Future .... best case scenario

well the thing is is oil is in way more than just the machine joints, they may not need lubricant but they will need oil for something, unless something of equal magical properties is made.

I watched this crazy guy on this documentory called, collapse he kinda crazy but he talks about all the things oil is in, and some of the shit oil is needed to make is insane.

if your into conspiracy and end of humanity and fall of governments, collapse may entertain you. they guy does come off as a little crazy though but alot of what he says can be fact checked, and some his solutions, were just mention by the president on his last address to the country, as things that need to happen to secure americas future.

Even if crude oil is irreplaceable I'm sure machines that have passed us on the evolutionary ladder would have no problem utilizing, recycling, maybe even producing these materials.
There's also already an invention machine. I don't remember where I saw it, but one invention that I remember it had created was a "perfect" antenna. Quite a fascinating device.
maybe but i still think they would still have to create that tech soon, if they assimilate but not a single robotic arm is working there useless.

thinking about this, i thought of cyborg, the comicbook hero, there is a book were an AI infects him and then its a battle between consciousness'es to control the body, I dont think i would like to be susceptible to all the cyber virus's.... hole new meaning to identity theft
well theres a computer that can predict the future one that can improve upon its codes and software infinatly, plenty of types of AI, tons of cybernetic and robotic machines, and now one that can invent things. why do we need people??
well theres a computer that can predict the future one that can improve upon its codes and software infinatly, plenty of types of AI, tons of cybernetic and robotic machines, and now one that can invent things. why do we need people??

Plus the robots that are looking eerily close to humans.
YEAH man i saw some the other day, to freaky. like that receptionist robot in i think japan or korea or some were asain of course
I think we should let the smart computers and ai, design there own species, then instead of replacing humans they can be their species like computer bots take on their own shape and movements uniqe to them.
I think we should let the smart computers and ai, design there own species, then instead of replacing humans they can be their species like computer bots take on their own shape and movements uniqe to them.

That would probably be the natural progression. As they become their own consciousness, they could make their own decisions on their evolution. But who's to say they wouldn't keep the form of their creators? We are supposedly "created in the image of our creator". At the same time they may not even care what they look like as that is a function of reproduction, but instead I think they would be more concerned with function. Form follows function and all that. They may end up being the most beautiful thing we've ever seen.

And yes, the "life-like" robots creator (that I'm sure we're both referring to) was from Japan.
I don't see what reason there is to give robots any sort of consciousness in the first place other than for science to prove it can be done. Though if that did happen I think if the robots had a "super" intelligence than they would all realize to best advance themselves they would need complete equality among them to move forward as a single entity. With each individual robot being nothing more than a small unit that functions in sync with the other robots (sort of like the cells of an organism). They will perfect the idea of communism and in turn willingly disable their own specific conscious decision making for a greater goal. A "perfect" civilization one might say...
I don't see what reason there is to give robots any sort of consciousness in the first place other than for science to prove it can be done. Though if that did happen I think if the robots had a "super" intelligence than they would all realize to best advance themselves they would need complete equality among them to move forward as a single entity. With each individual robot being nothing more than a small unit that functions in sync with the other robots (sort of like the cells of an organism). They will perfect the idea of communism and in turn willingly disable their own specific conscious decision making for a greater goal. A "perfect" civilization one might say...

whos robot dick is bigger!!!!

maybe just one single robot, why the need for so many. one superbot. like brainiac style.
whos robot dick is bigger!!!!

maybe just one single robot, why the need for so many. one superbot. like brainiac style.

Honestly, I don't think the AI would be embodied within a robot, except for the creators need to personalize it. Give all computers connected to the internet AI, each functioning separate, but inherently a part of the whole, and you have effectively created a "single" super-bot.

Imagine the processing power one could achieve with all the worlds computers working together. I know most computers aren't supercomputer workhorses, but at the rate of improvement we see in tech this isn't too far in the future. There are already projects (have been for years) that allow someone's own home computer to process bits of data that are a part of a larger hole. One such project is to process data from satellites in the hopes to locate extraterrestrial intelligence. Giving different data tasks to many different computers to compute pieces of the larger whole is a much more powerful and efficient way than giving all those tasks to one machine, supercomputer or not.

Also look at CAPTCHA. We (yes, we) are being used in a similar data-processing plant scheme. The pictures they use for the CAPTCHA consists of known and unknown letters and numbers that have been scanned from books and other handwritten or typed sources. Instead of paying millions of man hours for people to interpret letters that computers can't, they just snuck them into word verifications we have to use practically every day.
I don't see what reason there is to give robots any sort of consciousness in the first place other than for science to prove it can be done. Though if that did happen I think if the robots had a "super" intelligence than they would all realize to best advance themselves they would need complete equality among them to move forward as a single entity. With each individual robot being nothing more than a small unit that functions in sync with the other robots (sort of like the cells of an organism). They will perfect the idea of communism and in turn willingly disable their own specific conscious decision making for a greater goal. A "perfect" civilization one might say...

I agree with your vision ... that is the only applicable way .... to move forward.
I for one am of belief that there will be a fusion of Consciousness .... bwn flesh and tech ...
where in the end it will not matter .... 'we' will become 'them'.

I think a master computer race would be able to create one single highly effecient robot, linked to satallites/supercomputers for sorta a system back up drive..
very much like brainiac. at any time it can take over any other machine and upload its self on to any drive and any system, but is superior to all other machines. of course its non existant alien tech... and im using logic from a comic book....:roll:

or maybe something like mastermold from x men would be achieved. one super ai implanted in a computer somewere, running factories of sentinals out to get the mutants or humans.

or there will be human/robot/AI merger.

or nano's so it can be one single thought, one single orginism, with the ability to become as many organisms as needed and rebuild itself with any carbon it can find.

meh im way to into science fiction. hope its science fact soon.
I think a master computer race would be able to create one single highly effecient robot, linked to satallites/supercomputers for sorta a system back up drive..
very much like brainiac. at any time it can take over any other machine and upload its self on to any drive and any system, but is superior to all other machines. of course its non existant alien tech... and im using logic from a comic book....:roll:

or maybe something like mastermold from x men would be achieved. one super ai implanted in a computer somewere, running factories of sentinals out to get the mutants or humans.

or there will be human/robot/AI merger.

or nano's so it can be one single thought, one single orginism, with the ability to become as many organisms as needed and rebuild itself with any carbon it can find.

meh im way to into science fiction. hope its science fact soon.

There are "transformer" robots that have many small pieces that can attach together to take different forms. The one I saw was just a bunch of blocks, but the implications are great. Do that with nano-bots and anything is possible. I still think that a "hive-mind" would ultimately be more powerful, but your idea of redundancy is good too. If you think about it, though, the hive-mind would inherently have redundancy built directly into the system. If one cell dies (;)) the main organism keeps on functioning virtually unaffected.
Holy shit... I saw this thread earlier today, then I was just watchin Jeapordy on TV and they've got 2 humans and one AI. Its insane AI was kickin humans ass.
Then they were showing how they trained the AI and it was some guys from IBM. AI would break the answer down into a few key words then match them up with a library stored in memory.
AI could process everything so fast the humans barely had a chance.
Holy shit... I saw this thread earlier today, then I was just watchin Jeapordy on TV and they've got 2 humans and one AI. Its insane AI was kickin humans ass.
Then they were showing how they trained the AI and it was some guys from IBM. AI would break the answer down into a few key words then match them up with a library stored in memory.
AI could process everything so fast the humans barely had a chance.

Google. ;)