SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.


Well-Known Member
Wow you must have some REALLY good meds on hand if you thought that was funny.
Now this is funny...



Active Member
Yeah saw that standup on HBO awile back, was good shit! :)


You see how much water he drinks and how much he sweats and twitches while performing? Can you say Cocaine?


Well-Known Member
Ok frogster.. Its time for those pictures now....

I should post pics of my new tankless hot water heater CO2 generator. Works like a charm, stoked for sure.


Active Member
Wow Lf.. looked back a couple of pages at your bud porn,,, the crush soda seems appropriate at this point... those are freaking huge buds compared to mine... I would say my largest is about half of that one posted.... your canopy is even also, my buds at the end are really small. the light rail doesn't quite reach all the way... but im running a 1000watts over that 4x8 area , so i guess thats to be expected.... they are growing and smelling good, so im happy at this point.... matter of fact i was handling a few of the sour diesels and they freaking reeeeek... I have read reports of this strain being ridiculously uncarriable on your person... Im starting to understand


Well-Known Member
Wow Lf.. looked back a couple of pages at your bud porn,,, the crush soda seems appropriate at this point... those are freaking huge buds compared to mine... I would say my largest is about half of that one posted.... your canopy is even also, my buds at the end are really small. the light rail doesn't quite reach all the way... but im running a 1000watts over that 4x8 area , so i guess thats to be expected.... they are growing and smelling good, so im happy at this point....
:) You should see them now. I am completely slammed with work or I would post some pics but they are growing nicely. I found a couple stragglers that I pulled up through the screen to green up and bulk up. Mine seem a little frostier than yours and I wonder if that is total lux? The top buds are basking in 90k lux which is about as much as they can possibly stand. I have also been keeping the humidity at a constant 40%. The difference could be allot of things. I'm quite certain the CO2 plays a huge role, as does the HPS lamp.

But yeah, they are growing and smelling good and that is all that matters. Mine don't have a whole hell of allot of smell but I have an absolute horrible sense of smell. I just turned the carbon filter on to be on the safe side. The only thing I am really not happy with is that many of my stems were not vertical when I got done training and therefore I have several leaning tower of pizza (sic) buds. They will be interesting to trim :(

I think that I a going to top a second time this veg cycle and also LST some of them to really get about 8 main stalks. Then I will progressively trim off all the little branches over the course of a week.

How does the underside of your screen look? Did you get shit loads of leaves dying and falling off? At first your like WTF? but then you realize that is just the life of the SCROG. I'm interested to see how my yield with "more spaced out" bigger buds and less popcorn strategy works out. There is definitely some spaces in the screen that could be more jam packed with buds.

Good times.


Active Member
I assume your talking about pics.... I couldnt get to the lower part of my scrog on the wall plants by the reservoir,,,, they have shitty weird plants there,,, one of them is a freaky spinly little thing ,, (the one clone that was taken during flowering) suppose to be a big bud strain but I would call it stick sick bud,,, lots of skinny little twigs that resemble sticker bushes!, but they seems to be filling in along the whole stem,, about 12 of them..the other is the jack herr,back in the far corner,, it looks like it has one bud,, lol,, but a decent one,,, it had trouble in the early days and im surprised it made it at all,,,, . I have alot of lower leaves on the supercropped side dying off... the center of the scrog is filled to the brim , not a space available for anything... I have the humidity at 35% and a fan constantly on them to keep mold away, its going to get really thick in there the next few weeks...


Active Member
The temps are a little low in the room,, sometimes it doesnt get past 69-70 degrees with lights&one1500watt heater on, I wonder if that not a good thing? nothing more I can really do to help out,,, if I turn the big vent fan off the temps will rise but the humidity goes through the roof... I turn the gas heater in my living room up to 90 and that helps... the hot air gets sucked into the grow room... I was also thinking of tying down my tallest buds and lowering the light a bit on the scrogged side... its kinda high over everything else, especially when it gets to the ends..


Active Member
Frog crush... :) yea, those girls are looking very happy... would be Nice to see some more close ups... damn, I was feeling all good and crap about my pics until you posted yours.. a few of those shots are like professional pics in a magazine.... and we have a bit to go with them suckers filling out... hmm, now im wondering how damn big those babies are going to get? each one looks the have the capability to match your largest one from last grow... 2oz dried bud wasnt it?


Well-Known Member
Yeah the big ones will probably come in around 2oz or so.

70 degrees is a little low. Why don't you just put your exhaust fans on a timer.. 15off, 30 on or whatever it takes to maintain the right temp?

I thought the Frog crush was a nice touch :)


Active Member
Oh, no the guessing game! here we go... I got ripped off last time... I should have won!... Legal gave it to a guy with a >"RANGE"< of weight... I beat out everyone using the Old Price is right technique.. I guessed just a little over the last guy.... That shit aint happening this round... :) My girls are taking more water everyday,,, but my ppm are skyrocketing.... Went from 760 to 890 after I light cycle.... the res is a little low (18" out of 32") , I topped it off 5 days ago at 29" and added nutes accordingly... yep, just looked at my books,,, did a complete rez change on the 5th... so I guess its time... (17days) I did add in between, i mixed the nutes in the individual gallons and added around 6 gallons on the 9th....... Rez changes are so much easier now that im using bleach! No need to worry about my tap water, just heat it up and add nutes...... plants are digging 2-4ppm of clorox, I have white roots that are healthy now.... peroxide and benefitial bacteria can kiss my ass! Thx, FATMAN... that guy does know his shit.


Well-Known Member
You waited 17 days between Rez changes? In the middle of flower!! I admire your style but weekly Rex changes during flower are the rule for this dude.

When are you measuring your ppm? After you top off with tap water to the original level? That is the only time the readings mean anything. My girls are for sure thirsty. 20+ gallons in 4 days. Ppm level has been constant but my top off tank is 600 ppm and 3.5 ph so I can't really tell what absorption rates are.