growing in a farmers field good or bad ?


heey everyone i was wondering if growing in a farmers field was a bad idea? im growing about 30 to 40 plants with my best friend and brother i have a 9 acre property all forest therefore no light for growing but at the end of my property there is a farmers field. the farmer usually grows corn and im not worried about the helis because they dont fly over these parts of the county.

i figured that if i was growing about 30 to 40 plants i could clear out spots around the field and group my plants and diffrent strains in about groups of 10. my big problems are would the farmer go out and do stuff to his corn throughout the season ? im not worried about the pirates cuz the area is completley closed in by woods and would the weed grow properly with the corn i figured that the weed would try to compete with the corn for sun but if anyone has advice plz comment thanks alot
well fab i'm going to have to say your wrong. I grew in a farmers cornfield that was about 5-8 acres. Not super large but it was a decent size, and we put the plants really spread out... not in groups of ten. I used to work in a farm and sometimes you would have to tend to them a little bit but barely ever AT ALL. I just planted 14 plants that year in there and spread them out in groups of 2 or so. Its easy to get lost in a cornfield so use some markers that are hidden or something. And definately don't grow in groups over 3.
my property is 9 acres the farmers field is easyly 15 to 20 but if there not near my property they were on the other side how could i get caught ? and when u grew the fifteen in the farmers field how much did u yield of one plant would u say
dude he is talking about growing on someone else property
a farmers field with out permission
farmer could get busted or bust op

well fab i'm going to have to say your wrong. I grew in a farmers cornfield that was about 5-8 acres. Not super large but it was a decent size, and we put the plants really spread out... not in groups of ten. I used to work in a farm and sometimes you would have to tend to them a little bit but barely ever AT ALL. I just planted 14 plants that year in there and spread them out in groups of 2 or so. Its easy to get lost in a cornfield so use some markers that are hidden or something. And definately don't grow in groups over 3.
Plant on your own fucking property! not somone elces wtf you gonna do if he gets popped and you fuck his life up because of your stupidity. if you cant take the heat or responsibility for your own shit you shouldnt be growing at all. get real man, how would you feel if somone did that shit to you.
dude either hes gonna get busted or hes gonna bust you
If your that confident there are no helis then just clear a spot in the forest and plant there
man how could i get busted with no helicopters around my area ?
Just because you don't see many helicopters in your area doesn't mean they won't ever do a flyover. Farmers do check on their crops and often do work that you may not see. Nobody knows your situation better than you. If you feel the risk is minimal and you think it's worth the risk, then go for it. I personally agree with fab and think it's a bad idea, but to each their own.:blsmoke:
It is a great idea. I think that growing in farmers field is good for you if you grow the plants in a group with proper number of plants. My best friend had grew 4-5 plants in group and he got a good benefit from it. So I think that you should grow 4-5 plants in a group. So your idea is good for growing in farmers field.
dont take bad advise man. Its a bad idea. what if, for some reason he, the farmer finds your plants then calls the cops to let them know what he found. then they set you up, they wait for you to come to tend to your plants and bust you. its not good to plant on somone elces property without them knowing, there are too many things that can go wrong. you dont know how closly watched the property is. you cant control the environment around it, or the amount of people on his property. you can do this on your own property.
alright thanks for ure input i just wanted to ask before i got myself into somthing i would fuck up on thanks guys :)
I've been thinking about the same thing... I will feel bad for ruining the farmers crops so if I make enough money i might send him like 1k through the mail with no return adress or something.. Sounds kinda douchy I guess but thats how I roll I guess.
I've been thinking about the same thing... I will feel bad for ruining the farmers crops so if I make enough money i might send him like 1k through the mail with no return adress or something.. Sounds kinda douchy I guess but thats how I roll I guess.

Dude, it's like $2-4 a bushel of corn. He's not loosing a whole lot trust me. But 'm sure he wouldn't complain about the 1k!
If I had 9 acres I sure as fuck wouldn't be trying to grow on someone else's property. Cut down some trees on your property, make two or three plots where the light can get through and grow a couple there. It's as simple as that:weed:
Farmers dont walk into their cornfields when they are grown you will be fine
Really?:-? I know several corn farmers that do walk their fields from time to time. Some have their own small planes and fly over the fields if they have large ones or a lot of them.:eyesmoke: