Mane's Winter cooking multi-strain garden grow :D

everything going gravy mane alot of bullshit in my jornal agian.Babies need attention im about to shut that shit down before it get out of hand again
Tell me about it...I asked him nicely to leave but then he wants to be funny and start saying a bunch of bullshit so basically im going to ignore it..But now its turning my thread into a toke n talk and shifting it away from the grow.


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it...I asked him nicely to leave but then he wants to be funny and start saying a bunch of bullshit so basically im going to ignore it..But now its turning my thread into a toke n talk and shifting it away from the grow.
Yea that can be annoying. they shipped your beans yet? still waiting on mines to update for the Jamaica ny


Well-Known Member
word. The TD2 and APG1 didnt show signs of transplant shock at all. the td1 and wwxogiesel did thats in the grow bag. The Td2 is showing some better qualities than td1 branching wise and growth rate wise. Can't wait for these next couple of weeks


Well-Known Member
Here are some attempts at some decent pics of the flowering plants... for the video its on the previous page.

Aurora Indica; will chop tom.
AI 3.jpgAI 2.jpgAI 1.jpgAI.jpgAI 4.jpg
Vanilla Kush 1;
Vanilla Kush 2;
VK2 4.jpgVK2 6.jpgVK2 5.jpgVK2 7.jpgVK2 3.jpgVk2 1.jpgVK2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Those girls are looking brocky real dense..
thanks man, that flash trick worked pretty well for me, just getting used to it I guessed. Took a nice one of the AI.
vk2 buds look dense as hell
thanks man I'm keeping her. Just nurturing this clone of her to the fullest. should still pack on more weight soon:weed:. I think I'm going to let her go the whole 70 days. and hopefully clones of her will finish on the recc. 60-65. I'll be taking this lower branch that I have tied down on Feb. 24th(day 60) as a tester. And start flushing afterwards.

Looks like it'll be a easy ass trim.

edit; here's some pics under the scope again this is from day 68 half chopping of trich d68.jpgai trich d68 2.jpgai trich d68 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
everything going gravy mane alot of bullshit in my jornal agian.Babies need attention im about to shut that shit down before it get out of hand again
is that why your PM box is full?? clear it so I can PM you back!

Tell me about it...I asked him nicely to leave but then he wants to be funny and start saying a bunch of bullshit so basically im going to ignore it..But now its turning my thread into a toke n talk and shifting it away from the grow.
put him on "ignore" in your control panel.

usps sucks, wbw how long did it take your seeds from pick n mix take?
TGSS.... what's up with that new avitar....?? You can do way better than that!! 8-)


Well-Known Member
swerve was in the grey area a few weeks ago....seemed okay but why do all breeders feel it necessary to dis-respect another breeder who has put a good strain together?!?!?! People need to stop thinking they own plant genetics...nobody owns any genetics unless they spliced that dna together to make themselves a new breed of plant, and I ain't heard of anything that is as nice are Marijauna that a human created. Anyway, I got a bean of the real deal Sour Diesel from my friend that came directly from Swerves stash that he had. So I guess like all SourD's it throws out some selfed seeds.


Well-Known Member
swerve was in the grey area a few weeks ago....seemed okay but why do all breeders feel it necessary to dis-respect another breeder who has put a good strain together?!?!?! People need to stop thinking they own plant genetics...nobody owns any genetics unless they spliced that dna together to make themselves a new breed of plant, and I ain't heard of anything that is as nice are Marijauna that a human created. Anyway, I got a bean of the real deal Sour Diesel from my friend that came directly from Swerves stash that he had. So I guess like all SourD's it throws out some selfed seeds.
That's right DST - no one owns genetics... but sometimes people come across as if they do..... well said - and +rep!


Well-Known Member
What makes me laugh as well, is that these plants will be around long after we are gone. No matter what people try to do. The seed matter is spread so worldwide now that even the end of the human race wouldn't mean the end of MJ.

Here's a little micro environment tale: I use a compost heap for old my old coco, soil, and plant matter that I am recycling, along with the usual, egg shells and other waste veg from the kitchen. There's also another thing I put in there, and that's the mulch after I have run bubble bags. I often throw buds into my bag so all sorts end up in there. One of my plants in flower needed a bit more room to go so I gave her a bigger pot last week, with some compost from the heap, now I have a mad MJ sprout coming out the side of the pot, or what looks like one. That seed has been in my compost heap for god knows how long (well at least since the end of the summer past) It has endured temperatures outside of -10, -18 with the wind chill (and I live at the top of my apartment block). As soon as it gets some heat and light it's off!!! I fukkin love nature....nature owns us, haha. We've been owned!

That's right DST - no one owns genetics... but sometimes people come across as if they do..... well said - and +rep!


Well-Known Member
Mane love yo vid uddate i think i want to learn how to do that
all yo stuff looking happy and healthy but that big ahh agent orange in center of tent
dont the height of that amazon make you want to bring other girls up to her top to get same light -cause they seem to be low how far away from light-forgive me if i dont make sence -im sure you know what your doing -im kinda green and kermit da frog says it aint easy being green