What do you do often when you're high?


Well-Known Member
play guitar and sing, try and write songs... play video games, watch movies, annoy my gf cause she doesn't smoke and just thinks I'm real wierd lol


Active Member
play video games, eat, watch tv, and come on here. I also go to work stoned sometimes, as a mindless zombie could do my job


Ha wow
Lets see:

Wake and bake :leaf:
Make pancakes
eat pancakes
Share pancakes with husband
Smoke more :leaf:
Play with Ferret
Watch TV usually mindless cartoons
Go on internet and amuse self (usually RIU, MLIA.com and Notalwaysright.com)
Start homework for class later
Laugh at ferret being stupid about something
Smoke more :leaf:
Forget homework
"sober up" for school and quickly do forgotten homework
(skipping non-stoned stuff)
Smoke more :leaf:
Watch husband play COD
Save ferret from what ever he's gotten into
Get bored and go into room to watch late night mindless cartoons
Last smoke before bed time :leaf:

Repeat. Insert work occasionally.


Well-Known Member
Get up at 5 to see if I can catch Gretchen Carlson crossing her legs (fox& friends)
If I do, I take a couple of pulls on my vape and masterbate.
Rest of the day is recovering from the exhaustion.
It's hell gettin' old.


Active Member
:DStoned Pony u stupid! LMAO! That Cheetoes shyt got me man!:lol:

Yeah,just joined the ranks of the happily unemployed, so I have all day to sit and watch these lovely plants grow! 6 weeks to go....

I also rap, play bass guitar and will hit the links soon as all this stupid snow melts.

Watch boxed sets of cable shows: Weeds, Entourage, Sex and the City w/wifey, Terminator:Sarah Conner Chronicles, whatever catches my eye @ the library or video store next.
Wife makes a pretty good living, plus unemployment checks, so I'm Daddy Day care to our 13 yr old til summer, when we're planning on starting a franchise, which I will run.

I'm out of smoke and refuse to buy more, so I hook up with a buddy on Fridays and get my bake on once a week. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Disc golf.
fuck yea. i love it when the courses go back into the woods, wait for a few people to get ahead of you, spark up a joint, power hit that shit cause your paranoid about the people behind you, start laughing and fuck up by hitting the damn trees, then start doing stupid shit like tomahawks.


Well-Known Member
bahahaha. naw that sucks my g/f is in customer relations and talks about that all the time. im a culinary assistant, so i dont deal with anyone i dont know.


Well-Known Member
When I was in my early to mid 20s and I worked in a nursing home, me and a few of my co-workers would go out on brake in the afternoon and toke up and come back stoned. We actually started a trend and some of the others we worked with started doing it too.
Being that I'm sober from the time I make it from the bedroom to the living room...
Pretty much everything.
I smoke some bowls.
Make coffee.
Drink coffee.
Poop again, because, you know, coffee...
Shower, because, you know, poop.
Eat some breakfast, usually fruit.
Water the plants on occasion.
Fuck around on Netflix instant play until I realize I've watched everything worthy.
Turn on some Dr. Who anyway.
Smoke some more, despite being high still.
Tease my girlfriend.
Make lunch.
Fuck around on RIU.
Take a nap.
More fucking around on RIU.
Refill the reservoirs.
Mix nutrients for the next day.
Make dinner.
More smoking.
Eat dinner.
Drinking wine.
More smoking.
More wine.
Zombie Killing.
Sleepy time.

Rinse and repeat.

Depending on the season add in Snowboarding and Golfing.
This sounds like my typical day, sans the snow and golf. Also, you haven't watched everything worthy on Netflix instant until you watch the documentary Dear Zachary: Letters to a Son about his Father. Amazingly powerful.


Active Member
fuck yea. i love it when the courses go back into the woods, wait for a few people to get ahead of you, spark up a joint, power hit that shit cause your paranoid about the people behind you, start laughing and fuck up by hitting the damn trees, then start doing stupid shit like tomahawks.
Yezzir, green on the green is the way to go! Never matters what my score is when I'm stoned!