance of something good coming from the other side of the political spectrum, just becuase it came from the other side. Now you can reap the benefits of your decisions.

People like you amaze me when you try to peg the blame for consequeces of your decisions on other entities. Im sure most of the people in texas, AZ, and NM hated the stimulus. Im sure the majority of people there wanted tax cuts or no stimulus at all. Oh wow, who would have thought that there would be consequences to those actions?

I hope they have light bulbs that run on tax breaks, cuz thats what they got.

there is so much bullshit in this its hard to know where to start. you sound like a politician too.

and people in the west are still freezing and having govt sponsored rolling blackouts. what did you fix today?

your prescious govt is causing this. there are plenty of business that would love to make electricity, be it coal, nuclear, rivers, tides ect. but the big eared dumbo chicago thug wont allow them.

does the name salazar mean anything to you? yes, he is the clown that shut off our ability to do anything on govt owned land oceans, deserts, you name it.

and the people are still cold.....


Well-Known Member
Not to mention that the coal will only become more dangerous and hard to get. We have seen about 150-175 years of instense coal burning, the sulphur, the nirtogen, the mine deaths, the soot, the waste ash lakes that bust open (notice how you haven't heard anything from that, other than it happened, and was SWIFTLY never reported about again). I don't want to see another 200 at this industrial level.

Its a waste of our time. Its like the stubborn old man who refuses to let his beat up, last leg car go. "Ill just fix it up", "It'll get me another 10K with some work". Just fucking buy the new car already! Your going to have to buy one eventually, why wait until an emergency?

But the Money, the money, the money...Its like trying to plan a pregnancy, no one ever thinks they have enough money, until boom! Shit, shes pregnant, thats when you realize that the money was never holding you back at all.

Why wait until we have no money and no car? If you can do it now, then do, don't wait and fuck yourself (meaning all of us)

Our money would be better spent on developing the solar industry because the coal will be gone before the sun will. Sustainability is key to the future of our world. Why invest on coal infrastructure when 200 years from now all the coal will be dug up and burned?


Well-Known Member
A few simple facts:
1) If oil prices go up, people will buy cars that get better gas mileage and that will fuel manufacturers to build more fuel efficient cars.
2) Oil prices will go up from lack of supply or government action to cause prices to go higher.
3) America has enough oil to run itself without outside help for hundreds of years.
4) America has more oil than the rest of the world does. It has trillions of barrels of oil shale. It is not economically feasible to use it until the price hits a certain point. It requires a large investment that only makes sense when oil goes over a certain price - we are very close to it now. Over a trillion barrels of this oil is in one spot in Colorado. More in the Dakotas.


Well-Known Member
We went from riding horses to driving computerized cars in 100 years. You can only assume we might figure out how to use solar power/other in the next 50 without much issue. Stop restricting oil, and if you want to throw money away, it might as well go to figuring out solar energy in a usable form or even battery/motor technology.

pro grow

Active Member
got to drill . GOT TO DRILL . YEA WE GOTTA DRILL KEEP, IT, Keep it, keep it real<
you can drill out precious metals and thats what people refuse to calculate in their miniscuil pea sid

nah im not like that but if you uh. wanna grow better crops, intivation is good in these poor 3rd world nations in some order. switch is demand to be brung against you.

add brung to dictionary. for fucks sake. fuck peats sake. it wasnt an irate eye rape.


Well-Known Member
I think the most logical point is that we have no clue WHY they do what & for what means. Above our heads when it comes to "technology & energy" because its already Their and being used. Just not on the Public Sector. So the ppl who do not get any info or aid from Breaking technology and energy whine about it and bring up their own good ideas on how it should be. when in reality the few in the private sector who own this technology like the fact you go Round and Round on the subject. Their is a larger human agenda than making every single persons life easier sad to say. in the early 60s farmers were getting their tractors to run on WATER in north dakota and im sure other places. The government Shut them down/ bought them out/ took their land.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I like the shooting all the horses before car is invented. Good stuff. The real problem here is population. Too many shitheads making babies they don't need. You wanna make a difference? Get an abortion. When all the natural resources are gone, and the world population as 20+ billion, things will work themselves out. Hell, dinosaurs eventually turned themselves into oil. People will do the same.


Well-Known Member
When a Submarine can stay submerged years on end, when an Airplane can stay in flight days/weeks on end(with proper refueling), I think its a little late to fight over Energy. Yes we all must be sustained, but still. Their will always be several individuals on this planet who reap the goodies when it comes to "Energy" and we will most likely never experience that nor even hear about it. Their manipulating the weather for god sakes. we are all insignificant to some Egotistical Group in Power.


Well-Known Member
You really think Every Drop of Oil is from Dinosaurs and old Plant life?
I like the shooting all the horses before car is invented. Good stuff. The real problem here is population. Too many shitheads making babies they don't need. You wanna make a difference? Get an abortion. When all the natural resources are gone, and the world population as 20+ billion, things will work themselves out. Hell, dinosaurs eventually turned themselves into oil. People will do the same.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Isn't it? Fuck i dunno. I'm not gonna pretend to know something I don't. I could try & google it real quick to make myself sound smarter, but why not just ask?


Well-Known Member
I cannot tell you the FACTs, or what it is. their are many beliefs on it, thats like you asking me how the bible really played out. :D to big a topic to google imho, no1 can hit us with the proof.


Well-Known Member
Hamster power!!


jeff f

New Member
Our money would be better spent on developing the solar industry because the coal will be gone before the sun will. Sustainability is key to the future of our world. Why invest on coal infrastructure when 200 years from now all the coal will be dug up and burned?
because where i live, over 50% of houses are heated with coal. a large amount of business like wise, and almost all our electric is coal generated. coal is now about 165 a ton when it should be about 80. the feds just shut down a local because he didnt have the right alarm rig. this guy and his family have been mining coal for well over a hundred years.

who gives a fuck about what happens in 200 years? we aint living 200 years from now but our families are going without electric, natural gas right this very minute. this is absolutely unnecessary and below our standards.

is that too hard for you really smart guys to understand?

try this, gasoline will soon hit $4 a gallon. heating oil is over 3.20 a gal. we have people chosing between oil and food. and not just a couple of them. lots of them.

but you guys keep playing with your windmills, and your battery pack cars while real people are force to sit in the dark because your prescious govt wont let people dig coal, drill oil, or harvest gas. your logic is illogical.

and people are still freezing.....

jeff f

New Member
A few simple facts:
1) If oil prices go up, people will buy cars that get better gas mileage and that will fuel manufacturers to build more fuel efficient cars.
2) Oil prices will go up from lack of supply or government action to cause prices to go higher.
3) America has enough oil to run itself without outside help for hundreds of years.
4) America has more oil than the rest of the world does. It has trillions of barrels of oil shale. It is not economically feasible to use it until the price hits a certain point. It requires a large investment that only makes sense when oil goes over a certain price - we are very close to it now. Over a trillion barrels of this oil is in one spot in Colorado. More in the Dakotas.
part of number 4 is bullshit. oil is readily available everywhere. midwest, alaska, offshore, but dumbo wont let us drill.

and the people still freeze...


Well-Known Member
less than .2% of american homes are heated by coal. That statistic was from 1997. I can imagine that with the housing boom, that number is far less. I still don't get where you are going?

You only proving our reliance on inefficient, dirty, consumable, and finite power sources. Finite = only get more expensive over time.

Yes it is a waste of time and investment.

you really have no idea how much of this country is powered by coal. you really should read more.

here is a clue

a waste of time huh? your dumb.

and thats not even how much more homes are heated by coal. yes, dummy, they deliver it to homes and you shovel it in a furnace. dopey.

and americans are still freezing....

jeff f

New Member
less than .2% of american homes are heated by coal. That statistic was from 1997. I can imagine that with the housing boom, that number is far less. I still don't get where you are going?

You only proving our reliance on inefficient, dirty, consumable, and finite power sources. Finite = only get more expensive over time.

Yes it is a waste of time and investment.
well what would you suggest we replace it with? magic fairy dust? there is not currently a viable alternative. you are acting like we just switch over asap. aint gonna happen cuz there is nothing to switch to.

how bout we try this, we dig for the stuff we need, while companies keep searching for viable alternatives. how is that einstine? can you live with that while

the people are still freezing...

and less than 2%, maybe nationwide. come to my neck of the woods. some entire towns are run by coal.


Undercover Mod
I never said not to use coal and I know we already do. The point is our money would be better spent and create cheaper energy if we spent money on solar power. Cheap energy is the key to this problem. Sooner or later solar will be cheaper than coal and it will take the market.

Why not advance our country past the fossial fuel age and position The U.S . at the top of the market making jobs and making cheap energy.

If you don't agree with me you are being completely illogical.


Well-Known Member
I never said not to use coal and I know we already do. The point is our money would be better spent and create cheaper energy if we spent money on solar power. Cheap energy is the key to this problem. Sooner or later solar will be cheaper than coal and it will take the market.

Why not advance our country past the fossial fuel age and position The U.S . at the top of the market making jobs and making cheap energy.

If you don't agree with me you are being completely illogical.
everything about jeff is illogical. the very statement: "who cares about what happens in 200 years" shows lack of foresight.... it is because of this type of mentality that other countries are booming while the US staggers... but he'll blame liberals, taxes, arabs, muslims, socialists, kenyans, mexicans and the government...... if it lets him sleep at night....