Dresser - 3 Sq. Ft. - 20,600 Lumens - Hydro


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Nice little monsters you got there!
Thanks man. I should be switching over to 12/12 tonight.

that 8 day comparison just amazies me . How do I change my username?
Yea, I like the side-by-side comparisons. Seems like once those roots hit the water it just took off! Can't help ya with your name. I would say you might have to re-sign up with a different name. Maybe not- might want to check in the help section.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 25 - pH 6 - 340 ppm - Temp 74 - RH 55%
The plants are still doing good. Today I LST'd a little more and got the 7" plant down to about 5 1/2" with a nice flat canopy. I also re-adjusted the LST strings on the 4.5" tall plant. I ALSO LST'd the third biggest one to be only about 3" high off the lid and with a nice flat canopy also. I figured I would try and give myself as much room as I could for the flowering. Goal is to keep them below 22". Once I know that I have all females (next grow) and how tall these get, I will let VEG longer. I also Changed the Res water for the transition to flowering.

I loaded each gallon with the following:
5 mL Micro
9 mL Gro
5 mL Bloom

I will give this about 1 week OR until the plants drink the water before I do another change-out to give them Nutes geared a little more towards flowering. Hopefully I know the sex by the end of the week. The plants will see their first dark period around 3:30am in the morning. That way by the time I get home from work the lights are on. So for this grow I let them Veg for 25 days, period.
Flowering begins on Day 26!:hump:


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 26 - pH 14 - 540 ppm - Temp ?? - RH ??
Flowering - Day 2
WOW! Shit hit the fan on the first night of flowering. This is how it went. I set everything up last night hooked up to the timer. Later I smelt a funny smell but didn't notice anything wrong in the cab. This morning the lights were off so I thought everything was fine. Guess I was wrong. I was waiting for the lights to come on at 4:30 and when they did I popped the top drawer off to find that both CFL's were burned out and the inside of my cab was DRENCHED! Guess when it rains it really does pour. I GUESS i must have set the humidifier too high and shit must have gotten to 100% RH. Kind of sucks because now I have to use just the two 70 watters until I get paid (thursday). They should be fine for the time being. ALSO in the down pour my Temp and Humidity gauge took a dump. Damn, hope the rest of the flowering goes better than the first day.
As far as the plants.. they look healthy and bushy. For some reason my PH was off the charts! All the "rain" water must have affected this somehow. My PH had to been 14.. I had to add 5 mL of PH Down to my Res to drop it back to somewhere around 6. I will check again later tonight to be sure it is dialed in just right. I was going to take pictures tonight but now I dont feel like it. I`ll try and take them tomorrow. Until thursday the Humidifer if ran at all will be ran lightly. Also all of my LST came undone because of the humidity getting out of control and poppin the glue off. I have another idea that I might try tonight. Bah- check back tomorrow. Hopefully have some good news.

the subject line of this post should say Day 26.. wont let me edit.


Well-Known Member
I am positive they will be okay. That's actually kind of funny about the humidity. Maybe you should set it up to work on a timer?

Hope all is well.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
I am positive they will be okay. That's actually kind of funny about the humidity. Maybe you should set it up to work on a timer?

Hope all is well.
lol, it is funny but sucks it burnt my CFL's out. Oh well- I`ll be getting more tomorrow. I am going to move the Humidifier out of the cab soon and just set it up by the air intake outside the cab so the plants have more room to grow.

Day 27 - pH 5.6 - 740 ppm - Temp ?? - RH ??
Flowering - Day 3
Everything seems to be going good in the cab. I had to dump ALOT of ph Down in my res again. It has to be the water from the Humidifier. I finally got it dialed in after I would say 6 mL of ph Down. PPM Raised a lot due to all the pH Down. Can't wait to change this res tank. I will be getting 2 more CFL's tomorrow to replace the ones that burnt out in the rain. Surprisingly enough plants are hangin with me through this shit. Here are some pics.

So this is what I used to tie my branches down. I found it back in the Craft section at Wally. It was like 3.48 or something but works well.

Here is a top view followed by 1 pic of each plant.

Here is a pic of a Top View with a pop can to show size. The other two pics are of the biggest plant, one with a pop can next to it and the other just a "under the canopy" look of the same plant.

Next 3 pics are of the plant in the bottom left corner of the top views. I just started a little further away and moved in till I got a decent look under the canopy.. hard because this thing is so damn bushy. I actually want this one to stretch some.

And for the root shot.. I just lifted the lid to the res tank and snapped a pic.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
I just looked again at the plants. In the Top View pics of these plants I am 95% sure the one in the bottom right is a Male. The biggest one, the top left plant, I am 75% sure is Female. The smallest I am leaning towards male but I can't really tell at all. The Bottom left plant I can't find and sign of pre-flowers yet.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Looking good man. You did a nice job tying them down.

We will pray for the girls...!
Thanks. That thin wire I got from Wally helped a lot. Just drilled real small holes around the very brim of the lid on the tote. Strung it through and just curled the other end of the wire around the branch I was tying down. I also am praying for the girls, lol- man.. I really hope I am right on the big one. I am real damn sure the bottom right one is a male but I am giving it a day or so more to be 100% sure.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 28 - pH 6.3 - 780 ppm - Temp ?? - RH ??
Flowering - Day 4
Plants are still looking great. Stretching a little but not too much yet. Starting to show more pre-flowers but still not quite enough to get a 100% determination. I may pick up some more water tonight for a res change tomorrow or tonight. The PPM rising worries me a little and how much PH DOWN I had to add earlier. The res temp was a little warm for my liking also. Other than that- things seem to be going well. I also added the two 45w CFL's back in. The CFL's were rated at 45w which each have 2900 Lumens of "soft white". Will be getting the Temp-Humidity gauge tonight.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 29 - pH 5.8 - 680 ppm - Temp 75 - RH 50%
Flowering - Day 5
Damn, I'm pretty fucked up right now. Decided to take the time in between uploading these pictures to smoke... turns out my internet was running slow :joint:.
The plants. Looking nice in my opinion. I can def. tell where they had some burns and shit from when the PH got out of control and I had to add so much ph down. Today I did a res Change and this is what I added to each gallon to get 680 ppm with Distilled water.

6.25 mL Flora Micro
6.25 mL Flora Gro
12.5 mL Flora Bloom

I also made a "hood" for the CFL's. My Fan is directly above them so there is no reflection bouncing the light back down, leading to a lot of light loss. So I hooked up a couple single little meatloaf pan things to just reflect the light back downwards... I also cut the sides out so the HPS's are not getting interference. :bigjoint:

Well, I noticed this thread was starting to get long so I figured... For the people who don't want to flip back.. this is up to date pic of my dresser with the drawer fronts off and everything running. Also, in this picture- notice there are no "hoods" on the CFL's. I'll post this pic again for a comparison to the hoods.

Here is a top view and one pic of each plant.The First and Second plants (the biggest) I am leaning towards Female but not definite signs yet. The second to last pic I am 99% sure is either a Male or a Hermie. The last pic I am 95% sure is a Male. I like the shape of the two I think are Female.. the bigger ones.. Gets me excited- if "Tops" are like the tops of the branches that get the most light like where buds grow I counted 10 on each of the bigger plants. That good?

This first pic is the plant that looks like it has pistols and the balls forming. I could only get a clear picture of the balls though. I am not sure if its Hermie or Male but for sure not female. The second pic is a little blurry but if you look close you can see the ball part on a small stem.. pretty sure thats a male... what you guys think about these?

Get this root shot in here... They are a lot longer than what they look like in this picture.. in fact.. at the bottom a few are starting to get tangled with eachother.. I will probably try and cut the males this w/e for this reason.

Here is just some random pics I took of the cab. You can see the "hoods" for the CFL's. Also see I cut the side out so the HPS were not getting block at all. Really seemed to make it brighter.

I just wanted to see if those "hoods" made it any brighter... I have a LOT better of an idea but I felt this would cover for a temp one.... lets see...

Personally, I don't know if you can tell from the pics... but it really makes the light focus more on the plants. In the other pic almost all light that went straight up was wasted and not reflected down... thats like a quarter of each bulb being wasted. Let me know what you guys think.


Well-Known Member
haha. That was such a stoned update and I'm loving it.

Since when are you putting HPS in there? I have no idea how to sex plants yet, so this will be a good learning experience. Keep posting so I know exactly what to watch for!!!

I like your hood idea... You're going to get a very good amount of chronic buds... Those roots are out of this world!!

Keep on smokin buddy.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
haha. That was such a stoned update and I'm loving it.

Since when are you putting HPS in there? I have no idea how to sex plants yet, so this will be a good learning experience. Keep posting so I know exactly what to watch for!!!

I like your hood idea... You're going to get a very good amount of chronic buds... Those roots are out of this world!!

Keep on smokin buddy.
haha Hell ya man, I'm bout ready to crash! lol Them HPS's been in there since day 1. I started with just 1, then added another after I noticed heat wasn't an issue at all.. then the 2 CFL's. Thats 2- 70w HPS (6400 Lumens Each), 2- 45w "Soft White" CFL's (2900 Lumens Each). Oh don't worry- I will post all kinds of pics once I find me a FOR SURE sign of a Female. I will post more pics of what I am pretty sure is a male and/or hermie. Yeah- the hood thing was a little bit of a burnt out idea but it worked so im keeping it lol. I hope I get a decent amount of good smoke.. I am hoping for atleast 1 ounce. If I get that I will be happy.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Well I woke up this morning and thought about setting up a small clone/veg area. I have a small nightstand with 3 drawers and 1 door with a divider in the middle. I use the drawers to hold all my growing shit- the door part however I am planning on making into a small Veg/Clone area to house 2 plants- should be just as stealth as the dresser. If I am correct when I say I have 2 males, 2 females and judging I only have about 2 months left to go- that means in 1 month's time (If i were to clone this w/e) 2 more plants would be ready to go into the flowering chamber in about a month. If I keep repeating myself- I should be able to get a 2 plant harvest every month.. Hopefully able to get at least 1 ounce each month. My future clone/veg area is pretty small about 1 square foot. I am 100% positive I can grow a plant in that area for ALMOST 1 month with LST and be completely fine for space. When I transfer to Flowering Cab, I will LST even more to spread things out and get that even canopy across the board. For now- its time to blaze and make another trip to wally for a couple small totes (water res's) and supplies.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 30 - pH 5 - 660 ppm - Temp 72 - RH 65%
Flowering - Day 6

Alright, plants are still looking good. Still no big changes on the sexing so we'll see where I'm at tomorrow. I setup another small Veg Cab tonight, actually just finished. It should house two plants just fine and I found perfect Res tanks for them. I am actually pretty excited for this cab as I think it will do really well since it is small. I Mylared the hell out of the interior so there really isnt anything to absorb light. I was hoping to cram 4 lights in there but it looks like I will only be able to fit 2 Horizontally. Which means if I can find some bulbs like the same ones I got.. just 6500k then that would be about 6k lumens for 1 square foot. Thats not bad and will do but I was hoping to get more.. Maybe I`ll fit a Y splitter in there or something. I still have to purchase another air pump for these two res tanks. Other than 2 CFL's and 1 Air pump... I think I will be ready to clone some off one of these females whenever I know 100% sure its female. I`ll post pics of the plants and of my new veg cab tomorrow.. I dont think I mentioned but the Veg cab is also Stealth- pretty nice. Ohp, I also added 1 ml PH UP to the Res tank to bump up the PH a little.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
im on day four flowering and notihng has really changed yet for me either
You know, its funny- the first night of 12/12 1 of the males showed. I wasn't sure because it is easily mistaken early on. Today, flowering Day 7 I can now say I am 100% sure of 2 of the plants, 99% of the other, and still no clue to what the other is. Keep checking back as I'm sure I will know on the other two very soon. I'll be watching yours.

Day 31 - pH 5 - 680 ppm - Temp 72 - RH 40%
Flowering - Day 7

Alright, Last night I set up the Veg cab as I mentioned. My plants are doing well and tonight I am 100% sure I have 2 Males, 99% sure I have 1 Female... and the other little bastard won't show me yet. From what I can see I want to lean towards male but its so hard to tell yet. Wish it would hurry the hell up because once I know what they all are I am going to pull the males and re-arrange the plants to optimize the space. My PPM rose a little bit and since flowering it almost seems to be when the Lights are off the plants are using more water but when the lights are on they use more Nutrients. All-in-all it seems to be fluctuating about 40 PPM, which is fine for me. On with the pics, I think there is a lot.

First let me start off with my new Stealth Mini/Micro - 1 Sq Ft - 7,800 Lumen - Veg Cab. You may think it is small but I am 100% sure I can grow two nice plants in here and then bring them to my dresser to flower, spreading them out a little more... I am thinking it will work perfect but.. we`ll see. There is barely any light leak from this cab and it is insanely reflective in there. Here are the pics.The first pic is of the label on the box of my new lights. I put 2 of these in the small Veg cab to get 7,800 Lumens Total. 65w CFL at Lowes - 300w Equiv.Last pic is of the electrical up top. For those who want to know I have a 120 mm Exhaust fan hooked up that creates a vacuum when I shut the door. I purchased a 12v Adapter from Radio shack and hooked it up. Will be adding 1 more fan for circulation hooked to same adapter soon.

Let me know what you guys think about this little setup. The pots should be good for Veg 25-30 Days based on the size of my roots on my current plants. The pots are 3" Net.

On to the plants.
Here is the usual Top View with a pic of each in the same order as they have been every time.

First pic here is of the 1 big one I know is female and the other which I hope is female. Second pic is of the two that ARE males.

The next pics I show are of the two plants that I am sure are Male. The second pic shows the first sign that you have a male plant. I would always wait it out to be sure, as I may be wrong on all of my guesses here but I am pretty damn sure these are males. Little balls n all- don't look like the one that I think is female. (btw: first pic and second pic are of same plant. First pic sort of looks like pistols but that split is the space in between the two balls. Third picture shows the same balls at an angle.)

This next pic is the one that I am pretty sure is female. If you look at the close up picture you can see more of a pistol shape. There is no "Ball" shape to it at all. I am very confident this, my biggest plant, is female. If it isn't I will be fucking pissed off. The first pic is of the "Female's" main stem and all the branches reaching out. Thought it looked cool.

Thats it for this post- Let me know what you all think about my Veg Cab and my plants.