nah, we dont need to drill for oil

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I like the shooting all the horses before car is invented. Good stuff. The real problem here is population. Too many shitheads making babies they don't need. You wanna make a difference? Get an abortion. When all the natural resources are gone, and the world population as 20+ billion, things will work themselves out. Hell, dinosaurs eventually turned themselves into oil. People will do the same.
quotes himself...


Well-Known Member
Just how many holes can we dig into the earth before it caves in? Just like my old snowforts I used to build as a kid.....When they got too big and the excavation too much they just collapsed......Just saying is all.


Well-Known Member
part of number 4 is bullshit. oil is readily available everywhere. midwest, alaska, offshore, but dumbo wont let us drill.

and the people still freeze...
4) America has more oil than the rest of the world does. It has trillions of barrels of oil shale. It is not economically feasible to use it until the price hits a certain point. It requires a large investment that only makes sense when oil goes over a certain price - we are very close to it now. Over a trillion barrels of this oil is in one spot in Colorado. More in the Dakotas.

How is it bullshit?


Well-Known Member
4) America has more oil than the rest of the world does. It has trillions of barrels of oil shale. It is not economically feasible to use it until the price hits a certain point. It requires a large investment that only makes sense when oil goes over a certain price - we are very close to it now. Over a trillion barrels of this oil is in one spot in Colorado. More in the Dakotas.

How is it bullshit?

this is how it is bullshit dude....Simple google search for world oil reserves....


Well-Known Member
Well smarty pants? I guess we're just fucked. It would actually take someone getting off their ass to solve a problem. Lazy people like to argue, not solve problems. What do you do about? Nothing, complain on an internet marijuana forum.

Oh well what are we going to replace it with? Geothermal, electricity, grass pellet heat (although it burns, it is easily replenish-able), better insulation, solar heat, have a town waste plant that converts waste into methane for heat (creates CO2, but is better than having methane in the air), hydrogen...Do you want me to go on?

Magic pixy dust, you really don't fear showing you colors in public at all do you?
Entire towns run by coal...thanks for the soot buddy! My daughters asthma loves it!

well what would you suggest we replace it with? magic fairy dust? there is not currently a viable alternative. you are acting like we just switch over asap. aint gonna happen cuz there is nothing to switch to.

how bout we try this, we dig for the stuff we need, while companies keep searching for viable alternatives. how is that einstine? can you live with that while

the people are still freezing...

and less than 2%, maybe nationwide. come to my neck of the woods. some entire towns are run by coal.


Well-Known Member
you are mistaken my friend. you cannot mount a counter-argument, you just say it's bullshit, and expect US to believe it.

just because you say it's bullshit, doesn't make it so, no matter how hard you want it...

there are NOT plenty of businesses that would love to make electricity. where I live, PRIVATE companies supply the electricity. my energy comes from wind farms, AND IT'S CHEAPER THAN COAL. this is because the windfarm develops too much electricity for it's currently small clientele, so it sells extra capacity to the COAL burning industry, giving it the ability to charge less per kilowatt hour...

ain't that a bitch. and the rolling black outs are due to a surge in demand, and blackouts are necessary to avoid 'frying the system'.... it's government sponsored because all that wire was laid out by the government, so they have to take care of it. it is in the people's best interest to have momentary blackouts, than what would happen if an overload causes permanent damage which could take weeks, months to fix... too much trouble for what it's worth, the easiest, smartest, and most importantly SIMPLEST solution to the unexpected surge in demand is to have rolling blackouts.....

it's not a conspiracy, it's smart utilities management. now, was that too hard to understand?????

and if your gonna attack obama at least have the courtesy to attack his actions, his words, not his ears.... he's not the one that looks like an ass when you do that.... ;)
I think your wrong.
I do a bit of reading myself and I think there are plenty of companies that would love to build a new oil refinery. But the USA has not issued a permit for one since 1979.
There are plenty of easy oil to find but again the govt limits where and when you can drill.
So your and hudson valley have holes in your side of the arguements as well.
But I think we can all agree that we would love to see wind and solar being used along with gas and oil and coal.

Magic pixy dust,,,Love this stuff, its a cure all LOL


Well-Known Member
Just because we can doesn't mean we should. People act as drilling for oil has no consequential price tag on it. First off, I would wager that most of the oil that isn't in environmentally protected land (yeah go him and haw over that) is very difficult to get at, secondly, it pales in comparison to the imported amount of oil we take in, and thirdly, the whole idea is to move away from that, as those pockets of oil are finite as well.

Secondly an oil field and an oil refinery are two different things altogether. Last I checked our refinery capacity was just fine.
I think your wrong.
I do a bit of reading myself and I think there are plenty of companies that would love to build a new oil refinery. But the USA has not issued a permit for one since 1979.
There are plenty of easy oil to find but again the govt limits where and when you can drill.
So your and hudson valley have holes in your side of the arguements as well.
But I think we can all agree that we would love to see wind and solar being used along with gas and oil and coal.


Well-Known Member
Just because we can doesn't mean we should. People act as drilling for oil has no consequential price tag on it. First off, I would wager that most of the oil that isn't in environmentally protected land (yeah go him and haw over that) is very difficult to get at, secondly, it pales in comparison to the imported amount of oil we take in, and thirdly, the whole idea is to move away from that, as those pockets of oil are finite as well.

Secondly an oil field and an oil refinery are two different things altogether. Last I checked our refinery capacity was just fine.

Enviromentally senative area according to who the Govt/EPA...Those designations don't mean much because as you say, the private companies have a less than pure agenda, so is the goverment the same way.
Thanks I do understand the difference bwt a fields and a refinery. As long as the Govt won't allow more oil exploration our refinery capacity well be fine, so some of this goes hand and Hand. I'm not saying we should abandone solar and wind but we don't seem to able at least at this point to make it work. I think it is a great supplament and my hope is that it does take over out electric needs. But that may take a while, so in the mean time exploring for new oil is a good idea.
IMO Nuke power is what we should be focusing on.


Well-Known Member
Enviromentally senative area according to who the Govt/EPA...Those designations don't mean much because as you say, the private companies have a less than pure agenda, so is the goverment the same way.
Thanks I do understand the difference bwt a fields and a refinery. As long as the Govt won't allow more oil exploration our refinery capacity well be fine, so some of this goes hand and Hand. I'm not saying we should abandone solar and wind but we don't seem to able at least at this point to make it work. I think it is a great supplament and my hope is that it does take over out electric needs. But that may take a while, so in the mean time exploring for new oil is a good idea.
IMO Nuke power is what we should be focusing on.
It's all about hyro electric power- we need to build hydro electric dams on the coast to harness the power of the tides. we also need to start mining the moon for H3.


Well-Known Member
WTH does that have to do the lack of infastructure....LOL
Those guys built the best electric car...the best. and you could use it today on todays infastructer. Tesla -they were killed in a plane crash.....that technology is now supressed


Well-Known Member
Those guys built the best electric car...the best. and you could use it today on todays infastructer. Tesla -they were killed in a plane crash.....that technology is now supressed
Ok Bro gotcha...
But how could you use it with today infastructure if its a electric car. There are no electric charging station around the country??? So where would you gas/charge up?


Well-Known Member
It's all about hyro electric power- we need to build hydro electric dams on the coast to harness the power of the tides. we also need to start mining the moon for H3.
Not sure on the moon thing but iagree with the rest of the post


Well-Known Member
Environmentally sensitive areas pale in comparison to the areas destroyed my industry. We have to keep somethings sacred, not everything should have a dollar value.

Nuclear is really the way to go theres no debating that. Breeder reactors should be going up instead of oil derricks. With modern technology as well, I can imagine what kind of output you could have from them. Seeing as how the last nuke plant came on line in 96, it was probably designed in the late 80's. There have been a quarter century of technology that has developed.

Enviromentally senative area according to who the Govt/EPA...Those designations don't mean much because as you say, the private companies have a less than pure agenda, so is the goverment the same way.
Thanks I do understand the difference bwt a fields and a refinery. As long as the Govt won't allow more oil exploration our refinery capacity well be fine, so some of this goes hand and Hand. I'm not saying we should abandone solar and wind but we don't seem to able at least at this point to make it work. I think it is a great supplament and my hope is that it does take over out electric needs. But that may take a while, so in the mean time exploring for new oil is a good idea.
IMO Nuke power is what we should be focusing on.