growing in a farmers field good or bad ?

Are you serious "who would you rather see go to jail?, You or some random guy. wtf. You mean you would actually let that happen.. hope I never get in a bad drug deal with you. Sorry for sounding so rude, but where is your moral compass. This is what gives people that like to smoke or grow a bad name. Good luck Grow happy and have fun

Moral compass? Giving growers and smokers a bad name? You gotta be kidding me dude. Smoking and growing pot is fucking illegal. There is no "code" or "laws" that we follow as growers. The only thing we do is keep our safety and freedom in our best interest as we try and grow our product. When the potential for profit is so huge there are gonna be people growing where ever they possibly can.
I'm glad you don't speak for everyone here, lol... wow ... :roll:

Moral compass? Giving growers and smokers a bad name? You gotta be kidding me dude. Smoking and growing pot is fucking illegal. There is no "code" or "laws" that we follow as growers. The only thing we do is keep our safety and freedom in our best interest as we try and grow our product. When the potential for profit is so huge there are gonna be people growing where ever they possibly can.
Moral compass? Giving growers and smokers a bad name? You gotta be kidding me dude. Smoking and growing pot is fucking illegal. There is no "code" or "laws" that we follow as growers. The only thing we do is keep our safety and freedom in our best interest as we try and grow our product. When the potential for profit is so huge there are gonna be people growing where ever they possibly can.

There is no code we follow. I bet you poll people on here they would tell you different. As for the use of marijuana, the only reason it is illegal is the continuing efforts of lobbiest for the alcohol companies. We all know the benefits of the herb. I personally would never let somebody go down on charges that were caused by me.... but that is called honor. I could not live with myself.
I live on a farm and have my whole life, farmers do not walk through their fields. they might walk around the perimeter or a couple rows in when they are checking for moisture content right before harvest so as long as you plant them more than 10-20 rows in you should be fine. And if they are discovered most will assume it is wild or ditch weed. You might also have problems with the herbicide that is sprayed, most common is 2-4-D which im pretty certain kills mj. Best idea would be to find a place on your land but i think you would be pretty safe in a field.

(I am not condoning or supporting the idea of growing in a farmers field)
far as moral code.. true this is my 1st grow year... but im 100% ok with growing on someones land ***IF*** its somewhere that the land owner can deny knowing..cause i plan on gureilla growing... I know alot of farmers... there morning relaxation after the hard work is done is just walking through there crops.. were not talkin about a farmer who has 10000 acreas of corn here.. were talkin about a guy who has a small 20 acrea farm.. we have a 10 acrea farm.. we walk our crops every year to look for problems/yeilds...

bad idea all together friend
make sure you wait for the farmer to spray his round up on the corn first corn is now round up ready and immune to it they spray the cor to kill weeds they useually spray the corn when its a foot to 18 inches after that the corn canopies and weeds cannot grow i made the mistake of transplanting too early one year and got sprayed..hope this helps!!
oh yeah one more thing hemp at harvest time really sticks out in a corn field kinda like a turd in a punch bowl your plants will be lush green and absolutely everthing around them even horse weeds will be brown as hell
yes, 24D would fry marijuana. atrazine is also very commonly used on corn and that can carry over for years...the carry over would be enough to kill the plant as well.
I agree with the idea of taking down some trees on your own property. Although that would make things more obvious for law enforcement.
If you do end up growing, I wouldn't go with as many as 40 plants. Try 10. 40 plants is quite a lot.
anyway its fine to grow on someones property they will not get in any trouble if the plants are discoverd ! look cops are dicks but are not stupid they will know if its the property owners ornot and if not they will steak the plants out and watch or they have been known to set up trail camras and try to see who is tending them bottom line is just cause its on your property does not make it yours i have personally been throug this myself thr cops found a plant on my property and tried to pin it on me i laughed at them and said good luck with that they will try to get you to confess dont do it even if they catch you red handed hope this helps!
LOL dude are all you guys farmers or something?

my main worry about planting in a corn field is, what if the farmer harvest the corn before you get a chance to harvest your weed!?!?

plant in the guys field. its the same thing as any other guerilla grow.
well if you use a idica strain dominate you will have plenty of time to get your shit out of the field befor the farmer begins harvesting i have a indica strain that starts to show amber trichomes in the 2nd or 3rd week in september even if you go into early october you should be ok
LOL dude are all you guys farmers or somet

my main worry about planting in a corn field is, what if the farmer harvest the corn before you get a chance to harvest your weed!?!?

plant in the guys field. its the same thing as any other guerilla grow.
yeah i am a farmer and the only bad thing bout growin in a corn field is by harvest your shit is still lush green and everything else around is dead and brown your shit could prolly be seen from a comercial air liner from 30000 feet lol
im friends with a farmer....a couple actually....have like 200 acres of woods a 10acre pond and about 500 acres of fields I can plant,fish,hunt,take dogs anything I want and ya here in the mighty midwest ditchweed is VERY common there used to be a like 10 acre field just south of the local airport called *the field of dreams* it was all shwag but man it was just awesome standing in the middle off all of these plants lol so ya most farmers will think its ditch weed expecially if you dont plant it uniform just plant them not in a line or in small groups...try the treeline bordering the feild I dont recomend growing on peoples land without permission but hey if its all you got and you think its safe....go for it just wen you tend them take your dog or something and dont bring anything for growing with you have it stashed out there somewhere *dig a whole put rubbermaid with locking lid in and store your stuff in here and cover up* if they do try to "sting" you you can just be like wtf im just takin my dog for a run I didnt know where the property line was blah blah blah...but be very carefull....the farmer just may be a heavy stoner and take your plants haha
I own a farm also. The land is usually sprayed before the corn is planted also. Usually 2-4-D and Cimmaron. Cimmaron will kill any broadleaf vegatation, including MJ. I would never grow on another man's land. It's just wrong. I've seen responses in this thread from a broad spectrum of people, from straight up guys to boneheads that would most likely rat thier best friend out.
If you're going to do this, at least wait until the corn is too tall to be cultivated. Look around the farmers barn to make sure he doesnt have a highboy. A highboy is a sprayer/cultivating plow tractor thats jacked up really high to drive between the rows without knocking the corn down. If he does'nt have one, wait until it's over 1ft tall so there's no chance it'll be ran over.
Farmers do check thier crops. They also build fences, bushhog around thier fields, and may even grow thier own weed :). We notice things like paths, bent over and cut fences, etc. Make sure your stealthy.
Farmers don't pic field corn until up in November sometimes. Always October or later. But they will chop field corn for insilage starting in September sometimes. Usually around end of September. You'll be able to see a corn picker around his barn somewhere if he picks or a chopper if he chops. If you've lived there awhile, you've probably seen them harvesting and you should know which methods they use. If you see them start harvesting before you have harvested, you better hope for rain bud :) Good luck, but remember, do what you feel is the right thing. You have your own land and you say there's no threat of helis. You have to make a rather large circle in corn to get the right sun for patches of the size your spoke of. Corn can get 10-15ft tall or taller. You'd prolly need a 20ft circle. If a heli does fly over, you're screwed. They'll find the weed, find your paths, set you up, and you know the rest. Good luck!
The people saying that your gonna mess up the farmers life by planting in his field are feeking stupid... you guys are down right retarded... People plant in farmers fields all the time do you really think the cops will , with no evidence hold the farmer responsible? You guys are SERIOUSLY so stupid i have to say it again... Telling someone to plant on their own property carries its own risks and YOU ARE THE GROWER YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.. People are so so stupid on this website and give bad info... Just wow people.. Seriously? give people advice to "not mess up the farmers life" and to " grow on your own property" so you can lead them right too you... wow i think im done with this website for awhile

And im not saying growing in a farmers field is ideal location anyhow,, Every situation has its own ideal cercumstances.. Fields... choppers go directly there to find it. Growing on your own property can be the perfect location for you, but only IF ITS WORKS FOR YOU..