2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow


Active Member
Welcome tricka. I'm a night person so we'll probably be on around the same hours. lol

Your setup is crazy nice by the way, just got subbed to your tent journal and I'll have to check out the outdoor one too.
Good on ya thanks mate! rep+ to ya:mrgreen:
yeah catch up we are only 6 pages in and my beans are yet to arrive but the excitement is well and truely here :P
the outdoor signature is just a few random bud porn pics taken 2 years ago, this is my first E+F indoor grow and i'm into clean thought out grow ops, yours i see is one of these.
Keep it up:bigjoint:


Active Member
Good on ya thanks mate! rep+ to ya:mrgreen:
yeah catch up we are only 6 pages in and my beans are yet to arrive but the excitement is well and truely here :P
the outdoor signature is just a few random bud porn pics taken 2 years ago, this is my first E+F indoor grow and i'm into clean thought out grow ops, yours i see is one of these.
Keep it up:bigjoint:
Waiting on seeds to arrive is like waiting for Christmas to arrive as a kid... I'm interested in how E&F works out for you so I'll definitely be following as your grow goes along.

Oh and I remember seeing the original thread where you posted pictures of those wicked purple pistils. Very cool looking.


Well-Known Member
Both pretty easy to use...and the cost is about the same. I bought some more tables if that say's anything.


Active Member
She looks so good...

Oh and thought this was interesting: When I went to check the reservoirs today and cracked the lids, there was a bit of a "dirt" smell to the water. Like a good, healthy, rich, composted dirt smell - not a bad smell at all though and not overpowering or anything. But I'm thinking the fungi inoculation I did a over the past few days is working and the fungi are now active in the reservoirs (and producing that smell). The reservoirs have remained clear and clean while using both products so far (ZHO & HydroGuard) - no issues with frothing/cloudiness.


Active Member
:mrgreen: INDEED she does, so pretty in her pot!

(little does she know, that soon you will cut up her vagina and smoke it! lol):bigjoint:

That there my friend is what i would like to achieve from my beans, is a healthy rooted, young vibrant seedling , progressing through into pubity then into a lovely looking women.....
Growing before me in what i see is a fine specimen and well cared/looked after example!!!;-)


Active Member
Both pretty easy to use...and the cost is about the same. I bought some more tables if that say's anything.
I've seen 2'x4' trays at the local hydro store, but they are a bit pricey for a plastic tray... Are there any cheap alternatives (that would fit 2'x4') that you know about or could recommend?


Active Member
:mrgreen: INDEED she does, so pretty in her pot!

(little does she know, that soon you will cut up her vagina and smoke it! lol):bigjoint:

That there my friend is what i would like to achieve from my beans, is a healthy rooted, young vibrant seedling , progressing through into pubity then into a lovely looking women.....
Growing before me in what i see is a fine specimen and well cared/looked after example!!!;-)
Thanks for the kind words man. I'm trying my best w/ her as a sort of thank you to BKB for his kindness. I'm just really impressed with the show she's giving me so far - awesome plant to grow and I'm glad to have her genetics around.


Active Member
Thanks for the kind words man. I'm trying my best w/ her as a sort of thank you to BKB for his kindness. I'm just really impressed with the show she's giving me so far - awesome plant to grow and I'm glad to have her genetics around.

My pleasure TaoWolf....just make sure you pay me back with good quality 'A' Grade bud porn.....kapish' :P


Active Member
My pleasure TaoWolf....just make sure you pay me back with good quality 'A' Grade bud porn.....kapish' :P
Soon enough! I'm sort of just waiting on Aphrodite (MD2) to get a better foothold before flowering. Won't be long. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If you want a cheap one then hydrotek and active aqua make a pretty good unit. I don't buy there res. I just use the Rough neck tote from lowes or home depot. Here's one on the bay for 99.99 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140508822004#vi-content I got the active aqua tables for $75 + tax. I bought 2 so the guy was like I'll cut you a deal. You only buy these once. So ask the guy at the hydro store if they have a few used ones. You might be surprised.


Well-Known Member
Damn she is looking good and very symetrical. What are your plans with her? Top, Clone, LST or just straight up? I cloned the two tops last night on MD#3. Look how open her middle is now. There will be nice future sites on this one.






Active Member
If you want a cheap one then hydrotek and active aqua make a pretty good unit. I don't buy there res. I just use the Rough neck tote from lowes or home depot. Here's one on the bay for 99.99 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140508822004#vi-content I got the active aqua tables for $75 + tax. I bought 2 so the guy was like I'll cut you a deal. You only buy these once. So ask the guy at the hydro store if they have a few used ones. You might be surprised.
I'm thinking I'm going to try making an NFT system as my next big project - but I'm going to have to try E&F at some point. What do you think the most hassle free system is?


Active Member
Damn she is looking good and very symetrical. What are your plans with her? Top, Clone, LST or just straight up? I cloned the two tops last night on MD#3. Look how open her middle is now. There will be nice future sites on this one.
Well I was planning on topping her but now I'm not so sure... I kind of like the height and shape she has right now. But at the same time, she looks perfect for topping with all that lateral branching... Anyway, I'll probably smoke a bowl and make an off the wall decision to do it at some point. lol


Active Member
Week 2: Lowered the water level in the buckets to three gallons.

Snow White Res Change: 45mL PBP:B / 5mL CalMag+ / 1tsp pH Down.


Well-Known Member
In hydroponics...I know ebb and flow is the easiest...and least hassle. But aeroponics is the best yielding with dwc right behind it. That's just my opinion.


Active Member
why do you lower the water level in the buckets? Is it to make the roots reach?
It's cheaper and less work for me to run just 3 gallons per bucket is all. A gallon or two saved per bucket adds up with weekly reservoir changes and besides, I think it does the roots good to be exposed to more air.

In hydroponics...I know ebb and flow is the easiest...and least hassle. But aeroponics is the best yielding with dwc right behind it. That's just my opinion.
The older I get, the more attractive E&F looks.

they are looking nice and white
I think the roots do look better/whiter/fuzzier since adding in all the beneficial microbes. Nothing really dramatic but it's noticeable. I'm really liking the nice smell and cleanliness of the reservoirs as well.


Well-Known Member
I hated that about single buckets changing them out...what to do with the plant? Be careful with the roots...damn this is heavy and awkward. I promise you if you switch to Ebb & flow as your main grow system and use what you've learned in dwc...ep. cool res temps and aeration...you'll never go back...one new thing I'm going to add is a diffuser to the flood table and flood for 30 minutes or more with larger pots. MY roots mass was very large with these autos. Just testing and combining new ideas. Good growing Tao