Dual Tent Grow - 2 x Secret Jardin DR150W


Well-Known Member
I hit 'em yesterday with the second feeding, and another Azatrol foliar spray to defend against mites. There is mite damage on many leaves - though I have yet to actually find a mite - though I did find some eggs. Anyway, I will be on these babies into the second week of flower with mite defense. The Azatrol has minimal effect on the plants - but it does effect them. Ideally, I would not be using it so regularly. But mites are the worst and I need to take every precaution.

I applied the Azatrol foliar at 7ml per 24 oz spray bottle.

I stayed light on the feedings, upping my PPM's to only 325 for feed 2. I ph'd to 6.5. I fed each plant approx 160ml of:

  • Soul Grow 2.5ml
  • Infinity 3.75ml
I watered to just runoff, with little overfeed. This will allow me to adjust with a sooner feed than if I had hit em hard. We introduce the Soul Synthetics Amino at the next feed.


Well-Known Member
At the second day of week two, all is well. New growth continues to look good and all plants are growing nicely and certainly rooted, though none are poking roots through the drain holes. I have removed few of the original leaves as there is still plenty of room and I wanted them to have as many energizer sites as possible! haha

At this point, I have a couple options. I intended to top, but I did not intend to have as many plants as I do. Some will certainly have to flower elsewhere, or act as Mom's somewhere else. The office grow is not a full cycle operation. So.... I have the option of going 12 per tray in 2 gallon pots without topping, or topping and doing 6 - 8 per tent. I need to see if I can find a home for some Skywalker OG! On that note, If I do top 'em, I will have several cuts too. There are a couple plants that could bear multiple cuts today!

Day In, Day Out



Dick Moser

Active Member
if you had gone from seeds, i would totlly suggest topping out and getting a nice sea in there, BUT since they are clones, i am gonna have to offer my opinion. and that would be more is better. just my 2 cents and i know 2 cents wont buy a burger so take it or leave it but either way, this s STILL my favorite thread. best of luck.


Well-Known Member
So what are you saying Dick: go with 12 per tent in 2 gallon pots and don't top em; run a semi SOG/SCROG? Hmmm...

Dick Moser

Active Member
lst instead of top, lollypop the branches benath the sreen and set the sreen...hell in two gallons pots im sure you could set it 18inches to 2 feet mabye more with the 600 watt, and get a BEAUTY of a canopy in there just lsted around the edges and set some of your already spliting clones in the middle and let them double spear or even single spear kola straight toward the lights. haha in my mind im seeing frosty covered mountains of bud spears :) im sure no matter WHAT you choose to do its gonna rock man.


Well-Known Member
and for clarrifacation. yes 12 and 12 in 2 gallons. i love quality and quantity.
Nice suggestions! Just as you described is Option 1.

Option 2: They are growing nicely. If I top 'em tomorrow, I can get some nice cuts in the process -- though I have no plan for such cuts. This will slow growth a bit, but they should still be able to fill out these SOLO cups at the 2 week mark on Monday. This will keep me on schedule for a transplant that day. I could then veg them for one more week in their final containers before flipping to 12.12 (3 week total veg time). I would then run 8 - 10 plants per tent. I would 'pop' em at the start of flower. I would then have a nice Skywalker OG farm for another patient; with 12 - 18 rooting clones, and 6 - 9 Moms. Not sure I can find a home for such a family!

Both options will work!


Well-Known Member
Day 13.

Things have been going pretty well, though I have been dealing with quite varied growth. I'm beginning to wonder if all the clones I received are actually Skywalker OG. To my eye, I have 2 or 3 variations here... Some are short, squat Indica dominant looking plants, while others look more like traditional OG with more of a Sativa growth characteristic, and others look to be something more. Hahaha - that's commercial nurseries for ya!

Are all these plants from the same genetics? Is this Skywalker, Luke? Anybody have any ideas about that sick plant in row 2, col 1?

Because of the varied growth, feeding/irrigating has been an issue. Some plants have had 3 feeds, while others have had just two. My one super plant has had another feeding on top of all the others of just water. Most plants look pretty good, while one looks horrible and I am going to remove it from the garden. I should probably have removed it already as it almost looks like a weird fungus of some sort? There are a couple that were bent over as clones, and remain that way today. Many plants look a little nitrogen heavy today; the leaves are a little dark and blue on some plants, and the stems feel a little soft--though many obviously love the feed schedule. It's tough when you are dealing with different size (and types!) of plants, to find the perfect feed schedule. I'm on water from now on through transplant on Monday. I need to check the PH of my media and adjust accordingly. I'll get back to ground zero for the final week of veg in full size containers.

Things are looking good in the garden so far. Many plants look excellent! There are always some runts that never catch up.

The environment has been working well. The ambient weather has been cooperating, so I haven't stressed the system yet. While I am still using the humidifier to supplement humidity, the plants now transpire enough on their own to elevate the RH. The humidifier currently runs for 1 - 4 minutes on / 1 minute off. Current average RH is about 58% - 61%. I will no longer use the humidifier once I transplant to larger containers and move to two tents (Monday).

The humidifier only has 2 fan settings, so I used a cycle timer to turn it off and on at intervals; effectively adding finite control to humidification.

I am continuing to use the Soul Synthetics schedule at reduced rates. Here is a quick breakdown of the feeds thus far:

  • planted clones with just RO
  • feed 1 = Soul Grow, and Soul Infinity at 225ppm 6.5ph
  • feed 2 = Soul Grow, Soul Infinity 325ppm 6.5ph
  • feed 3 (for 18/25 plants) = Soul Grow, Infinity, and Amino Aide 525 ppm, 6.5ph
  • water (for those that need it) = Botanicare CalMag at 125ppm, 6.5ph
Monday marks the end of week 2 veg. I will transplant and spread the material across both tents, and veg for 1 more week before going to flower. I will move the lights to 20 on / 4 off for the final week of veg.


Dick Moser

Active Member
haha i see what you mean, some of those have the broad indica leaves and others those pointed spears. they are looking damn fine man, damn fine :) you had said at the begining (if i remember correctly) you wanted to run a diffrent nute system for one or the other room??? i hope your not disappointed with the apparent variety you got, looks like its gonna be a diverse flowering.


Well-Known Member
haha i see what you mean, some of those have the broad indica leaves and others those pointed spears. they are looking damn fine man, damn fine :) you had said at the begining (if i remember correctly) you wanted to run a diffrent nute system for one or the other room??? i hope your not disappointed with the apparent variety you got, looks like its gonna be a diverse flowering.
Thanks, DM! Yes, most are looking fine. No disappointments here - I'm just gonna go with the flow. I will select the finest 16 for flower; 8 per tent. I will transplant those 16 to 3 gallon pots tomorrow. I will put the remaining 8 in another zone. I will veg in both tents for one more week. I will pop em after I am sure the transplant takes - hopefully on Friday - and then do the flip a week from today; Monday 2/14 - they will be Valentine's Day Girls... how sweet is that. Yeah!


Well-Known Member
I transplanted the best 16 to 3-gallon Hydrofarm 9 x 9 square pots. I have not tried these pots before, but the price point is nice and they have some nifty features. I was going to run with just 8 plants per tent, but now I am going to add the extras to a planter box down the middle of each tray.

Final days as a single tent family. This is the last shot of the tray before moving.

I transplanted on day 16, but now wish I'd done it 3 - 5 days earlier. I definitely slowed progress a bit. Additionally, I got off on the feed schedule a bit as the water requirements were drastically different from plant to plant. There are always runts and feeders, but looking at these plants, there seem to be some different strains here to? We shall see what I end up with in the end! Some plants are looking a little tired and root bound from the extended time in Solo cups, but overall, I am on course and happy. The root structure of all plants from the Solo cups was excellent. I have a solid foundation to work with. The plants all have a really nice compact structure to start. They should stretch nicely into the sweet spot of the tent.

Roots O.

Your new home, Baby!

Square Pots make the world go round.




Well-Known Member
Lookin Good! and fancy! I also have two grow tents i just bought 6x6x6, one is empty right now. and i just have uncooled 1000watts chillin with basic intake and exhaust running all the time, heat stays 75 to 79 degrees all the time, but my humidity level is very high at night time, do you or anyone know the best size of dehumidifier and cheapest for this size of tent?

