I think a master computer race would be able to create one single highly effecient robot, linked to satallites/supercomputers for sorta a system back up drive..
very much like brainiac. at any time it can take over any other machine and upload its self on to any drive and any system, but is superior to all other machines. of course its non existant alien tech... and im using logic from a comic book....
or maybe something like mastermold from x men would be achieved. one super ai implanted in a computer somewere, running factories of sentinals out to get the mutants or humans.
or there will be human/robot/AI merger.
or nano's so it can be one single thought, one single orginism, with the ability to become as many organisms as needed and rebuild itself with any carbon it can find.
meh im way to into science fiction. hope its science fact soon.