growing in a farmers field good or bad ?

What sort of ethics did you acquire? Oh I see the Eagles...Michael Vick. The farmer could still get into trouble. At best he would have an embarrassing situation on his hands. Don't think for a second they wouldn't raid his house, take all his computers and make his life quite miserable for some time before determining he didn't plant the weed.

As the farmer pointed out the corn field would have been treated prior to planting the corn to kill off "weeds", get it "weeds". So it's not a wise move to grow on his property for that reason alone. To the OP you have land make a clearing in the middle of it. That's your solution. Get chopping. Select a location that doesn't have any standing water. Always seek out the higher ground. The risk and the reward should be all yours. Again to me your solution is simple. I'd be more concerned with how many partners you have in this game.
It is a great idea. I think that growing in farmers field is good for you if you grow the plants in a group with proper number of plants. My best friend had grew 4-5 plants in group and he got a good benefit from it. So I think that you should grow 4-5 plants in a group. So your idea is good for growing in farmers field.

not to be a spiteful person but i hope someone does something that gets you in trouble for something you have nothing to do with and they send your ass to prison, then you might understand why throwing someone else under the bus for your own gains is a bad idea.
The people saying that your gonna mess up the farmers life by planting in his field are feeking stupid... you guys are down right retarded... People plant in farmers fields all the time do you really think the cops will , with no evidence hold the farmer responsible? You guys are SERIOUSLY so stupid i have to say it again... Telling someone to plant on their own property carries its own risks and YOU ARE THE GROWER YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.. People are so so stupid on this website and give bad info... Just wow people.. Seriously? give people advice to "not mess up the farmers life" and to " grow on your own property" so you can lead them right too you... wow i think im done with this website for awhile

And im not saying growing in a farmers field is ideal location anyhow,, Every situation has its own ideal cercumstances.. Fields... choppers go directly there to find it. Growing on your own property can be the perfect location for you, but only IF ITS WORKS FOR YOU..

you are aware that people who drive a car and get pulled over and get busted with any drug goes to jail even if the stuff isnt theirs? you know why? its their property (the car) therefore they are responsible for what goes on in the car. cops dont give a shit who goes to jail as long as they can have it put up on the news.

doing to others what you wouldnt want done to you is not only retarded it's also extremely disrespectful. yes such attitude and behavior does give people involved in the herb a bad name. if anyone ever gets busted for what i do it's me, not someone else. nobody else should even have to be a part of what i'm doing even if they are innocent and know nothing about it. fact is it can give the farmer a major headache and given the slim profit margins farmers make they cant afford to just hire an attorney on a whim to defend themselves of charges that shouldnt be levelled againt them.

fucking other people over is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. there is no getting around this. again would you want this happening to you? your family? your friends? your neighbors? not everyone takes kindly to being treated that way and while i'm not a violent person i refuse to pay for the actions of others and i would find you if possible and bury you in a shallow grave. potentially being sent to prison for something i didnt do to begin with gives me a green light to fuck your life up however i want since you gave little consideration to mine so the consideration or lack thereof will be shown in kind except i'll do whatever i want to you since that's how you roll. right? treat people how ever the hell you please....great way to make LOTS of enemies. some of you arent stoners, you're fucking criminals who should spend a couple decades in a prison cell merely because of your attitude, which oddly enough parallels the mindset of murderers and rapists.
The people saying that your gonna mess up the farmers life by planting in his field are feeking stupid... you guys are down right retarded... People plant in farmers fields all the time do you really think the cops will , with no evidence hold the farmer responsible? You guys are SERIOUSLY so stupid i have to say it again... Telling someone to plant on their own property carries its own risks and YOU ARE THE GROWER YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.. People are so so stupid on this website and give bad info... Just wow people.. Seriously? give people advice to "not mess up the farmers life" and to " grow on your own property" so you can lead them right too you... wow i think im done with this website for awhile

No what is stupid is your response, nice way to make friends, calling everybody stupid. As for leaving, thank you, and good ridance, with an attitude like that I am hoping you don't come back.