Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I am not a preacher,you are free to think anything you like.
It is entirely possible,as i have no proof otherwise and nor does anyone else, that no one exists except for you and that if you died we would all disappear as nothing more than creations of your mind to compensate for your own loneliness:blsmoke:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Genetics is the study of cellular science. It furthers our understanding of how DNA and the genetic make-up of species and can lead to cures for diseases and shape our future.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

This question appears regularly in the question file, so let's take a shot at it.
In nature, living things evolve through changes in their DNA. In an animal like a chicken, DNA from a male sperm cell and a female ovum meet and combine to form a zygote -- the first cell of a new baby chicken. This first cell divides innumerable times to form all of the cells of the complete animal. In any animal, every cell contains exactly the same DNA, and that DNA comes from the zygote.
Chickens evolved from non-chickens through small changes caused by the mixing of male and female DNA or by mutations to the DNA that produced the zygote. These changes and mutations only have an effect at the point where a new zygote is created. That is, two non-chickens mated and the DNA in their new zygote contained the mutation(s) that produced the first true chicken. That one zygote cell divided to produce the first true chicken. Prior to that first true chicken zygote, there were only non-chickens. The zygote cell is the only place where DNA mutations could produce a new animal, and the zygote cell is housed in the chicken's egg. So, the egg must have come first.

wow... great read... even though i did not fully understand what I was reading it was great following your free flowing thought process..


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
WOW.. fantastic read, THANK YOU CC

there are no parallel universes
no ghosts
no spiritual world
no physical world.
no evolution
no creationism

BUT these are all fantastic stories that POINT directly at what IS..

The uncertainty principal is a fantastic sign post into eternity and into what is real..

Dawkins could really contribute on such a higher level if he would learn to accept "GOD"... accept the unknown. and mesh his theories of evolution with the thought of conscious evolution... he is believing his own story..

no need to believe anything, as long as you intention is to get the truth

the end

Well, If you consider the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics and Feynman's two slit experiment we find that particles 'must' follow 'all possible paths'.

while we may not fully understand why, this opens up many posiblities like Einstein said: 'Did god have any choice in the creation of the universe.'

Einstein did not believe god. As Richard Dawkins points out, that poetic statement should read: "Could the universe have begun in any other way?" and 'God does not play dice' should be: "Randomness does not lie at the heart of everything."

But Einstien was wrong on that one. Quantum mechanics proves that random, uncertainties of particals ARE responsible for condition of this and all the other possible parallel universes. LET ME REPEAT THAT: the random uncertain properties of particals LIE AT THE HEART OF OUR KNOWN UNIVERSE.

I personally view this as: Once the physical properties of the chemical elements were decided (by who or what we do not yet know) this universe, and any other parallel to it, are free to 'create' themselves. They represent 'the every possible path' that can be acheived.

We occupy this universe and therefor are concerned with its principles. Thru the small window of the reflected and clouded glory of our present understanding we can marvel at its wonderous implications- none of which require a god person, yet. Meaning: everything we see so far moves forward in time without any need of assistance from a supernatural being. Its matter, evolving, re-creating itself into something new.

There is no reason to believe a supernatural force brought even the big bang into existance, if that is truly the beginning of this universe. It could be a function of any number of previously existing particals reaching a new possible path. As soon as you insist on including an invisible, unprovable god anywhere in the process you close you mind to limitless possiblities.

From Darwin on, we continue to rightfully exclude god from the equation of science and THAT has been responsible for the greatest advancements of modern man.

If you believe in God and shut your mind to this, I can only promise you this: It is only when you break free of this god ceiling in your mind, that the true state of the universe will be apparent. Once you do, you will find yourself reaching the same conclusions of everyone else who studies the universe. It is, in fact, the only way to advance. Science is the study of the natural, not the supernatural.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I am not a preacher,you are free to think anything you like.
It is entirely possible,as i have no proof otherwise and nor does anyone else, that no one exists except for you and that if you died we would all disappear as nothing more than creations of your mind to compensate for your own loneliness:blsmoke:
Word. :):peace::blsmoke:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
From Darwin on, we continue to rightfully exclude god from the equation of science and THAT has been responsible for the greatest advancements of modern man.


I just re-read your post and I found this gem

I would propose that GOD is the uncertainty principal..

I would suggest that GOD is the UNKNOWN that is IN EVERY THEORY

I would suggest, that NOT realizing that this UNKNOWN is god and labeling it otherwise (such as the uncertainty principal) is what gives the illusion of separation.. physical from spiritual, form from formless.

MAN can not exlcude GOD... but he can re label GOD.. he can redifine the UNKNOWN... BUT it is clearly present...

The process that we have taken IS, what it is.. and I am not suggesting that it is wrong.. I am suggesting that the EVOLUTION of MAN is GOD...


MAN evolves consciously (by becoming aware of GOD)... BUY letting go of his theories.. to make space for MORE GOD... and if GOD were included in SCIENCE... the two could work very well together..

God would be defined as the unknown..

That word "GOD" should be abolished.... LOL


Well-Known Member
Dawkins has stated many times that there are things that are unknown such as what is before the big bang, but he has stated that science are working on the things that we consider to be unknown, just as they have done in the past, many things in the past were considered unknown and were often attributed to god. I think it is certainly possible that we might never know what was before the big bang.....but to suppose that was a creator or some supernatural answer would be a leap of faith, you can propose an infinite amount of possibilities such as a simulation, parrealel universes, ect.......but why not just say we don't know but we are working on it, like i said we might never be able to know. But we do have explanations why and how planets form, stars, galaxies and the origin of life and its evolution to the world we see today...........but wahatever happened before the big bang it is very unlikely that is the personal God that has interest in human affairs that most people have faith and devote their lives to.............GK why do we need a new word for the unknown......and I certainely wouldn't call the unknown...god because the modern description of god is that it some supernatural being that is responsible for earths creation and is somehow interested in human beings and on occasion intercedes to grant prayers to humans and requries devotion to god


Active Member
Are you fucking retarded?

The Qu'ran states that Christians are infidels!

"Who does Islam consider an "infidel"? The answer is found in the Qur'an, Surah 5:72 and 73. "Infidels now are they who say, 'God is the Messiah, Son of Mary.' … They surely are Infidels who say, 'God is the third of three.'" You are classified as an "infidel" if you believe that Jesus is God incarnated, that he is the son of Mary and if you believe in the Trinity.
___· How are "infidels" to be treated? Qur'an, Surah 47:4: "When ye encounter the Infidels, strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them and the rest make fast the fetters."
___· Is Islam a "sister faith"? Qur'an. Surah 5:51a: "O ye who believe take not the Jews or the Christians for your friends or protectors. They are but friends and protectors of each other."
___ · Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God but by different names? Definitely not! One of the many differences is seen in how these gods instruct their followers to treat those with whom they differ."

Source - COMMENTARY: Take a broader look at Islam and the Qu'ran

Strike off thier heads??

BAAHAHAAH, that just somes up the queeran too easily. As if the supreme would state something like that, "infidels" or the like will be dealt with thru the universal law of karma, so if you want to go and suicide bomb or cut off peoples heads for THIER actions, then YOUR actions (for whatever reasons) will be dealt with accordingly.

The Christian bible has similar shit in it too in the old testement go forth and slaughter this village or that, spare no woman or child, and blah blah blah, cmon you religious nuts, AS IF the supreme would state something like that, its hypocrisy and downright evil.

What you Christian and Muslim nutters are forgetting is that the books were written by MAN, that's right MAN. All men a fallible, inspired or not. Even Jesus suposedly lost his temper on an occasion or two, so get your brainwashed, shit covered heads out of your asses and see the light. Morons.

Of coarse we have all come from some supreme force, thats what connects us all and makes our spirits eternal. "God" is just mans name for it. There aint no way I believe we were randomly mutated from dirt, but that doesnt mean I don't believe in evolution either, they both go hand in hand to some degree. Both sides are provable if you are willing to see it.

Peace out my brothers :blsmoke:


New Member
Evolution is the truth... it is witnessable in the deepest of our oceans...

New life forms come into being all the time.

Essentially all life on this planet came from a single living thing. This is your god... or maybe not. Although this life-form is the ancestor of all life on this planet... there is still the birth of the planet to consider. When all the various pieces of rock and debris collided together to form the planet, maybge this is your god... or maybe not. Although the birth of this planet is the predecessor to all life on this planet... there is still the birth of the universe to consider, maybe the big bang is your god.

Either way they are all 'gods' as they form some type of catalyst to the world we live on today.

karma too, is not some extraneous force. It is a force of right and wrong that resides within us... and it will give you pain if you don't 'ask for forgiveness'... of course the person you are asking forgiveness from is yourself. If you do not or can not forgive yourself then your guilt will cause you much pain... could even be strong enough to kill you.

The time of magic and spirits should be vanquished forever... to a memory, similar to mocking fashions from the 70's.


New Member
Has anyone seen Blaze? The last I heard from him, he was having a urine test and I think he failed.

I hope he is ok???? I like the dude:)

Blaze where are you????????????


Well-Known Member
Evolution is the truth... it is witnessable in the deepest of our oceans...

New life forms come into being all the time.

Essentially all life on this planet came from a single living thing. This is your god... or maybe not. Although this life-form is the ancestor of all life on this planet... there is still the birth of the planet to consider. When all the various pieces of rock and debris collided together to form the planet, maybge this is your god... or maybe not. Although the birth of this planet is the predecessor to all life on this planet... there is still the birth of the universe to consider, maybe the big bang is your god.

Either way they are all 'gods' as they form some type of catalyst to the world we live on today.

karma too, is not some extraneous force. It is a force of right and wrong that resides within us... and it will give you pain if you don't 'ask for forgiveness'... of course the person you are asking forgiveness from is yourself. If you do not or can not forgive yourself then your guilt will cause you much pain... could even be strong enough to kill you.

The time of magic and spirits should be vanquished forever... to a memory, similar to mocking fashions from the 70's.
Great post. It's good to know there are other intelligent people out there who aren't fooled by this simple world.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I don' think evolution can be witnessed.. the only thing that can be witnessed is THE NOW.. not even time can be witnessed.. yet there is plenty of eveidence that time exists.. and plenty of eveidence that evolution exists.. but I don;t belive it can be witnessed..

This is VITAL when searching for the truth...

WITHOUT awareness of GOD, is evolution possible? Is it possible to evolve with consciousness? Is evolution and automated process.. or is evolution only possible through CONSCIOUSNESS?



Well-Known Member
I don' think evolution can be witnessed.. the only thing that can be witnessed is THE NOW.. not even time can be witnessed.. yet there is plenty of eveidence that time exists.. and plenty of eveidence that evolution exists.. but I don;t belive it can be witnessed..

This is VITAL when searching for the truth...
What are you talking about?? It would be ignorant to assume that evolution can't be witnessed. Actually, it baffles me that someone would claim that on a marijuana GROWING website, of all things. You can sit and watch your plants grow...that's witnessing evolution.

Garden Knowm said:
WITHOUT awareness of GOD, is evolution possible? Is it possible to evolve with consciousness? Is evolution and automated process.. or is evolution only possible through CONSCIOUSNESS?

Again...what??? How does being aware of a fictional being have anything to do with evolution?

Is it possible to evolve with consciousness? Heh. I don't think you understand consciousness very well. Consciousness is actually quite illusory. When our organic body's are working properly (i.e. sight, smell, taste, feel, hear, and most of all MEMORY, etc) it seems to bring up this illusion that it has created something, some form of 'consciousness' inside of our heads. Just because your body can remember its past, doesn't mean there's a 'YOU' inside there that has been there for the whole trip. Your body is simply working as intended...and seeing as how sight doesn't give you vision of your insides, or how your nerves or signals are being sent...it doesn't surprise me that it created a 'consciousness' ideology.

So no, it is not only possible to view evolution through consciousness. Because consciousness is an illusion. Evolution is ultimately witnessed by memory.

love you too

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
What are you talking about?? It would be ignorant to assume that evolution can't be witnessed.

IS this true? What do you know that makes what I say IGNORANT? Why even bringme into the argument.. do the words I type effect YOU? If you were in the present, my words could not effect you? So if you are not in the present, where are you?

You can sit and watch your plants grow...that's witnessing evolution.

Are you sure you can watch your plants grow.. or do you JUST think you can watch them grow? Do you know the difference between EXPERIENCE and THINKING?

It is actually impossible to watch growth.. it is possible however to compare thought...

This does not make sense to people who are trapped in thought.. People who are trapped in thought,. don't actually know they are trapped in thought and therefore can not tell the difference between Observation/experience and thought...

ONE can ONLY see NOW.. it is impossible to see the past or the future.... BUT MEMORIES cloud this UNFATHOMABLE perception (of the now) ..... the perception is further clouded by assessment of analysis...

Again...what??? How does being aware of a fictional being have anything to do with evolution? -

you call it fictional because that is what you have made of it... accept that you do not know what god is.. and allow the unknown to permeate your life... scary.. cause then you'd have to give up the you.. the you that has to be RIGHT.. the you that has to be correct... i am not asking you to believe in GOd.. I myself don;t believe in God.... I am saying that you can experience LOVE once you give up "your story"

love you too



Well-Known Member
IS this true? What do you know that makes what I say IGNORANT? Why even bringme into the argument.. do the words I type effect YOU? If you were in the present, my words could not effect you? So if you are not in the present, where are you?

I didn't actually call you out on the argument. I said, "It would be ignorant to assume you can't witness evolution" But I can see now that it will just turn into a game of semantics on what you consider 'Witness'. Yes the words you type affect me. Because we're in a day and age where the words you type can be seen by me, even if it is at a different PRESENT time than when you typed it. This whole world impacts itself. Our world is nothing more than a string of reactions. Everything you've ever done in your life has been a reaction of your DNA with the environment around you. It's the same for everyone. Yes I realize what I'm saying means a lot. I could go all day about it, but it's pointless. Once you realize everything is a reaction, it all boils down to the same thing.

And what are you talking about with the, "If you're not in the present, where are you?" Everyone is in the present.

Are you sure you can watch your plants grow.. or do you JUST think you can watch them grow? Do you know the difference between EXPERIENCE and THINKING?

What is your logic behind not being able to watch a plant grow? That if you were, for some reason, to sit and stare at a plant for 30 hours straight, that you wouldn't be able to actually see its growth. You would only be comparing it to previous times you've seen it? Again with the semantics. This reminds me of the shit religious people pull when they say, "A day could be anything!" in regards to how fast God supposedly created the earth. A day represents something...24 hours. Just like witnessing represents something. I realize that by 'witnessing' something, you're merely just seeing the present over and over and over again and comparing them...but that's just what witnessing is...you can't deny that.

It is actually impossible to watch growth.. it is possible however to compare thought...

Same thing...

This does not make sense to people who are trapped in thought.. People who are trapped in thought,. don't actually know they are trapped in thought and therefore can not tell the difference between Observation/experience and thought...

Everyone is trapped in thought. Everyone is trapped by their reactions. It is inescapable. Every single action you or anyone else has ever made in their entire life, was set in stone. Not that there is a being knowledgeable enough to foretell it. But, everything impacts everything else, and via constant reactions everything occurs. Think about when you make a decision. How much of that decision do you REALLY think you made? Did you send the brain signals personally? No. All you did was react your way into a situation, and react your way out. So therefore any "observation" or "experience" you feel you may have had was simply a different reaction.

ONE can ONLY see NOW.. it is impossible to see the past or the future.... BUT MEMORIES cloud this UNFATHOMABLE perception (of the now) ..... the perception is further clouded by assessment of analysis...

I don't think anyone would argue this...What's your take on movies though? Do you think watching a movie is not a way of watching the past?

you call it fictional because that is what you have made of it... accept that you do not know what god is.. and allow the unknown to permeate your life... scary.. cause then you'd have to give up the you.. the you that has to be RIGHT.. the you that has to be correct... i am not asking you to believe in GOd.. I myself don;t believe in God.... I am saying that you can experience LOVE once you give up "your story"

It really depends what you're considering to be God. If you're speaking of ANY of the current religions higher powers...Yes...that is what I've made it and I know whole heartedly that it is bullshit. Whether or not there is a higher power out there though, I don't know. This universe is so vast that anything seems possible.

I also don't understand how one can let the unknown permeate through their life. When I analyze this paragraph, I think, "Okay. He's basically saying, "Accept that you aren't always right. Learn to just be" But that is impossible to follow. No one can not think they're right when they think they're right. You can't just be without trying to be and thinking its right.

No matter how you act, that's acting with intent and because that's how you feel you should act. It's impossible to escape yourself. I have stopped caring whether I live or die for two years, so trust me I've given up "my story". I realize that I'm just another life form on one of billions of planets, with a set DNA and environment that will create a 'life' or 'reality' for me. People rave about happiness, but I guarantee you can't remember 98% of the shit that's given you happiness in your life. Happiness is gone and replaced before you can enjoy it;)

love you too