1Puff2Puff3Puff's hydro/soil Grow Journal, (Finally did it!!)


Well-Known Member
I hear ya on that, i peep this site out for a couple year before i really decided to do it... Stay tuned, and thanks for checking in!!!

haha alright, just wondering, and no not yet im still looking into it ya know, if im gonna grow im gonna want to do it the right and effective way ya know :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
They look dank as hell!!! I hear you on excited, its your baby, your first!!!! Be sure to give a completely detailed smoke report!!!

wow i havent looked at the nugs that i hung in 4 days its a little premature but man im so excited to smoke this check it and umm look what happen to one of my babys like over the past couple nights

im sure u will get on at like 1 am or somethen haha

im assuming both of those are master kush
but the nugs might be aurora b i dunno to be honest they all look diff



Well-Known Member
Just depends on the type with bagseed IMO, my bagseed baby doesnt look, no where near as good as my hybrid seed grow, but hard to compare cause one is hydro and other is soil, but my bag seed has been very easy to grow and its alway good to start out with a practice on them b4 you throw down the money, but some strain can run you only $24 for 10 seeds, so not so expensive. I think if the smoke was good the seed should be good, so i only used seed from my best smoke with the least sticks and seeds, storing them in the freezer until i was ready to plant. My blueberry had really no smell at all, but i am really not sure which one has the lightest smell, ANYONE?!?!

Thanks for stoppin by, hope to see you soon!!!

hey puff puff, looking good!!! just wanted to ask you if you think there is a big enough differce between the bagseed and the store bought to throw down the bucks? if i do, what would be the lightest smelling one?

thanks kevin:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well all my babies have popped except, 3 bubblicous (if it goes the same way as last time, no more bubblicous!!), and 2 bluemystics, all the other "the growing process has begun!!!", this grow is going to be so exciting, and it will definately be keeping me busy!!! Cutting down my babies tonight, i am kinda sad and dont wanna do it, sigh...... Gonna miss em, guess i will see em in my pipe!! Well i got to water the lot of them (later tonight), but now i will be cutting down my babies, after a little research and alot of smoke!! So it will be a long night.

Can anyone give me some tips on pruning and cutting, or is it just doit?!?!


Well-Known Member
I guess i will write this again for the second time, had written out my whole thing, and unplugged the computer while downloading pics...... grrrrrrrr...

Ahhhhhhhhh I am soooo tired. Well it took a little over 7 hours to cut and prune my 2 plants, i ended up with 3 &1/8 ozs of blueberry, and 5 ozs of bagseed. Drying out the leave too, so i can make some hash. So around how much will i end up with after drying? Watered my babies and all have popped except 1 blue mystic, and its my fault cause it had floated above the soil during watering and i knoticed too late. The harvest is hanging in a dark room with an oscalting fan and a ceiling fan. Pic of my new set up...



Well-Known Member
wow does that look good i cant waitttttttt god but there still filling out like crazy im almost at 8 weeks. but wow have u like quick dryd a nug??? but i love ur setup looks like next time around ur gonna be harvestin lots of buddha haha, thats my plan ive got my 3 mother plants gettin ready. well lemme no how long ur gonna dry it for i dryed my cola nug for 4 days at 67 degrees and 40 % humidity my jorge cerventes book says those are perfect conditions well lemme nooooooooo. how much wet weight did u get from that on baby by the way



Well-Known Member
I guess i will write this again for the second time, had written out my whole thing, and unplugged the computer while downloading pics...... grrrrrrrr...

Ahhhhhhhhh I am soooo tired. Well it took a little over 7 hours to cut and prune my 2 plants, i ended up with 3 &1/8 ozs of blueberry, and 5 ozs of bagseed. Drying out the leave too, so i can make some hash. So around how much will i end up with after drying? Watered my babies and all have popped except 1 blue mystic, and its my fault cause it had floated above the soil during watering and i knoticed too late. The harvest is hanging in a dark room with an oscalting fan and a ceiling fan. Pic of my new set up...
Dude what the hell happened to your door blinds?
Looks like you attacked it or something lol:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well everyone dried and are in jars..... I had 22g of Blueberry and 36g of bagseed, got a smoke report on both, bb is very heady and light high, every about 10 min you feel higher and higher then after about 1 1/2 its steady another 1 1/2 and your ready for another smoke a good 3 hour high, no real smell when grinding, makes you wanna get out and do something taste was excellent with out cure, so i know it will be even better..... the bagseed was a very strong heady, slight body high, kicks right in for about 3 hours, when i grinded the nuggget it was like i had walked in to a forest of evergreen, or Christmas trees the smell is beautiful!!! Really harsh though so i am hoping the cure will correct that. Jared them for different smoke times so i can really taste the cure, the bigger nuggets for longer cures and smaller ones for shorter. Hubby b-day is the 14th of this month, our anniversery is on the 17 and my b-day is on the 24th, so i have cures ready to be open on those days!!!

Smoking you own stuff is the Shinivlebansibasouth!!! BEST I HAVE EVER SMOKED!!!!

2nd Grow!!!
Well i have 3 girls so far, killed 5 boys today, and 10 undetermined!!

3rd Grow!!!
13 of the 15 popped, i replanted the 2 that didnt, no sprout yet, other are growing well, will be giving them the first nutes tomorrow or Wednesday.

Pics on the way!!!



Well-Known Member
wow puff, looking good and yes you will be very happy with the papaya along with the others. glad to hear your smoke report. its always nice to smoke you own..:joint:

and im sure you are not far from making some of your own beans..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
dammmmm im jealous:blsmoke: haha my lil plant i harved i smoked that shit up already haha. wow so the next 2 harvests are gonna be alottttt i see. How many plants did u have last harvest?????
well shit im gonna go smoke some northern lights, o ya can i get a close up maybe of some of ur nugs i wanna seeee them babys:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Definately be making some beans next harvest its boys only, did you see how healthy my guys were, but they had to go this time!!!

wow puff, looking good and yes you will be very happy with the papaya along with the others. glad to hear your smoke report. its always nice to smoke you own..:joint:

and im sure you are not far from making some of your own beans..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I hope i end up with at least 5-10 girls, and i will really come up!!! I only havested 2 plants this time and i harvested another two that were lame and i only used for hash only. I will try to get some close ups, i just have the crappiest 3 pixil camera ever, i will do the microscope trick.....

dammmmm im jealous:blsmoke: haha my lil plant i harved i smoked that shit up already haha. wow so the next 2 harvests are gonna be alottttt i see. How many plants did u have last harvest?????
well shit im gonna go smoke some northern lights, o ya can i get a close up maybe of some of ur nugs i wanna seeee them babys:mrgreen:
