man, weed smokers allways talk shit lol.. i guess thats what we you smoke with 4 people.. all ways one mother fucker that talks shit "dude your high all ready?" or "Dude, you coughin all ready?" stfu and smoke... but everyone here has smoked mid.. im sure alot of us buy it on the reg cause its all we can afford the top line shit.. TRUE alot of you grow top line shit but thats the only reason why you'll smoke it.. everyone in america can't affored 200-400 a o... but the basic shit like mid is set like eveyrone else far as the prices go 5 a gram.. 3 grams 10 bucks.. a dub 20-30... etc etc.. around here WW 47 48 normally go 200 and up.. most idiots pay 400 a o... But I hopefully want be paying 200 a o any more after this summer
didn't mean to offend anyone here with the truth.. just sayin.. loosin up on the other guys smoke cause he's the one tokin it
didn't mean to offend anyone here with the truth.. just sayin.. loosin up on the other guys smoke cause he's the one tokin it