Future .... best case scenario

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Oh dude the best mix is ketamine and mdma... for some high strung reason, I believe ketamine reduces the hangover of mdma!
LOL I love your logic brother ...
Because if you believe, then it must be true.


I don't even bother with the hug drug anymore. That fuzzy sticky buzz ...I ate to much
as a rave kid ... I suppose.
I never had a hangover from the lovely lady. To me, she's always been kind and gentle on the come-down.


Well-Known Member
Mdma is the only thing that will make me turn my ac to Maximum artic chill* in the dead of winter while driving 100 mph on freeway blaring Dj Venom* louder than the speakers can take it.

1. Maximum artic chill is so cold ice crystals form on the dash vents
2. Dj venom because its been awhile.....
Mdma is the only thing that will make me turn my ac to Maximum artic chill* in the dead of winter while driving 100 mph on freeway blaring Dj Venom* loader than the speakers can take it.

1. Maximum artic chill is so cold ice crystals form on the dash vents
2. Dj venom because its been awhile.....
All this talk has me itchin'!