The Cleanest Way To Take A Hit (Solar Hits)


Active Member
I don't know if this has ever been suggested yet, but here goes. You will need a large, powerful magnifying glass, your pipe or bong of choice, some pot and a sunny day. Take your loaded pipe and your magnifying glass outside and find some direct sunlight (the kind that hurts your eyes.) using the magnifying glass, focus a small pinpoint of light on a dry leaf or something and keep focusing it finer and finer till the leaf begins to smoke (it's the same principle as frying ants.) Now you're ready! Get your pipe, and do the same thing, only this time focus the light on the weed in your bowl. Start hitting! This is a favorite method of mine because it uses only photons, so you don't inhale anything but your delicous pot smoke, and it will never run out (as long as the sun is out, that is.) And it makes the hits soooooo smooth. Try it and tell me what you think!!


Well-Known Member
a good ol bong is the best by far
i have never tried that but it sounds awesome and im super psyched to try it


Active Member
It pwns straight up. The most natural way to smoke (and good if you're ever trapped on a desert island;)


Well-Known Member
solar blazing is the shit, except for when you try it by yourself and you have to keep looking at the magnified ray of sun on the bowl which fucks with your eye for like twenty minutes.. I suggest sunglasses 8-).


Well-Known Member
MY favorite smoke is

organic papers
dank chronic
a wood match that you let burn halfway so none of that icky crap on top taste.


solar hits are the shit.....i have a large magnifying glass i bust out every summer..i lover getting up in the morning sitting in the sun and doing solar bong rips......