SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.


Active Member
Wow..lowering my lights, I tied down the tallest bud in my scrog (on the farthest side , next to wall) and during this fiasco I was digging around the bud jungle and discovered I have a hell of a lot more bud in there than what I thought! yes, i went longer on my nutes than i should,,, but these damn nutes are expensive and are amino acid based... I have enough to finish out my grow (2 more full rez changes) and the plants look like they are ok,, No deficiencies... The Ecosmart organic spray hurt the hell out of some leaves (fried the crap out of em') ,,, I compared it to Ed Rosenthals "zero tolerance" and discovered the Eco was 10x the amount of % oils!... no wonder... so I diluted it and tried it out on a few leaves tonight.... stuff is a bargain diluted....


Active Member
Oils,,, rosemary, clove , cinnamon etc.... lots of companies put this out.sierra, ed rosenthal etc .. the ecosmart was just too concentrated ... I had a few mites... not too bad. the temps never get over 75-77 so they have never really went crazy... one plant (on supercropped side) has has them sporadically since the beginning of the grow... never has shaken them completly... they seem to be gone for a couple weeks after I treat them , then pop back up on the same plant... weird... but like I said, the temps are low and they never have gone crazy.... little fuckers......


Well-Known Member
Ohhh I was like dude, don't do that. Spider mites are viscous little bastards for sure. They multiply exponentially and they do it in a hurry.


Active Member
Oh, no the guessing game! here we go... I got ripped off last time... I should have won!... Legal gave it to a guy with a >"RANGE"< of weight... I beat out everyone using the Old Price is right technique.. I guessed just a little over the last guy.... That shit aint happening this round... :) My girls are taking more water everyday,,, but my ppm are skyrocketing.... Went from 760 to 890 after I light cycle.... the res is a little low (18" out of 32") , I topped it off 5 days ago at 29" and added nutes accordingly... yep, just looked at my books,,, did a complete rez change on the 5th... so I guess its time... (17days) I did add in between, i mixed the nutes in the individual gallons and added around 6 gallons on the 9th....... Rez changes are so much easier now that im using bleach! No need to worry about my tap water, just heat it up and add nutes...... plants are digging 2-4ppm of clorox, I have white roots that are healthy now.... peroxide and benefitial bacteria can kiss my ass! Thx, FATMAN... that guy does know his shit.
HAHA LOL we'll see about that, just remember I already guessed 3.2 so I'll be sticking with that guess. ;)
Maybe this time YOU can have the option of leftover fruitcake or scissors like I did, LOL

In either case both of you are doing well, and congrats on the beautiful grows. :)


Well-Known Member
The scissors are in the mail, I promise!!! I just dropped them off yesterday :(

of course it was post harvest. Let me know what you think of that variety of scissors.


Active Member
The scissors are in the mail, I promise!!! I just dropped them off yesterday :(

of course it was post harvest. Let me know what you think of that variety of scissors.
Lmfao I'm not worried, I'm sure their nice ones. I'd rep you but its not letting me lol


Active Member
Meezy... ... Im going to wait till the last minute and guess never be the first to guess...

Kali Soul

Active Member
Yea frogster rep to u too,props to everyone in this thread. soon im gona upload some pictures of my future scrog. i got chemdogs rite now, for wat i see it looks like its a good strain to scrog. i tryd to FIM them but some came out wrong, but ders hella bud sites everywhere. but yea frog reps to both of ya, we only get better at this. Thats why i do research before anything


Well-Known Member
Have you ever grown Headband before LeagallyFlying I have a couple from reserva privada and I read some places they aren't big yielder's and are fickle with nutrients.


Active Member
I have grown headband before. 707 headband to be exact. The stuff I grew had some pretty big colas but the total yield is "ok" its not the highest yielding but not the lowest either... On the other hand, headband does seem to be a bit sensitive to nutrients. I wouldn't give too much.


Well-Known Member
Yea I just finished a headband grow, hydro, in my green house. Started flowering them at about 18" and got a little over a zip each. I agree a bit sensitive to nutes, I ran them around 600ppm I think. Lots of calyxes compared to other hybrids I've grown. Its more like Train wreck or Casey Jones. Thumb size dried nuggets though. More on the Sativa side. That's how it turned out for me anyway.

Great grow off guys, I'm picking up some good info.


Well-Known Member
Thumb sized? I like forearm sized buds. Hmmm, this is going to be an interesting grow. Won't be until the cycle after the next. I'm vegging endless sky right now. A little sow growing they are.

In addition to headband, I'm also mothering white widow/big bud, northern lights blue, sugar black rose, and channel +. I think I'm most excited about the sugar black rose.


Well-Known Member
I have grown headband before. 707 headband to be exact. The stuff I grew had some pretty big colas but the total yield is "ok" its not the highest yielding but not the lowest either... On the other hand, headband does seem to be a bit sensitive to nutrients. I wouldn't give too much.
I liked your avatar not confirming what I read about Headband, dammit I really wanted to grow Headband but well see. Did you grow the 707 in Soil or Hydro, and if hydro where did you run your PPM's up to during late flowering.