Don't forget about this AG you have here at my pad...
Also, if you have any extra BC smart pots I may need one or two
You gotta try this Cali O that I snuck home too, lol
If the weather didn't suck ass and I hadn't had a few beers already I would have already been on my way. Had a dilemma with my bank today and had to take care of some shit
I'm definitely coming over tomorrow. I'm waiting for some things to transact so I can enjoy the rest of the week without worry. BTW, you letter should be in the mail as of this morning
yo bill that lr x ww geting very interesting -and lots of tops keep her happy
Looks great! Anyway to maybe paint it white or put some mylar behind the plants?
yep, n god idea rearranging. now you have double your growing area. could you turm it vertical?Yeah, thats the next step, I didnt realize that, but i could get more light to the backside of the plants that way huh?
Damn, someone is up late, lol. I popped two xannies earlier, and passed out for about 5 hours
I rearranged the 400 shed again, lol. Decided to use a 2nd shelf so that all the plants are receiving the same light. Kind of like a mini stadium lol.