My Neighbor's House Is For Sale $199k


Well-Known Member
my wife says it's more like 400k.

she is moving them into my indoor grow house until they find somewhere to live. i'm doing my best to try to accept this. i have to move all my stuff out for "a month or two" while they save up some money. :neutral:

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Hate to say it, but a month or two usually ends up to be longer.
Be careful, once they move in they are tenants with as much rights as any other tenant.
Not to say don't do it. I have a couple living in my garage next to my grow, right now.
Hard times are everywhere, seems like.
But no worries,I don't think you'll run out of flowers before that rooms back into fruition!
You might even be able to put up a partition, so you could still run a light or two!

I remember a saying, "A man draws a circle around his family and protects it. A great man draws an even bigger circle!":clap:


Well-Known Member
a gardener stops by every two weeks.

the dude from the bank pops in once in a while to make sure everything is secure.

it's just sitting there, empty.



Well-Known Member
no, we never let them in. they found a nice apartment across town. we keep in touch.
Good call, probably would of been hard to get rid of them. I know I would of been hesitant to leave your garden too. :D

Wish it was 140K, that would be aweome. not bad at all for a piece of cali.


Well-Known Member
Good call, probably would of been hard to get rid of them. I know I would of been hesitant to leave your garden too. :D

Wish it was 140K, that would be aweome. not bad at all for a piece of cali.
i've been meaning to talk to the bank dude when he comes by. it's been to wet out to run out in the backyard and yell over the fence though. i'll try to see if i can get a price range on it. or what's even going on with it. there is no for sale sign out front.


Well-Known Member
If the house is empty & being foreclosed on...It will propably stay emtpy for a while. Then they will put a sign on it...which sucks. Because realtors start showing it. Im in nor Cal. & own my house...But i see signs & Houses empty everywhere... I woulD love to invest in another, BUT THE BANKS ARE MAKING TI IMPOSSIBLE FOR PEOPLE TO GET LOANS! Sucks.


New Member
the bank hasn't even come in yet so it may be a few. it has a nice little shop out back that would make a perfect indoor grow area. it's one of those prefab shop type things. 8 dudes came in and built it in a day. it's wired and insulated with a door and windows. she said i could have it if i could move it. it's probably 15 X 30, maybe a little bigger.
go buy 4 2 ton car jacks and put it on the back of a trailer.. than drag the m-ffer

when done return that shit


Active Member
I wish... Ive been California Dreamin for awhile... This would be a great time to buy it too...

I can just see it now. A couple of Roll it Upers on the same block sharing tip and tricks.

I wish Fdd...I love the idea